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Another Downtime tonight 13 April ***


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from now on as a matter of fairness BW should alternate - one patch is done night time America, the next night time Europe - and so on


why should the Europeans, with a greater player, and so buyer pool, have to put up with loss of play time without compensation? Americans just sleep through the patching... and don't come with 'you should be working at that time' because some of us don't for whatever reason.


Life is not fair?


Thus, neither are downtimes?


Just tossin it out there as a possibility.

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We are being given 30 days playtime added? Where does it say that I never read anything like that? What happens with people that already paid time in game card form and is using it like that? Or is the statement you are referring to "Active subscription" Just mean have current time and able to play, rather than (BW's term) set up for future payments...


It's just really pissing me off, 3 downtimes in 1 week, 4 , 6 and an 8 hour thus far.... and all during either the day for me (not early, like smack right in the middle of the day)


As long as you have current paid time, you don't need a subscription cycle.

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from now on as a matter of fairness BW should alternate - one patch is done night time America, the next night time Europe - and so on


why should the Europeans, with a greater player, and so buyer pool, have to put up with loss of play time without compensation? Americans just sleep through the patching... and don't come with 'you should be working at that time' because some of us don't for whatever reason.


I concur, its the fairest solution.

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You have it wrong. Active Subscribers get a pet. Level 50's get 30 days. Former players who come back get 7 days.


See this

"As a thanks for being one of our most valued players, every active account with a Level 50 character as of April 12th, 2012 at 12:00PM CDT / 5:00PM GMT, will receive thirty (30) days of game time** in appreciation for your support and loyalty."
Edited by Selvec
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Unless they stagger patches for each time zone,

A task in itself,

Even then,

Someone, somewhere is going to be hit during their

own personal 'fun time'.


If you want to make them listen, cancel for a month or more, en masse.



I'd love to see the forums explode if they ever 'stagger' a patch to be down primetime U.S. Friday night. The stupid thing is, they've gone to the expense of having Australian-based servers, something no other MMO has ever done. And then they shaft that whole community on one of the few truly peak times of the week.


Those of you who say 'hey it was a major patch, they'll need 5 more patches to get it right'. That's what the test server is for. And if they can fix last nights problems in one night, that'd mean 1.2 should only been another 5 days away and we wouldn't have this problem.


People who say 'thats just how MMOs are after a big patch' are living in the past, those MMOs were made on a fraction of the budget and with a fraction of the personnel that this game and most other AAA games are made with nowdays, we should no longer accept mediocraty.


I have cancelled my account btw, I just wanted to backup some of the concerns others have rightfully brought up in this post.

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Originally Posted by Spytrx

from now on as a matter of fairness BW should alternate - one patch is done night time America, the next night time Europe - and so on


why should the Europeans, with a greater player, and so buyer pool, have to put up with loss of play time without compensation? Americans just sleep through the patching... and don't come with 'you should be working at that time' because some of us don't for whatever reason.


Of course that intails that it would cost them 3 times more over time to pay the guys doing the patches. Want to pay 20 buck euro yen whatever a month to subscribe

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Just saying that people should get hysterical about it. Getting hysterical about ME3 got Bioware to do something about it. Maybe thats what needed here, and at least this cause is much more justified then Nerd-Rage.


See, I'm a firm believer in having decent manners, being courteous and not being an ***. I don't think threatening, swearing at, belittling etc. are a good way to try and work something out between two parties.


So, no, I don't think having hysterics and acting like a bunch of two year olds is a great way to approach anyone. Would you not prefer someone to be civil in coming to you with a complaint? And would you not be tempted to ignore those who can't make a point without being jerks about it?


I know I would.

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See, I'm a firm believer in having decent manners, being courteous and not being an ***. I don't think threatening, swearing at, belittling etc. are a good way to try and work something out between two parties.


So, no, I don't think having hysterics and acting like a bunch of two year olds is a great way to approach anyone. Would you not prefer someone to be civil in coming to you with a complaint? And would you not be tempted to ignore those who can't make a point without being jerks about it?


I know I would.


I would, but proof of the past has shown that being courteous, patient and polite just gets you walked over by large companies. Though nobody is saying to act like two year olds. You can be angry and annoyed, yet express that anger and annoyance persistently, and not act like an arse.


I'm well aware a level 50 is required, what's your point?

You made it sound like all players were getting 30 days.

Edited by Selvec
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I don't mind them fixing issues with patches etc. But could Bioware please have different maintenance schedules for Europe and the US. Kind of annoying that everytime there is maintenance it is the middle of the day for me. I thought these guys where professionals.


