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Everything posted by Engalius

  1. awwwww a grammar Nazi! By the way, it's grammar.
  2. The increase in activity is mainly due to 1.2. There is no other correlation as to point otherwise. Furthermore, this activity will not lessen due to the breathing room of 30 odd days that B.W. has given itself to pick up the ball that they have failed to catch. Why? Because its a smart move, its a known fact that a consumer loves whatever appears to be free. It's a great strategic choice for the company to undertake. Give the players 30 days, we have 30 days breathing room, additionally some of the rage will subside and people wont quit especially if you take in human psychology into account. Oh, as for the EA subscription numbers, honestly, I have no idea how that works, but I do know that you cant fudge quarterly's ... well not much anyway (ahh the beauty of corporate accounting) but, I do know that if it's cheaper for an corporation to throw a bone to their consumers and only 1/4 of the consumers move on to a different profit earning product it wont look as bad as 1/2 or 2/3ds stop using it. Especially with subscriptions and how a success/failure within the industry is calculated of an MMO. I mean, honestly, who wouldn't use the 30 days freebee? And, they know it, and it's going to look very well on paper! All I am saying is, they need to pick up the ball and wake up. Consumer's these days are not just mindless drones, but feel free to come up with an argument to refute me on this, and demand a good product at fair prices. This game, as it stands, is not a good product for an MMO. Single player, its Triple A plus plus plus! and I would not hesitate buying it for a moment but that's as far as that goes.
  3. Sorry, I was typing this up in my lecture on the phone last night due to excessive boredom and I think the auto correct had a field day. The increase of player numbers I sincerely doubt it is because a huge number of new subscriptions that just came out of the blue. I think the contributing factors are well, the 1.2 patch itself, I say this mainly because a large number of people who have not logged on in well over a month have logged on in both my guild and friends list. Their number one reason why, 1.2 patch. To see if its worth sticking around for. Secondly, yeah, this growth in player numbers trend will most likely continue and will probably drop off some most likely because B.W. bowed under player pressure and gave the players a free month to play. And honestly, you will be kidding yourself if you think that it was a thank you from B.W. for the "continued support" thats just garbage when one threat concerning 1.2 issues went from page 1 to over, wow, I think I stopped bothering with it at over 400 pages. And this thread went from 1 to over 400 in less than 5 hours. A lot of the angst just comes from that, we got hyped up about 1.2. It was going to have heaps of these awesome legacy things your toons and alts will get, yet what you recieved was a bare bones patch to make way for further development. Seriously, I am going to be happy about getting a lil practice doll to beat up on an ****** offline combat log to test myself with? And Ill pay several hundred K creds for it? Really? Which brings up another point, what is the point of Legacy Levels when you have to actually spend Game Currency to get that unlock. It doesn't make any sense to me, why not just scrap the legacy levelling system and just allow everyone to just buy whatever the heck they want at a seriously inflated price. It's just weird and pointless, but that is my opinion and I digress. There were other things that were advertised on their videos that never made it in, so of course the player base was not happy and went of its royal rocker and into super nerd rage mode followed by a knee jerk reaction to give the community a free month to play so that their books on paper at the very least don't look so bad. Now, I am more of a pvper than an pve'r and I have not even mentioned that jack *** attitude of pulling out something out of a patch that to me was really amazing. Yet its not even that, its that attitude of thinking that despite having all that time to test something, to pull it out mere moments before it was to be deployed with some weak *** excuse? Really? Having said that, I cant say that I agree just judging by the feel of the community at large, that they are 100% happy with what B.W. has done. The fact that they back flipped so twice on the free month to boot tells you something. So, I don't think a lot of players will stick on after they finish their storylines, because frankly that's when you start to see the game for what it is. Incomplete. Oh, and some games that had combat logs, lets see, nwn back in the had them, not a true mmo though, Perfect World, Everquest 2, Forsaken World, DnD online, heck even Lord of the Rings to name a few. Even certain single player games have them. As I said, this is a great single player game. Amazing single player game, but that's about it for the time being. I hope they add more things to it as time changes, I am a huge fan of the fiction, but... not being led around by my nose. I've got my girlfriend for that, every time I think I'm one step ahead, I find myself 3 behind!
