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Another Downtime tonight 13 April ***


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Well one issue I noticed in tatooine last night was on my trooper vanguard quest. I'm responding to the apartment complex bombing. I get in there, speak with the residents as the droids attack. 2 mouse clicks and my companion is dead another mouse click and i'm dead.....That fast. There was no lag as I could manuever and fire, MV was FAST. But those droid were faster then fast!


All and all I thoroughly dislike 1.2. Seems they needed to suck the last little bit of fun out of the game....at least for me.


Good you just explained that now they might have time to fix it,i always try to find buggs and i find alot of buggs what you should do is report them not exploit them. And also it's a new fresh mmo it takes time to fix be patient.


May the force be with you my friends :o

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Well one issue I noticed in tatooine last night was on my trooper vanguard quest. I'm responding to the apartment complex bombing. I get in there, speak with the residents as the droids attack. 2 mouse clicks and my companion is dead another mouse click and i'm dead.....That fast. There was no lag as I could manuever and fire, MV was FAST. But those droid were faster then fast!


All and all I thoroughly dislike 1.2. Seems they needed to suck the last little bit of fun out of the game....at least for me.


I'm with you, sir.


I hopped onto the test server when 1.2 hit a month back, and I came across so many bugs I had to leave. I never went back, and hoped that all those bugs would be gone by the time it hit live. I spent the last month grinding my pvp up to Battlemaster, thinking it'd be worth something. Now 1.2 hits, it's still buggy as heck, and all those thousands of warzone commendations that I used to buy Cent, Champ and BM gear was for nothing.

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5pm to 1am = 8 hours.


You've misread something...


We will be bringing down servers for four hours on April 13th, 2012 from 6AM CDT (4PM PDT/7AM EDT/12PM BST/1PM CEST/9PM AEST) until 10AM CDT (8AM PDT/11AM EDT/4PM BST/5PM CEST/1AM AEST) in order to deploy a patch.

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LOL at the contradiction....


You are very right there that person should have thought that this is a new mmo and that there probably will be a few bugg issues and not say " ohh man this is unacceptable" well guess what you did accept it. And now that you are playing this game stop whining it's only 4 hours i think you can wait it out only think of it like this: this game will be alot better once they fix these issues better now then when you are on some "super important mission".

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I'll just assume they forgot to nerf ninja nerf a few things.



'Um Director Sir? Based on our WZ statistical data from the previous 12 hours our team of chimps feel that the warriors definitely need a nerf. But also , sir, the orangutan team thinks bounty hunters, warriors, and sages should be nerfed. And of course, director, the gorillas say we should definitely nerf the operatives again and then rebuff marauders. '

Edited by unclekaula
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I have been playing MMO's since Ultima Online came out and I don't ever remember a multi-hour downtime back to back days in a row in any other game. I don't claim to have played them all but I have played alot. I have been a big advocate of SW:TOR and I still love the game however this is the first time I really have to agree with some of the complainers.


I can. EQ2, WOW. In fact both had some serious downtime, worse than this. In WoW I ended up with either 42 or 43 days credit for all the downtime.


That said, no one likes downtime especially when it nails 'em right in their primetime but eh, rather that than bugs.

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You are aware that the game started in the US yeah?


Before you jump down my throat, you should know I am an Australian and this is my prime time just as it is yours (I assume). I think if it were an option to take servers down at different times to please everyone they would probably consider it. Lets face it, the market is a majority US market, they are a business, they would be dumb to give us, the minority, preference over the majority.


I actually doubt that they cared at all what time they did this, it seems as though it was needed although in my limited experience of the game post 1.2 I saw very little that was wrong, must be lucky I guess.


Actually I do not think they would consider the option to please everyone. I also don't think its Biowares call. EA likely hosts the servers, and EA is notorious for treating people outside of the USA with a lack of consideration, its one of their trademark reasons for why everyone tends to have a go at them. Late release dates, bad online servers, DLC that is only limited to America.


Now the logic of "But it was made in America so Americans should get the movie first". Well that same logic doesn't seem to apply to movies, or other media. See for example half of the fantasy movies these days which are set in New Zealand. Spartacus came out in America a full year in advance before screening here, and it was filmed in NZ, as well as half the cast being kiwi's.


The logic of "Its made in a this country, so it should come out here first" only works if it's applied on a broad spectrum to all media. Note that ME3 didn't get an early release in Canada, and Canada doesn't get patches and such directed at them, despite the game being made by a Canadian studio. So there is no reason that SW:TOR being made in America should mean patches are released with American customers in mind.


Then there is the really simple logic. If they didn't want to cater for international customers, why did they release internationally at all?


Oh and I agree, I saw bugger all wrong with 1.2 either, its why I'm throughly annoyed we need to be deprived of another 4 hours during prime time.

Edited by Selvec
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It does get tiring being an Australian, when everytime I try to play it seems like we have downtime. It's not that I don't understand the business side of things, but we always seem to get the short straw with international MMO's.


If we had to wait so long for them to get us a local server(s), then the local servers should at least be able to handle staggered downtime. I don't really care what the reason is, but if architected correctly then it would be possible.


I've had multiple local friends leave this game due to this reason, and while I am only a week into the game, it's definitely losing it's lustre. (bought it Saturday, have been unable to play 4 times since for one reason or another). Other games I enjoy have the same problem (Eve-Online - played since beta and still going), but at least they're downtime is 30mins-1hr and is predictable. They have a reason for it - centralised servers / single shard. Multiple server installations shouldn't need to be down at once.


I know it's been said, but it is very frustrating. Sort of like the game, not going anywhere just yet, just wishing MMO's in general would think about staggering patches for each of their representitve server farms..