My thoughts exactly. If they can't have seperate maintenance schedules then switch them. Have maintenance during the day in the US. Let's see how they like that.


I know patches and maintenance are neccesary but it's the middle of the day and an easter holiday for most European players.


This should be high on the priority list. Along with the server merges / character transfers.

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Oh without fail every single time they dare to take down the servers to fix the game, some post with a bunch of whining rage nerds who are all probably 10 years old and can only play the game on a night that is not a school night appears.


1.2 = major patch, major changes, and of course there are going to be major problems. Anyone with half a brain in thier head would understand that this happens, on every MMO that has ever existed.


Unsubscribe and go away if you don't like/understand.

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People who are writing stop complaning, probably living in US. Well how about if maintanance will start 12 hours later, are you guys still able to say stop being mad? Of course not! I dont mind weekly maintanance. But 2 days in a row and middle of evening? Thats more than sucks! SW:TOR should have handled that maintanence time difference before releasing legacy patch! If we cannot able to play during day time, than how can bioware expect to earn money from us?


"Stop whining, Americans! <whines>"


Lol. Love you, bro.

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Every MMO in the history of MMORPG's has almost without fail brought the server down the next night after a "major" patch usually because all the ragers were raging that the patch wasn't out yet, then started raging cause there were bugs in the patch they demanded to be released "NOW!".


does it suck ....yes....is it the end of time and space as we know it.....probably not....

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Every MMO in the history of MMORPG's has almost without fail brought the server down the next night after a "major" patch usually because all the ragers were raging that the patch wasn't out yet, then started raging cause there were bugs in the patch they demanded to be released "NOW!".


does it suck ....yes....is it the end of time and space as we know it.....probably not....




I tend to think that Bioware is doing it on purpose to piss off all the rage heads and make them quit the game. I imagine most of the idiots who come on here raging are the same idiots who rage in Warzones and then have terrible stats and no medals but somehow think it's 'everyone elses fault'


Keep at it bioware, I'd love a game that is free of these whining *******s.

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I just wish they would stop using BST as a timezone, since the UK is back on GMT now and they are probably confusing people too easily.


The UK is in British Summer Time (BST). It will be back on GMT in October.


GMT is the underlying time zone, however in the summer the UK moves forward one hour into BST, which is effectively GMT+1.


It's quite shocking to see how many people on my server simply cnanot grasp the concept of the Dailies resetting at 12 GMT whislt the UK is on BST (meaning they reset at 1pm).

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I would, but proof of the past has shown that being courteous, patient and polite just gets you walked over by large companies. Though nobody is saying to act like two year olds. You can be angry and annoyed, yet express that anger and annoyance persistently, and not act like an arse.



You made it sound like all players were getting 30 days.


Odd. I have had the opposite result. Every time I have an issue and I calmly address the issue with whichever company is involved, I get positive results.


And I realise that nobody is SAYING to act like two year olds but if you have read any of the threads on the board here, you can't say that many are NOT acting like two year olds.


I'm sorry but I don't understand your last sentence? ETA: Doh! Cos it's not addressed to me. :o That tears it...more coffee needed.


Hope it's a short maint and we wll get back in sooner rather than later.

Edited by DieAlteHexe
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Oh without fail every single time they dare to take down the servers to fix the game, some post with a bunch of whining rage nerds who are all probably 10 years old and can only play the game on a night that is not a school night appears.


1.2 = major patch, major changes, and of course there are going to be major problems. Anyone with half a brain in thier head would understand that this happens, on every MMO that has ever existed.


Unsubscribe and go away if you don't like/understand.

Nobodies whining about the need for the patch. People are whining about the time. If this was during the American timezone, there would be hell to pay, and half the MMO gaming websites would be bashing on Bioware for it.

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Youre really going to moan that they are taking the servers down to fix a few bugs that slipped through the net?


Seriously, ****.

I bet youre one of the people that have cried about "This bug and that bug" and when they do this to sort them out you still moan.



Must be a fn damn WIIIDEEE NET with BIG GIANT GAPING HOLES and stuff.

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Indeed it would be nice if we could take turns around the world.

I live in the EU and find it very nice to be able to play with people from outside the EU - unlike in WoW.


However, I too get frustrated at times when the servers are down in the afternoon here. I fully understand the servers needs to be taken down at times, but, as others has mentioned before in this post, it would be fair if Bioware could perhaps make it, so the different player bases around the world took turns with the downtime in thier primetime.


I too would like to experience the servers being offline during the night.


Kind regards and whishes to see people from the US, Australia, Asia and whereever on the servers.

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