  4. Perhaps I should have been more specific. I really enjoyed the game but not as an MMORPG as this game has been marketed as. The fluff i was refering to is this quiet literaly bare bones patch that was more a slap to the face than anything and the majority of my resentment comes from the fact that one feels like they have been taken for a ride. And not just by the hype of 1.2 but the game in generall. But to be absolutely fair, this game is awesome in terms of its single player aspects. The cut scenes and voice owers are very well done and definately draw you in to the toons storyline. You care for what happens to your guy and the planet you are on. Its very very cool, unfortunately going from one planet to another and constantly having issues finding group's is very frustrating at times. I do not mean that the game is super empty at all times but its definately starting to feel like it. Also the iteminization is pretty sweet throughout the game and what they have done albeit some of the end tier is just.... horrid to look at. Despite having said this, i have to say that after finishing my storyline I have started to see the game for what it is. Voice overs, clever cinematics and that is about it and then you notice the bugs. The lack of basic norms of what is expected of an know. Classic examen. Combat logs. We had to wait for 1.2 to get combat logs, half stars one to boot. When F2P games manage to implement them at start up. You would think that a company that sunk 200 to 300mill is unable to implement such a basic feature... Well... And the list goes on... And on.. And on.... Now I am not saying that the "team" is not hard at work trying to fix the issues at hand, all I am saying is... Its an amazing single player game and I would definitely be buying it if it was offered as such. As an MMO as it currently stands, sadly no. so its not a matter of whatever BW does that would make me happy. Its more a question of when and if.
  5. I soo agree with this person. All Bioware has done was create a Massive Online Single Player Game its the impression that I've got. Funily enough, I came across this earlier today: http://www.play.tm/news/32131/star-wars-the-old-republic-will-flop-big-time-says-angry-ea-employee/ http://www.starwarsmmolevelingguide.com/swtor-a-300-million-failure/ Funily enough whoever this employee was, took the words out of my mouth and made spill my drink: "Theyve spent more money making the Old Republic than James Cameron spent on Avatar. S**t you not. More than 300 million USD! Can you believe that? And you know what theyre most proud of? This is the kicker. They are most proud of the sound. No seriously. Something like a 20Gig installation, and most of it is voiceover work. Thats the best they have. I hope they provide some actual content soon, not just this ... fail fluff. If you are going to give me fluff, at least make an effort.
  6. Actually I play an assassin tank (yeah tank spec, biig suprise >D) I received most of the traditional medals including the assassin, 50k protection, 25 kills etc, as well as a crap load of the defensive/offensive ones for the doors. No matter how I look at it it makes zero sense for the reward to be so low, sure we did kinda finish the match in a reasonable amount of time, but I fail to see how that ought to be relative to reward. Don't tell me it does? Because ... that would be all kinds of poopoodora. And, mm... no not a threat to unsubscribe. I have and not because of some whiney reason. I thought about it. I do love the whore S.W. fiction, but my love for fiction does not necessarily mean that I will love a product related to it that at the moment, is not exactly "working as intended". Its like going to the same restaurant that used to be good, but now you constantly get diarrhea and bad taste in your mouth yet you keep paying for it. I'd rather not get diarrhea, and perhaps wait until new management comes along and hope for more positive and sanatari changes.
  7. After a few more W.Z.'s with similar results I've just given up as I cant work out this system. Was on a loosing team a couple times and received 40 comms as we put up an half arsed fight and lost in under 10 minutes. It seems to me its easier and quicker to get comms if you loose rather then win. Anyway, I have decided to unsubscribe, as currently its depressing and pointless to play especially since the dev team apparently doesn't have much of an idea where to go with PVP or the game at the moment.
  8. Earlier on Van Zellow a half dead server I was in a nice little pvp match for Voidstar. We were doing well, I managed to get 15 medals in this match which really doesn't count for much and we won in rather a good time frame. Even got 2 mvps. So I figured sweet, I will get a nice decent reward. What do I get? 30 comendations. 30! Are you fn kidding me? Everyone else in my team recieved 60 odd. So what do I need to do to get something out of this mess? Loose? Cuz, I tell you this is not the first time this has happened, but it really irked the shizzle out of me and the reason for it... is because this thought ocurred in my head. "If I lost this match i would have gotten 40 recommendations" yeah, if I LOST I would have gotten MORE. /sigh Thats my rant. So much disappointment, just soo soo much.