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Well one issue I noticed in tatooine last night was on my trooper vanguard quest. I'm responding to the apartment complex bombing. I get in there, speak with the residents as the droids attack. 2 mouse clicks and my companion is dead another mouse click and i'm dead.....That fast. There was no lag as I could manuever and fire, MV was FAST. But those droid were faster then fast!


All and all I thoroughly dislike 1.2. Seems they needed to suck the last little bit of fun out of the game....at least for me.


Had the same thing. I thought it was just me being sucktacular or something. It was INCREDIBLY fast. Sorry it hit you too but I feel better knowing it wasn't me. After downtime, I guess I will log in and try it again and see if anything has changed cos that was a real bugger.

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That still leave 3 hours! Let me just get my pitchfork and torch...


It is just another example of our being lied to, it is just shameful, Epic Fail!


( I am tired of fighting the QQ and so have decided to join them to see how it goes )

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It does get tiring being an Australian, when everytime I try to play it seems like we have downtime. It's not that I don't understand the business side of things, but we always seem to get the short straw with international MMO's.


If we had to wait so long for them to get us a local server(s), then the local servers should at least be able to handle staggered downtime. I don't really care what the reason is, but if architected correctly then it would be possible.


I've had multiple local friends leave this game due to this reason, and while I am only a week into the game, it's definitely losing it's lustre. (bought it Saturday, have been unable to play 4 times since for one reason or another). Other games I enjoy have the same problem (Eve-Online - played since beta and still going), but at least they're downtime is 30mins-1hr and is predictable. They have a reason for it - centralised servers / single shard. Multiple server installations shouldn't need to be down at once.


I know it's been said, but it is very frustrating. Sort of like the game, not going anywhere just yet, just wishing MMO's in general would think about staggering patches for each of their representitve server farms..


This guy. No emotional undertones, no nerdrage. A true Jedi. I wish I had half the Zen!

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The day after 1.2 is out and another 4 hour downtime is coming in, we are currently paying to never have access to a game, due to maintenance every 2nd day.


I understand things need to get fixed but this is just unacceptable.

I'm sorry but this is nothing compared to other mmos, you should be very grateful. When WoW first came out it was day after day after day of maintenance. Sometimes a full day of maintenance.


Be very grateful.

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Anyone that feels like this game is gonna be greater than WoW besides me? Wow has just become boring and made it so easy and it has never NEVEEEERRRRR been worth doing quests in WoW as it has been in SWTOR. Missions in SWTOR is not just for the exp but because it has a great storyline and unlike Wow where there is one button called "the dungeon finder" F.....U!!!!!
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I'm sorry but this is nothing compared to other mmos, you should be very grateful. When WoW first came out it was day after day after day of maintenance. Sometimes a full day of maintenance.


Be very grateful.


And I'm sure you're in the same frame of mind when your McHappy Meal is 30 minutes late. These blatant 'I'm a veteran MMO player and you kids have no idea' posts are commonplace.


I treat it like a phone company, or a cable company. Downtime should be minimized, for ALL. Have you seen todays patch notes? 4 hours FOR THAT?

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And guys you would not be whining over a game that you dont care about,which means you do care and we all know you wont quit because of some simple changes to the game... they already got you hooked and you know that because this game is so awesome and you are awesome for playing it.
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Ah, the old 'I know english better than you, so I'm smarter' thing.


The guy was refering to the fact that there are servers that have a whole tab to themselves that are labelled OCEANIC. And the MAJORITY of the people who play there are on or near Australian time. So therefore, the majority of people in the (oceanic) server time zones are being inconvenienced.


But you knew that already, you just like trolling.


You are reading into what he said. THat is not what he said.

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Long live the awesomeness and the very sooo very long leveling experience (that sometimes gets very boring) in swtor and then make a new toon. The only thing is that at level 50 there isnt much to do or what do you think? they should add some more exciting stuff but do NOT NEVER copy anything off WoW or how they have tried to "improve the game" trust me you do not want this game to become as easy as WoW and bore the crp out of everyone with it's pathetic and easy raids and "dungeon finder"
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hey big complainers, how about put up your thumbs in your asses and shut the **** up, eh?


did one of you EVER worked in software development?

appearently not, because you would know that this is not easy at all.

and.. how about getting a real life and *********** go to work and stop *********** crying because you can not play a game at 10 am?


bioware is (surprisingly) doing a good job in patching things, and if its the next day then this will have reasons, don't you think?

maybe you all should do something useful in the meantime and take a *********** shower, eat, shop or clean the house.


or.. just get the **** out of the game. how about that?



Nope, don't no jack sh*t of programming

But if your car is running weird just after you brought it to your garage, what do you do? You aren't going to stick your thumbs between your buttocks, probably take the next turn and asks the guy WTH he did to your car!? I do not need to know how programming works all I need to know is that when I pay for something I expect something good for it in return. as I said before, I don't mind the patching, I do mind the time schedule. I do mind if I get valued as a customer and not being some milking cow. If they want my money (and not just mine seeing the amount of posts) they better get their act straight.

And keep in mind, that for every player here that is unhappy there is about 5 - 10 other players behind that are potential customers, customers they wont see because BioWare isn't getting any recommendation.


and that leads ultimately to your last sentence, people (rage)quit because they aren't satisfied, servers are going to die and so will SWTOR. this game has potential, huge potential, without customers it's nothing and customers are always right.

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Ok those guys that come from stealth not the assassins or shadow or w/e you are called with that double lightsaber in 1 hand but the other guys that can also stealth that dont have the useage of a lightsaber They need a nerf! they come from behind you and put you in a stunlock it's like vanilla WoW all over again : puts you in a stunlock ... AMBUSH AMBUSH AMBUSH AMBUSH dead. these are the numbrs i see: 2k crit 2k crit 2k crit 2k crit 3k crit dead.
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