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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Tactics in 1.2?


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Yesterday i tested only Assualt tree and was damn upset! It's just... boring now without those spikes :) You just run and die much faster dealing less damage.


I know some of you ran Tactics earlier, just like i did. If you tried it after 1.2, share your experience plz, it will be very interesting for disappointed Assault Specialists ;)

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Been doing pretty well with it, miss storm but HtL works pretty good as a gap closer. 5x PC is pretty wicked just took a bit to find the best use for it in a heated battle. The AOE damage you can put out is pretty crazy when you're surrounded.
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I am currently trying tactics. i did some duells to test the new impulse generator.


its broken!


neither does it slow your opponents by 70% (nothing at all) nor does it increase the damage by 50%. you get the stacks but they do not affect impulse cannon at all.


how the hell could this go live after months of testing this?

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Huh wierd, crit some guy for almost 2k each tick in a warzone earlier last night.


He wasn't that geared but I don't think I could hit those numbers without the 50% buff

( this was with power adrenal and trinket of course ). So unless this is something to do with the patch the day after I dunno what to say about PG issues.


I went from 460k ish being my highest for voidstar to 572ish when I was doing all that so I'm kinda skeptical.



this is mine, but if they do not fix pulse genrator i am going back to iron fist like build.




running it with ion cell of course.


So you're running full tactics with Ion?


It'd be like them to link pulse generator to HEC and not tell anyone. You tried turning HEC and seeing if there's a difference?


Honestly don't get how people stand moving at normal speed anyhow, ion cell doesn't really seem that worth it.

Edited by TehMerc
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Huh wierd, crit some guy for almost 2k each tick in a warzone earlier last night.


He wasn't that geared but I don't think I could hit those numbers without the 50% buff

( this was with power adrenal and trinket of course ). So unless this is something to do with the patch the day after I dunno what to say about PG issues.[/quote)

sure you can. i did around 10 duells to test it. and i have a bunch of others confirming my tests. 5 stacks does NOT increase damage at all, neither does it slow the targets


So you're running full tactics with Ion?

of course! 5% increased elemental damage is a joke compared to ion cell.

It'd be like them to link pulse generator to HEC and not tell anyone. You tried turning HEC and seeing if there's a difference?

hmm, actually i tryed it but am not sure what the effect was. i think i still didn't got the 5 stacks damage increase. but am not sure about the slow.


Honestly don't get how people stand moving at normal speed anyhow, ion cell doesn't really seem that worth it.

before the patch it was the best we had. the difference in survivability is big, far bigger than the increase in damage of the other cells, whil HEC being the most worthless one anyway.


with 1.2 you can't use it with asault anymore which alone in my opinion made assault quite worthless in pvp. sure, as long as you fight 1on1 or even 1on2 it doesn't matter much, but on my server i am quite attractive to the opponents ;)

playing without ion cell makes me die in 1-3s. am not joking! i am not healable.

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of course! 5% increased elemental damage is a joke compared to ion cell.


8% increased elemental and internal damage, if you pick up the talents that matter. Along with the increased ammo regen you can typically keep an ammo intensive rotation going on a healer longer, more pressure on healers is always better. I always like to think of it as one way to negate the 10% reduced elemental/internal damage sorcerer buff.


Anyways just to be sure again, you are remembering that pulse cannon is broken into 4 ticks now instead of 3 right?


I'll have to test it later in the day but using the new damage parsers pulse cannon was still leading in damage so I dunno.

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8% increased elemental and internal damage, if you pick up the talents that matter.

actually i forgot about the additional 3%.

Along with the increased ammo regen you can typically keep an ammo intensive rotation going on a healer longer, more pressure on healers is always better. I always like to think of it as one way to negate the 10% reduced elemental/internal damage sorcerer buff.

it is still a joke compared to the gain of ion cell in my opinion, well at least it was pre 1.2 as now mitigation seems borken overall.


Anyways just to be sure again, you are remembering that pulse cannon is broken into 4 ticks now instead of 3 right?

no, but it doesn't matter at all. i tested it with and without 5 stacks and got no damage difference at all.


pre 1.2 i didn't played full tactics.


as vanguard i can't play any warzone without ion cell. i am usually one of the guys getting focused. playing without ion cell makes me useless as of dying in a few seconds even with heal support. ion cell is for me a must have to being able to get some heals through.


vanguard is a close quarter fighter, so you can't avoid damage like a range dd.


if you are not as often as me the main target of the opposing team i can understand though why you skip ion cell. 1on1 or even 1on2 it's not that great.

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per 1.2 specd as assault i would pop adrenals and battle focus and do 1.7 - 1.8k crits with each tick of pulse cannon....


1.2 specd as Tactics i would get nowhere near that...1.5k crits...i was expecting 2.5k+ each tick with the 50% buff..



it isnt working as intended at least on my toon and on my server... so i switched back to assault and die lighting fast like everyone else.

