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Another Downtime tonight 13 April ***


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Odd. I have had the opposite result. Every time I have an issue and I calmly address the issue with whichever company is involved, I get positive results.


And I realise that nobody is SAYING to act like two year olds but if you have read any of the threads on the board here, you can't say that many are NOT acting like two year olds.


I'm sorry but I don't understand your last sentence? ETA: Doh! Cos it's not addressed to me. :o That tears it...more coffee needed.


Hope it's a short maint and we wll get back in sooner rather than later.


3 more hours I believe. 3am for Kiwi's, and 1am for Australians. Though others have suspected it will only take them 2 hours. However, given the issues that arose with 1.2, I imagine they will take their time checking everything this time around.

Edited by Selvec
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They gave 30 free days to level 50 players. The majority of which are American players, because they got the game first. The players most effect most directly in a negative manner by the patching and maintenance were not rewarded/compensated, nor were those who were the most loyal to the game.


Thats an entirely different issue though.


If they need to patch ASAP it means there are bugs that need to be rectified pronto. Left unattended those bugs would manifest way more grief onto the forums with a myrid of post. Emergency patching is common across any IT deployment not only MMO. Its only a few hours, you guys have the whole weekend.


Let me get this straight, you are saying American's got the game much earlier then anyone. On top of that inferring that if they are not American they are more loyal to the game. :D


I must have been in an alternate reality when I played in early release & December with friends and players from Europe and Asia.

Edited by Stovokor
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It's just ridiculous to arrange all patch times for USA. It might be more player at that region but company should respect other continent players. It's not hard to start patch time for regions. It's middle of the day at my country and I won't be able to play 4 hours. Thank you for that.


You should check your times. This downtime affects Americans too, just ones that don't work in the morning. I got up this morning to play and now I have to wait to the afternoon and by then I will be busy doing something else. Get your facts straight. Sure the morning isn't Primetime in US but my server is still standard during that time.

Edited by JerokTalram
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Unsubscribe. Problem Solved!


Oh I unsubscribed about a week ago, sadly I had enough faith in this game not being the same as the rest that I put a 6 month subscription down. And yet, here we are, a different company making the same mistakes.


It's funny cos it's not like these guys are new to MMOs, most of them are vets from other failures. You'd think they'd learnt a few things.

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Actually EVE Online has a daily downtime every day at about 1100 GMT.


So BW aint alone.


Plus there is the usual moans from the Oceanic players about how unfair it is and how EVE is dying and how they're going to ragequit.


Same old, same old.

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This game has a hugh potential if the customer care was correct.

Maintenance @ european servers during day is stupid and frustrates 1000's of people that aren't able to play.


And saying: " oh it's from this hour till that hour" is just a stupid reaction because not every one got a day job so some people only might be able to play when the servers go down for a patch so the aren't able to play for a day.


When it's night in europe it's still day in the us so it can't be so hard to patch europian servers @ night CET because american should be working at that time following the comments on this forum.

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Actually EVE Online has a daily downtime every day at about 1100 GMT.


So BW aint alone.


Plus there is the usual moans from the Oceanic players about how unfair it is and how EVE is dying and how they're going to ragequit.


Same old, same old.


Well at least you're not being affected, and that's what matters.




To you.

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Just like every other MMO, and despite allocating servers to the Oceanic region, SWTOR has failed to figure out a way to patch at any other time than prime time.


Lets have a patch at 9pm Friday night for the majority of the Aussie contingent on the Eastern seaboard !


Your mediocrity is assured due to such scheduling.

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Nobodies whining about the need for the patch. People are whining about the time. If this was during the American timezone, there would be hell to pay, and half the MMO gaming websites would be bashing on Bioware for it.


EXACTLY, someone that can actually read lol and EU gaming websites are already smashing SWTOR / BW for it.

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3 more hours I believe. 3am for Kiwi's, and 1am for Australians. Though others have suspected it will only take them 2 hours. However, given the issues that arose with 1.2, I imagine they will take their time checking everything this time around.


If I've got the times right (and sometimes I bugger this up) it's another 3 hours, yes. I'm giggling because I had the launcher open and was downloading this latest patch and it was locked up in the background. Restart. Gawd, poor BW, they can't win fer losin'.


FWIW, I salute the devs. it's mgmt. that I would like to have a wee chat with. Seems like they are kind of not quite getting how to run an MMO.

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hey big complainers, how about put up your thumbs in your asses and shut the **** up, eh?


did one of you EVER worked in software development?

appearently not, because you would know that this is not easy at all.

and.. how about getting a real life and *********** go to work and stop *********** crying because you can not play a game at 10 am?


bioware is (surprisingly) doing a good job in patching things, and if its the next day then this will have reasons, don't you think?

maybe you all should do something useful in the meantime and take a *********** shower, eat, shop or clean the house.


or.. just get the **** out of the game. how about that?

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If they need to patch ASAP it means there are bugs that need to be rectified pronto. Left unattended those bugs would manifest way more grief onto the forums with a myrid of post. Emergency patching is common across any IT deployment not only MMO. Its only a few hours, you guys have the whole weekend.


Let me get this straight, you are saying American's got the game much earlier then anyone. On top of that inferring someone that if they are not American they are more loyal to the game. :D


I must have been in an alternate reality when I played in early release & December with friends and players from Europe and Asia.


