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Another Downtime tonight 13 April ***


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But why on a Friday night, 5PM to 9 PM local time is not a good way to maintain a happy customer base?


Please change your major patch night from Thursday so the Oceanic timezone don't also lose Friday night primetime as well with Emergency patches. Patching content on a Tuesday so we lose the occassional Wednesday I can live with.


Honestly if the time aint good for you changing it wont change a thing just move the unsatisfied player to another time zone.

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I can't help but wonder if by simplifying maintenance schedules for their teams they opened a can of worms customer service wise.


Blizzards method of keeping USA, European and Asia-pacific servers separate with their own times for maintenance kept many a player happy.

However many people I know would have loved to be able to play with friends in the states without first paying blizzard for another account >.>;


Most of all, I was able to raid last night..... smoothly, without errors or disconnects on a MAJOR patch day... this a HUGE success, one that blizzard never pulled off at any point during vanilla.


However, for those who are "relatively" new to MMO's downtime like this is super common.

There were days when we would have days of playtime refunded because on patch day we couldn't get into molten core due to the servers crashing every 5 minutes.


This is pretty smooth sailing, and having obtained an extra 30 days for free i'm in no position to complain even if this does eat into my time. I will simply head over to the SC2 ladders during this downtime.


Be happy! be positive.... Bioware are FIXING the game for us.


Exactly... BUT, has Bioware yet to refund anyone? No lol. And I'm pretty sure people have experienced a LOT of bugs wrecking their playing experience (I know I have) with WoW (and no I'm not a fan boy defending them, just stating facts) at least I got $$$ back for my play experience being wrecked, or not being able to play at all, something I cannot say for BW.

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But thats just the thing, it really isn't a tall order. Its pretty standard amongst all international services and countries these days, in any other industry, to cater towards the timezones they service. Be this by one department catering towards multiple timezones, or several smaller regional departments being set up.


It is if it's an...hmmm...afterthought. Had they set it up regionally from the get go, be different but, for whatever reason, they did not. I agree that it's standard and I'm not defending that it wasn't a great idea to go with one global client. I think it was a mistake.


Its really not that hard to keep the three server instances running SW:TOR up with a later or earlier version then the US ones, and then updating at a convenient time. The belief that it's the way it is and thus we just have to let it be isn't right. People should be annoyed at this, and make themselves heard. There really is not excuse for Bioware/EA to treat everyone different based on locale.


I have no problem at all with people expressing their discontent or being upset by it. Every durned time maint. occurs it's in my prime time. I'm not lovin' it either. I do think that they goofed on their decision but making a change now isn't as easy as some would like to think it is.

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People who are writing stop complaning, probably living in US. Well how about if maintanance will start 12 hours later, are you guys still able to say stop being mad? Of course not! I dont mind weekly maintanance. But 2 days in a row and middle of evening? Thats more than sucks! SW:TOR should have handled that maintanence time difference before releasing legacy patch! If we cannot able to play during day time, than how can bioware expect to earn money from us?
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Dont complain, the downtime is to fix issues with the latest patch.


Id rather play without bugs than with them.


Well my experience of the patch was that I lost over 1200 warzone commendations as I had 650 merc comms which I bought at 3 wz coms for 1 merc and can now only trade them back at 1 for 1.


Secondly I am a cybertech and made several speeders to sell on the AH as was well advertised before the patch that they would become tradeable.When I put them on the AH it took my money and kept them on the AH but no one could see them and there was nothing displayed in the mount catagory.


Thirdly my endurance and cunning as a gunslinger with all buffs on me was reduced by around 40 points each with no menetion of this in any patch note and as a consequence my warzone damage was reduced about 15-20%.


Fourthly I had 750 champion commendations and these being now useless I had to click 1500 times to buy and open small credit boxes to turn these in.


Overall a complete disaster of a patch with so many easily avoidable mistakes and its no surprise to see a new 4 hour downtime now underway.

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SWTOR is supposed to be a contender against wow.... look how they do the little things BW (like patch times) and you will be on the right track. Thing is, they have 3 server batches, US, EU, Asia (or something), not hard to start them off at different times so that they don't inconvenience the majority in the server time zones.


on that point... we have got separate us asia and euro servers so i dont see why all servers must go down at once.....


well i can imagine....


simply our buddies at bioware do not want to work at night time, poor little souls... i mean i would find it hard to get up at night for the extra few million dollars too..... im sure you guys all understand how hard that is....


I do just need to point out.... I have no problem with when they patch as long as they dont patch the day after a patch lol and as long as they actually stick to the times they post....servers in UK were meant to g down at 4pmBST yet here i am at 12:21BST



grrrrr.... still its sunny outside so i might brave fresh air :p

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I just wish they would stop using BST as a timezone, since the UK is back on GMT now and they are probably confusing people too easily.


I got tired of trying to sort it every time so I set another clock in Windows so that I can check easily from my toolbar. :)

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ive seen a few posts about doing it on a Tuesday

I aggree!!

Its 9:15pm on a friday, my partner is watching a movie, im relaxing to a few games of star wa... wait... a maintenance period yet again...

I understand most people from other countries dont give a hoot about anyone but themselves, but night time during the week is when most blokes jump on..

Do it during the day??? Not at 9pm on a Friday night.. Seriously.. Its not that difficult to see.

We may be a small minority, but we are a loud few :D


I see statements like that alot...