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I gave up pretty quickly with Tactics. It was too much setting up aoe's that were rarely pulled off. Hated not having storm. I really like hamstring, though. Can't have it all.


tactics isnt about aoe, its all about flame pulse, ion pulse, stock strike and gut. the extra aoe and snare from pulse generator is more of a bonus not central to the tree.


Tactics in 1.2 is the only way to play imo, you just need to use ion cell not high energy cell.


10/31/0 is the way to go imo.

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I agree with ion cell, tried a few builds in pvp and I melt far too quickly with any other cell running, so its just a given. Even still I seem to die faster than 1.2 but thats due to overall changes affecting everyone (or a bug!).


Shields with some assault for the missle and I seem to do alright. But yea, to me theres no point running anything but run ion cell or might as well play a commando since the tankiness aspect to the class seems non-existent.

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I tried a couple of fights on wz with the Tactics... The feeling is just the same i played before the patch. Too melee, too squishy, too stable dps. Tactics total damage is high enough but practically i don't see a role for him except healer asspain. BUT if you focus a healer, be ready for some monkey charges from different sides.


Telling the truth, Assault is still fine but having our healers so little of profit, i think it's time to change for a build with ioncell.


So as *********** sorcs got their crazy damage, vanguards will have the hardest time now. We are melee class almost but don't have charge in pure dps builds. Harpoon has too long CD, so it's far from usefull. The only build that would be nice is a tactics with ion perhaps. But the damage will be even worse.


Earlier i had a pocket healer with AS build and we tore everything together. But now it just doesn't work anymore. He can't save himself even, saying nothing about both of us.


So, i found my BM commando and had some nice matches crushing all the damn sorcs, snipers and other range sh**. Still feel a piece of meat in melee but can stand it watching 5800 crits with Demo :)

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if you are not as often as me the main target of the opposing team i can understand though why you skip ion cell. 1on1 or even 1on2 it's not that great.



Oh plenty, people hate it when you screw with their healers instead of attacking the guy with 1 light saber and heavy armor.


If you play tactics it's all about kiting melee to survive. We've got ranged abilities for a reason, use em well and ion cell is pretty moot. Outside of that, multiple ranged players ganging up on you is always going to be an uphill battle unless you have something to LoS with, just the way that goes.


The longer you prolong your life with kiting the better HEC gets, can't just stand there and take people bashing on you and expect to win out without support, use everything you have at your disposal.

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i totally agree, kiting is the key. though it may sound stupid but how do you kite with hec? with 1.2 you have the slow on gut for 6s but before?


i wasn't tactics prior 1.2 so maybe i miss something.


anyhow, if you feel fine without ion cell so be it. i feel better with it. i do not miss the 8% dmg not even a bit but i feel the difference in survivability a lot not having ion cell.


though, as i mentioned currently mitigation seems to be broken anyway.

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Ive been trying out the new and "improved" tactics tree aswell. Didnt know about the 3 to 4 ticks change on pulse cannon though - wich does explain some of the lower dmg output.


I was able to crit for up to 3k per tick pre 1.2. Sofar it seems to be around 1500 tops per tick.


The slow does not seem to function properly, and thus making pulse cannon worse then before 1.2 because of the needed 4 ticks instead of 3.


I run with Ion Cell aswell for added utility ( Guard ) and survivability.


Brainstormed a couple of builds, still a work in progress - heres a link to one of my previous post's though. Wouldent mind some proper feedback from the rest of you.



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Stacks are not slowing. Don't know about immunity to interrupt. Damage is not easy to tell especially if we are only looking at PvP environment.


I have experienced instances where I felt I caught one (or more) people in the blast only to have them take no damage.


Somehow middle tree feels worse than it did 1.2.

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Stacks are not slowing. Don't know about immunity to interrupt. Damage is not easy to tell especially if we are only looking at PvP environment.


I have experienced instances where I felt I caught one (or more) people in the blast only to have them take no damage.


Somehow middle tree feels worse than it did 1.2.


damage is quite easy and reliable to messure if you ask a friend for a duell. the variation in damage per tick is very low. that's how i did it.


i have no damage increase with 5 stacks.

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playing in tactics with combat tech champ armor atm running with ironcell, is a vast improvement on IF up until they fix the mitigations crap.Granted the slows dots are not working but its better than nothing, which is what IF brings at the current state of play in 1.2 until they fix mits.


When/if they fix the tank spec i'll jump back to IF in a heartbeat.

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i tested it now with all 3 cells, and not even with HEC it applies the increased damage with 5 stacks nor its slow. pulse generators stack are simply not working at all for me.


it is a totally broken talent.


Neither is the 15% run speed increase with HEC. The move speed Reduction with a 5 stack does not work. The damage increase is questionable though. I don't notice much diff between a 3 and a 5 stack. That said, therr is difference with no stacks. Hamstring snare works. Otherwise the rest of the tree isn't much diff. I still get knocked back or stunned with PG, even with HtL, which I know it doesn't protect against, but once you use a good PG a few times, the just save their cc for you. I will say though..,. I almost never run out of ammo lol

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