Parts of Europe got the game at the same time as America. Australia/New Zealand never got the game until March 1, 2012, unless we imported and played on offshore servers (which wasn't an issue really, and we would have happily accepted that). Thus, not many Australians/Kiwi's will get the 30 day trial, despite us being effected the worst by the patches and maintenance.


The excuse for this was because EA/Bioware needed to create servers for this region.

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hey big complainers, how about put up your thumbs in your asses and shut the **** up, eh?


did one of you EVER worked in software development?

appearently not, because you would know that this is not easy at all.

and.. how about getting a real life and *********** go to work and stop *********** crying because you can not play a game at 10 am?


bioware is (surprisingly) doing a good job in patching things, and if its the next day then this will have reasons, don't you think?

maybe you all should do something useful in the meantime and take a *********** shower, eat, shop or clean the house.


or.. just get the **** out of the game. how about that?


With a post like that i doubt you've ever worked in software development either, i'd be surprised if you work at all except under a bridge.

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Actually EVE Online has a daily downtime every day at about 1100 GMT.


So BW aint alone.


Plus there is the usual moans from the Oceanic players about how unfair it is and how EVE is dying and how they're going to ragequit.


Same old, same old.


Of 1 hour, its basically for a server reset to keep everything running smoothly, 1 hour is nothing, have a shower, something to eat, and done, let alone 4, 6 or 8 hours like BW does, and all in 1 week. 18 hours of downtime and counting this week woo hoo. No wonder they gave a free month out, at least its SOMETHING, I suggested this to them AGES ago for the issues people were having, least they have listened to 1 thing out of the 50 or so bug reports / suggestions I have done.

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With a post like that i doubt you've ever worked in software development either, i'd be surprised if you work at all except under a bridge.


Don't be so sure. :) Devs can be a rather excitable lot. The guys I worked with were known for breaking monitors and the boss finally put a punching bag in the break room.


Lots of stress in a dev. house and it's gotta get vented somehow.

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Originally Posted by al-mar

hey big complainers, how about put up your thumbs in your asses and shut the **** up, eh?


did one of you EVER worked in software development?

appearently not, because you would know that this is not easy at all.

and.. how about getting a real life and *********** go to work and stop *********** crying because you can not play a game at 10 am?


bioware is (surprisingly) doing a good job in patching things, and if its the next day then this will have reasons, don't you think?

maybe you all should do something useful in the meantime and take a *********** shower, eat, shop or clean the house.


or.. just get the **** out of the game. how about that?


With a post like that i doubt you've ever worked in software development either, i'd be surprised if you work at all except under a bridge.


Rofl, couldn't help to agree with you there. I guess the bloke can't look outside his own area's cause here it is 2pm, others its 9 or 10pm, oh the irony.

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I am quite satisfied that they will be this swift on repairing the bugs they accidently left in. I'd rather have this then to live for a few more weeks with some bugs.

I also quite hope they maybe downtune LR-5 Sentinel Droid in the new Flashpoint, Lost Island, on Hard-mode.

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hey big complainers, how about put up your thumbs in your asses and shut the **** up, eh?


did one of you EVER worked in software development?

appearently not, because you would know that this is not easy at all.

and.. how about getting a real life and *********** go to work and stop *********** crying because you can not play a game at 10 am?


bioware is (surprisingly) doing a good job in patching things, and if its the next day then this will have reasons, don't you think?

maybe you all should do something useful in the meantime and take a *********** shower, eat, shop or clean the house.


or.. just get the **** out of the game. how about that?


Actually if you had worked in software development you would know that while the initial coding and troubleshooting is hard, implementing a patch isn't. Its also more so the role of the network and administrator technicians then any software developer. The package should be prepared for deployment before it even touches the server, and that is done by the software developer, but the actual implementation of the deployed kit is done by network engineers and server administrators.


So really, any holdup's in the coding side would occur off-server, and not impair the customer base. Which is why many of the player base is annoyed and somewhat confused as to the lengthy patching times, and the chosen timezones, when technically the deployment of a professionally developed patch could be done at different intervals, and with a shorter period of time.

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You're so lucky the game is down, cos now I have time to pick your trolling *** apart...


hey big complainers, how about put up your thumbs in your asses and shut the **** up, eh?


You clicked on this post, champ. You could've just breezed past.


did one of you EVER worked in software development?

appearently not, because you would know that this is not easy at all.

and.. how about getting a real life and *********** go to work and stop *********** crying because you can not play a game at 10 am?


Oh how I wish it was 10am, cos then I'd be at work and not worry. You do know that we live on something we like to call a PLANET. It has 24 hours in a day, and so depending on where you live, it can be a different time. So 10am for you, Mr Einstein, is not 10am for everyone else. It might just be 10pm Friday for some of us, which is a great time for playing games.

bioware is (surprisingly) doing a good job in patching things, and if its the next day then this will have reasons, don't you think?

maybe you all should do something useful in the meantime and take a *********** shower, eat, shop or clean the house.


The irony of this almost escaped me. You see, patches are to fix things. Not to fix the things they fix. They have a test server for that.


or.. just get the **** out of the game. how about that?


u mad bro?

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SWTOR is supposed to be a contender against wow.... look how they do the little things BW (like patch times) and you will be on the right track. Thing is, they have 3 server batches, US, EU, Asia (or something), not hard to start them off at different times so that they don't inconvenience the majority in the server time zones.


Okay, I would like to see numbers that show that SWTOR inconveniences the majority. You can't make a claim like that without showing us proof. YOU CAN'T. BW bases their down time on the Global population levels so they only affect a minority.

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