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Merc Healer

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I've read the brilliant healer guide on here, but was wondering if anyone had some good advice for merc bodyguards now that 1.2 is live?


I've realized that I wasn't playing as efficiently as I could have been before so I appreciate any tips/help on ability usage and order.


Or should I re-spec?


My bounty hunter is level 48 if that matters, and I have not played much PVP but I'm hoping to get into it a bit more. I'm just looking at improving my efficiency in this class now that the changes have occurred. Thanks. :)

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the 1,2 hit us hard but could be worse...


The best advice I can give you (atm played around 17-19 warzones) : dont heal the guy who is gonna die anyway and isnt focused on objective. The heat you got from healing him will be burden when you need the right guy who know what to do....

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I'll keep that in mind. It doesn't seem to be as bad as I thought it would be. The heat does seem to build up more quickly. Healing scan seems to take forever, lol, maybe it's just me but it seems longer for some reason and definitely doesn't do much damage. It all depends on who's hitting me. One on one, I actually handled my own. 4 on me, and I went down pretty quickly, but I did before 1.2.


It's definitely about fine tuning your skill to play. Making sure your charges are built up and everything's ready to go. I'm doing about the same as I was doing before the patch, but this time I am using the tactics mentioned in the guide.

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As a full BM healer pre patch who gets 13-20 medals after 1.2 every game, my advice is to respec lol. Not that you're not useful anymore after 1.2 i still come top 3 in medals every game... just that you'll serve the team better as a dps. it's just honest advice cuz that's what i'm going to do.
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Having some healers always serves the team better, but if healing is made less than fun to do and more of a unrewarded chore, then the lack of healers will show it soon enough.


When I played RIFT many healing archtypes prefered to go dps/tanks for PVP and there was always a lot of whining about why they did not spec heals for PVP. Switching specs was so easy there, so primary tank/dps types experienced healer archtypes reluctance to go heals as a personal grief against themselves, not as a sign of issues with PVP healing or even their own teamwork.

At specific hours when the player base was more moronic than usual, I got tired of covering everyone elses assets in heals and die immediately myself. I just love dps screaming for heals and saying noone ever heals, when they do not do a thing to prevent the opposition killing the healer on sight. Instead I went pew pew those hours.


I can already see it happen here - constant whines about lack of healers and that those with heal/dps specializations goes pure dps -- or rerolled the mint class of the day -- and that they owe it to the world to bring heals.


But if healing for a class is not a rewarding experience, do not expect to find the class in PVP much in that role. Or in PVE for the matter.

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Having some healers always serves the team better, but if healing is made less than fun to do and more of a unrewarded chore, then the lack of healers will show it soon enough.


When I played RIFT many healing archtypes prefered to go dps/tanks for PVP and there was always a lot of whining about why they did not spec heals for PVP. Switching specs was so easy there, so primary tank/dps types experienced healer archtypes reluctance to go heals as a personal grief against themselves, not as a sign of issues with PVP healing or even their own teamwork.

At specific hours when the player base was more moronic than usual, I got tired of covering everyone elses assets in heals and die immediately myself. I just love dps screaming for heals and saying noone ever heals, when they do not do a thing to prevent the opposition killing the healer on sight. Instead I went pew pew those hours.


I can already see it happen here - constant whines about lack of healers and that those with heal/dps specializations goes pure dps -- or rerolled the mint class of the day -- and that they owe it to the world to bring heals.


But if healing for a class is not a rewarding experience, do not expect to find the class in PVP much in that role. Or in PVE for the matter.


This is unfortunately not the case anymore, a team of 8 fully geared dps now rules the wzs. Healing is way behind on the dps output of good team vs good team.

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This is unfortunately not the case anymore, a team of 8 fully geared dps now rules the wzs. Healing is way behind on the dps output of good team vs good team.


Yeah, you are right, I tried going against one of those yesterday and got pew pewed to death with the rest over and over and over.


I'll rephrase it to "some healing used to be better than dps"... sadly not anymore, and that is a balance issue, since heals is not really a favored role for someone who can make bigger numbers as a dps. It is all about the bigger... numbers. Right :rolleyes:

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I have to say that adustmets were all i needed to really keep the healing we will say "up" near where it used to be, some of my scans dont seem to be doing as much as they used to be but oh well.... ill deal with that more when it comes down to it the biggest thing is the higher heat, ive been talking to a few BH Healers on my server and we have all agreed it wasnt as bad as they made it look on the patch notes. I really do see a few people leaving so who knows if they are going to readjust them again... untill then you just need to find a good healer vs a fresh healer archetype player and you will be fine!
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Well, just tried the Tyrant level 49 quest (thus, always something?) on my own...let's just say that I could NOT heal myself faster than they could kill me. Even with Mako and my shield on, kolto on, etc. Everything was on. lol. I actually filed a bug report as some of my heals did nothing but add heat. Do heals have a fail roll now?


I found it was far better to dps the crap out of stuff and kill it faster than rely on healing.