  9. Are you seriously picking on the OP on his choice of server, and not the actual issue at hand? Choice of server is a non issue in terms of just bad choices in game design, and I personally feel offended by the current catch up and stall tactics that BW is utilizing in order to gloss over issues such as low pop servers and population imbalances. Just to be clear, my server used to be a high population server where both pve and pvp ques were very short (in terms of pve, it was very easy to get a group) currently its taken much longer for me to get a que for pvp to pop, 10-20 minutes, and lets not talk about PVE I can honestly spam General for hours on end and get some kid in lv 30 gear wanting to do a hardmode... But seriously, we have War Zones that are supposed to be faction based apart from Hutball that are not anymore. I dont know about you, but, I feel rather disgusted playing in a WZ masquarading as Republic aligned toon in what was supposed to be a faction based WZ. All I see is bandaid solutions, and server mergers are a must, for the first time in 2 months I've seen my Station pop go up from 20 to 50 at any given time. i know its not a huge measure, but ... this is supposed to be the hub of trade and stuff. /sigh its depressing being on an empty server and being punished for it. And any bright kid who comes up with an idea of REROLL ON A HIGH POP SERVER, tell you what, you go out level my toon, get it all the gear that its copy toon would have on this dead server and hej, NO PROBLEM. Other wise let me QQ yeah.
  10. The system as is encourages leaving and afking. Not discourages it. Putting aside the fact that you cant 8 man, exit a game in same group you went in, etc, all that jazz that as gamers most of us would expect to be standard (like a combat log in the game, that would perhaps not need a 3rd party for example to be read in a legible manner), what the most frustrating thing and which may potentially add to this type of behaviour is unballanced teams. Earlier today I was in a team of two people vs 8. The warzone did not shut down, an hour later it happened again, but this time I was on the opposite team so we steam rolled the poor sods on the other side. Is this fun? No. Will it encourage the type of behavior that a lot of people dislike? Yes, most definitely so! I dont have much time to play personally, yes I am using the time excuse, and I dont see a point in being in a team that's short handed. Prior to 1.2 I would personally stick it out in a six man team, but currently, with the changes, what is the point in sticking in a loosing game? Especially one as disproportionate as I've outlines above.
  11. Like the person before who quoted, I quote. It's my number one reason for being peed off. Number two reason is being given a sad excuse of a bare bones patch that was advertised as being supa cool. I feel duped twice over, 30 days? I dont care much for that when my confidence in the company's ability to provide a paid for service is failing with misleading words and sad excuses.
  12. It struck me last night when I was conversing with a friend who is on thin ice with the game at the moment. Legacy, cool ok we got some bare bones bs from it (yai! i got a mailbox in my ship... really?) I didnt mind it, then I look at what I need to do to unlock some of it. Cash, cold hard cash. People say that creds are not hard to come by, sure if you play a while and exploit the absolute mess of what the current barely existent game economy is yeah I agree. Personally i have over 20 mill on my toons account atm. But, for a casual game as my friend is, the prices are a bit steep. Even for me, if I am to unlock eveything there goes easily a third of my cash. But this is the other thin that gets me, aside from the money, honestly, it can be grinded out eventually. Its no biggie, but the grind. Thats what get's me. I have to grind to level 50 to use some of it, then I have to grind to a certain legacy rank to actually use/unlock some of it. On top of that, I have to grind the cash for it. I thought legacy would be something along the lines of you get extra points, like your skill points to buy certain things with in the game that will help your legacy out. It seems very strange to me.
  13. I totally agree, I have a semi decent text parser to utilise for the logs but, its still very stone agey. I really dont understand what the difficulty is in just adding it into the game to peruse just quickly. Moreover, the practice dolls that they have added in, what is the point in those without a combat log? Unless I am to write the numbers down physically if I was not bright enough to get a parser it would boggle the mind. Its really just pointless. Much of 1.2 was ridiculously pointless.
  14. Dear Republic Chicken, I was also looking forward to the legacy system. Then... I had a look at it. It's really a flop bare bones kind of deal. I can see that it can be expanded and that it can become very flexible but... .... It's really really .. kinda... poo poo. I was hoping at the very least the combat log would be cool, but... they created it into some stone age thing where it can not be shown on the games UI. You have to literaly alt tab and open it from a .txt file. It boggles the mind, its as if they had 2 different teams working on building a house from the roof down.
  15. I dont understand how it is being spun into a negative thing? It, putting aside the failure to gauge the player community and cater to their needs on basic customer service (I am not even getting into the 1.2 debarcle), to me seems like a logical and strategic way to do business. Do you think that the company's directors and investors sit around at their meeting discussing/negotiating large sums of payment and investment into their project by talking to the foreman or his employees? Or better yet to the public on the street before making their decision. Easier example, do they come on to the community forums and base their decision of releasing several mill or several hundred USD based on what the community is like, their opinions etc, or more likely on that white piece of paper thats in the manifest stating that for this quarter their Player Base has risen! And as such the game is more popular than ever! Just putting it out there, heck if I was in their shoes and if it would cost me less to give some nerdy kids 30 days extra play time (btw, the intrinsic value of play time is not actually 15 bucks, its less, if it was 15 bucks how else would they make a profit out of it ? Food for thought) as opposed to the opportunity cost of me garnering more support for my project or gaining more funding, HECK YEAH I would give those kids an extra 30 days! Can't believe I had to play teacher here.