"Its all North Americas Fault! They think the world revolves around them, and dont care about anyone else." (granted that is a huge paraphrase of a lot of comments, not a direct quote of you.)


But the simple fact is... We... have no control over downtimes. We dont make them. They dont call us. Theres no North American Anti Everyone Else Downtime Meetings. EA or Bioware doesnt text us for our opinions on things....


They just do what they want. How they want, when they want.


So. Stop blaming us. Its not our fault. I get your frustration. I didnt do it though. And neither did anyone else living on this side of the pond. We got our own issues going on.


Love and Hugs


North America.

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I really do not understand this, it's a complete disrespect to your customers to schedule a maintenance in an afternoon (EU). I understand it has to be done, but some on! 4 months into the game and still all is in favor for the US? ask yourself this BioWare, how many people live in Europa and how many in the US! you are neglecting a HUGE potential customer base.


friends ask me already if they should try SWTOR and more and more I am "forced" to tell them no, the game is great, BioWare needs to learn a lot.

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I have no problem at all with people expressing their discontent or being upset by it. Every durned time maint. occurs it's in my prime time. I'm not lovin' it either. I do think that they goofed on their decision but making a change now isn't as easy as some would like to think it is.



Well thats the thing, Australia/New Zealand is set up on a regional server thats different to the US/Europe ones. Remember, it was Bioware/EA's reasoning as to why we couldn't have SW:TOR at the same time as everyone else.

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Thing is I wouldn't whine if the patch had been applied a month ago (it was supposed to go live in March). Now we get imcomplete (no RWZ) patch after waiting so long for any changes in the game and it still isn't working properly. Test it better next time before releasing plx.
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Exactly... BUT, has Bioware yet to refund anyone? No lol. And I'm pretty sure people have experienced a LOT of bugs wrecking their playing experience (I know I have) with WoW (and no I'm not a fan boy defending them, just stating facts) at least I got $$$ back for my play experience being wrecked, or not being able to play at all, something I cannot say for BW.


Anyone who has had an active subscription is being given 30 days playtime added to their account on the 24th April. this argument is null and void...


I just wish they would stop using BST as a timezone, since the UK is back on GMT now and they are probably confusing people too easily.


This IS valid, the GMT time zone should be used at least when referencing the UK

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Of course its not every second day on the calendar but thats the way it feels due to alot of players probably not able to play every day either so when it does come to weekends and the odd occasional night, especially for us Aussie players it destroys our primetime


Once again the patching time zone issue people get this if they move maintenance so as to make you guys down under happy others will suffer. And think about it maybe there are more player in other time zones which would create more dissatisfaction basic marketing 101.

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Well thats the thing, Australia/New Zealand is set up on a regional server thats different to the US/Europe ones. Remember, it was Bioware/EA's reasoning as to why we couldn't have SW:TOR at the same time as everyone else.


Well, can't remember since I didn't know that, but that's an interesting point. Thanks for telling me.


Hey, far as I'm concerned, they made a dumb decision from the git go to not have regional support/maint. That's come to pretty much be expected these days. I just don't see the point in having hysterics about a downtime that probably was crucial. These things happen in an MMO. Don't like it but I like ugly bugs even less although I have no idea what went wrong this time. If they said, I've missed it.

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Well, can't remember since I didn't know that, but that's an interesting point. Thanks for telling me.


Hey, far as I'm concerned, they made a dumb decision from the git go to not have regional support/maint. That's come to pretty much be expected these days. I just don't see the point in having hysterics about a downtime that probably was crucial. These things happen in an MMO. Don't like it but I like ugly bugs even less although I have no idea what went wrong this time. If they said, I've missed it.


Just saying that people should get hysterical about it. Getting hysterical about ME3 got Bioware to do something about it. Maybe thats what needed here, and at least this cause is much more justified then Nerd-Rage.

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This IS valid, the GMT time zone should be used at least when referencing the UK


While I agree it's confusing, it would still be wrong to use GMT at the moment as we are on GMT+1, which is BST.


If we try to accomodate people, who can't understand timezones, then they need to use Google & type UK time now or something. If the rule changes & we don't keep switching between GMT & BST for daylight saving, then it'd help :D

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from now on as a matter of fairness BW should alternate - one patch is done night time America, the next night time Europe - and so on


why should the Europeans, with a greater player, and so buyer pool, have to put up with loss of play time without compensation? Americans just sleep through the patching... and don't come with 'you should be working at that time' because some of us don't for whatever reason.

Edited by Spytrx
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Anyone who has had an active subscription is being given 30 days playtime added to their account on the 24th April. this argument is null and void...




This IS valid, the GMT time zone should be used at least when referencing the UK


We are being given 30 days playtime added? Where does it say that I never read anything like that? What happens with people that already paid time in game card form and is using it like that? Or is the statement you are referring to "Active subscription" Just mean have current time and able to play, rather than (BW's term) set up for future payments...


It's just really pissing me off, 3 downtimes in 1 week, 4 , 6 and an 8 hour thus far.... and all during either the day for me (not early, like smack right in the middle of the day)

Edited by KalTorrak
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This is very common after major update. Get a clue & stop making bad threads about every small thing that happens.


Bioware also gave much of the population 30 days free gametime.


They gave 30 free days to level 50 players. The majority of which are American players, because they got the game first. The players most effect most directly in a negative manner by the patching and maintenance were not rewarded/compensated, nor were those who were the most loyal to the game.


Thats an entirely different issue though.

Edited by Selvec
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