So, I will be respec'ing.


Any recommendations?

Edited by americanaussie
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My advice, take Kolto Shell off your main cast bar. Take it out of your rotation. Use Kolto Missle more, keep that Kolto Residue on your targets. Use Rapid Scan when it's up to decrease the cost of Healing Scan. Don't spam Healing Scan, but use Rapid Shots instead while waiting that one GCD for Kolto Missle to come back up. Keep your heat below 50%. If your team is geared right, you will keep them alive long enough for them to get out of combat and use their OOC Regen ability.


Don't try to be the hero, just keep alive who you can. Triage.

Edited by Feran_Feitwo
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Well, just tried the Tyrant level 49 quest (thus, always something?) on my own...let's just say that I could NOT heal myself faster than they could kill me. Even with Mako and my shield on, kolto on, etc. Everything was on. lol. I actually filed a bug report as some of my heals did nothing but add heat. Do heals have a fail roll now?


I found it was far better to dps the crap out of stuff and kill it faster than rely on healing.


So, I will be respec'ing.


Any recommendations?


If you're Bodyguard, you should be using Blizz to tank for you. Give him some Shield, Absorb, and defense armor @ par level. Preferably blue gear, purple if you can afford/make it. Even pre-1.2 it was hard enough to beat some quests if you were having to constantly heal yourself.

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My advice, take Kolto Shell off your main cast bar. Take it out of your rotation. Use Kolto Missle more, keep that Kolto Residue on your targets. Use Rapid Scan when it's up to decrease the cost of Healing Scan. Don't spam Healing Scan, but use Rapid Shots instead while waiting that one GCD for Kolto Missle to come back up. Keep your heat below 50%. If your team is geared right, you will keep them alive long enough for them to get out of combat and use their OOC Regen ability.


Don't try to be the hero, just keep alive who you can. Triage.


You accidentally mixed the two up ;)


This is a great thread, hopefully we'll get some more input. I personally have done only 3 WZ's since 1.2, and for some reason they feel more chaotic. I'm definitely dying nearly twice as much as I was before, and last night I was outhealed by a level 30 sorc... It was embarrassing as a level 41. Guess we're just going to have to live with being perpetually hamstrung until the devs realize that we can't continue like this.

Edited by Gannar
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You accidentally mixed the two up ;)


This is a great thread, hopefully we'll get some more input. I personally have done only 3 WZ's since 1.2, and for some reason they feel more chaotic. I'm definitely dying nearly twice as much as I was before, and last night I was outhealed by a level 30 sorc... It was embarrassing as a level 41. Guess we're just going to have to live with being perpetually hamstrung until the devs realize that we can't continue like this.


You mean I had it right the first time, until I switched them around?!?!?




Oh... and it was nice of Bioware to completely kill our ability to be any type of pressure healer, and leave Sages and Sorcs intact, wasn't it? :rolleyes:

Edited by Feran_Feitwo
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If you're Bodyguard, you should be using Blizz to tank for you. Give him some Shield, Absorb, and defense armor @ par level. Preferably blue gear, purple if you can afford/make it. Even pre-1.2 it was hard enough to beat some quests if you were having to constantly heal yourself.


I'll get Blizz's gear more up to par. I have been keeping up with it but I'll see if I can get some more purple or orange stuff and put some good mods in. I did try him before and he made no difference to Torian aka died just as quickly.

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This is unfortunately not the case anymore, a team of 8 fully geared dps now rules the wzs. Healing is way behind on the dps output of good team vs good team.


MMmm.. 35+ warzones in 1.2 now and top DMG has yet to pass my healing numbers.. most of the time I am 100k over the top DPSer.


We are still great healers, I dont see what any of the QQ is about personally.

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MMmm.. 35+ warzones in 1.2 now and top DMG has yet to pass my healing numbers.. most of the time I am 100k over the top DPSer.


We are still great healers, I dont see what any of the QQ is about personally.


I'm new to BH and was planning on healing. I'm well aware of people who are bad complaining on the forums (read: concealment operatives). Please post some screens or videos of your gameplay.

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I'm new to BH and was planning on healing. I'm well aware of people who are bad complaining on the forums (read: concealment operatives). Please post some screens or videos of your gameplay.



PVP I did not notice too much of a nerf, honestly. I felt it much more in PVE for some reason.


I'll be honest, I've asked around, asked the boards, and most people I spoke to said to respec to pyro or arsenal. I took their advice after face planting in PVE so many times on my own that it was embarrassing.


I went pyro, joined my group who I normally heal, and it went amazingly. It was so much fun. We killed stuff far more quickly and very rarely did I even need to contemplate healing. It just wasn't necessary when you kill stuff quickly. We did not even have any trouble with elites.


It's up to you what you want to do. If you enjoy healing then heal. If you find that the healing is no longer fun to play, then respec.


Here's the build I switched to this evening. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#300MzZMckZMIrbzGGMs.1

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