  16. The game is awesome as far as single player goes. The quests are really exciting like go kill this guy and his 30 odd friends as a bonus objective. If you get tired of that, don't worry you will move onto the next planet where it will be kill this guy and 60 of his friends and get this drop all the way to level 50. By then you will start to experience the world of the pvp where the grind is ridiculously well thought out and planet, the gear progression is above and beyond what other games have to offer and at War Hero rank, if you are any of the shadow or spell chucker classes you will learn to look like a piece of coral and if you are lucky will indeed find Neemo! But, dont worry, if all else fails the Legacy system is now live. It has many exciting things for you like.... getting mailbox in your ship. I think every ship must need a mailbox and it will only cost you a cool 500k creds. Oh, and dont worry about the bugs, its all working as intended when you run out of the single player content.
  17. If they were that good would you think that they could come up with a count check to see if the teams are ballanced on the amount of players within the teams? Or, better yet, come up with a good plan for say.... 1.2? /grin
  18. I was looking forward to moving to the Aussie server. Now, i am looking forward to going back to EQ2, Skyrim, and warcraft!
  19. I +1 and press like to this comment as it shows an intelligent mind
  20. Must be a fn damn WIIIDEEE NET with BIG GIANT GAPING HOLES and stuff.
  21. Oh, and I did not even touch on the immense logic of "if more people quit then they will be forced to implement the changes like ... ... " Yeah, like, you know, the community has not been stating any of that for months now. And on a side note, combat log? Are you fn kidding me? Its text based and saved outside the game UI to a fn spread sheet? ***? Am I playing DnD? And i dont mean online, I mean that old school stuff with friggin dice and some guy in a funny hat making up voices n shiz pretending to be a taun taun.
  22. I am sorry, I have to admit that I have not read the entire thread yet but this guy on page one got me. Is he like I dunno, unable to have a grasp on what has pretty much occurred with 1.2? You know, all of us the player base being bent over and ploughed like a naughty school girl through the back entrance by BW? You know the nasty nasty kind that I am sure many of you have watched on certain websites if you know what I mean . Or is this kid either being paid by BW, or just such a hardcore fanboi? I dont know. But 1.2 advertised heavily on some things. Customizing your gear: Yeah, you thought it would be great, yeah ok it colors it to your chest piece, cool. I guess since most of my chest piece is fuchsia pink I am going to look like a psychedelic Tele Tubie now. Btw, I am talking about my bounty hunter and the fact that the items take on the color of whatever your chest piece is. Its a bit of a fail really. Oh wait, LEGACY ITEMS!: "Players with a Legacy can now send unbound and bound-to-Legacy items to other characters on the same account via in-game mail. " Really? So, as opposed to me crafting my nub alt a couple pieces with the crafting system and sending it to him with my other alt with all the enhancements needed? Yeah, cool, oh ok I can still get them legacy items sweet! Yeah, they just cost an arm and a leg.... well F that. Ok, ok, well here I am thinking sweet, its a Legacy patch, lets check out the Legacy stuff I can get! Honestly, I was sort of excited, you know, I would have like cool things I can unlock and get my guy to do. It be pretty sick, like my alt being able to shock someone even though he is a BH. So I look into it, well ok Races 500k to 1.5 mill to unlock, ***? I look into the skills and you know what I find. The bare bones of Bull Ship. Yup, I honestly felt like I ate cow dung after I saw what was available for Legacy. Oh and let me tell you, this was AFTER I nearly lost the plot at the big FUG YOU! I got from B.W. with that whole pvp push back mere hours before deployment. Its not even that it was pushed back, but the whole audacity of it treating me a consumer like some tool or being of lesser intelligence. Like they did not know it was not going to be ready, makes me think who is the biger ding bat? Me or them? Of course it will not work! Of course it will break up server populations, why? Not enough server population! They just pretty much admitted it! Now, I know I am ranting, but, honestly. The next patches are the ones that you are supposed to look forward to? Really? Really mate? Please, pass us along some of that stuff you are drinking, smoking and otherwise inhaling. Must be a great great high fantasy world you live in.
  23. There is a reason why people have been mass quitting. My Guild Leader just quit the game and unsubed along with 30 other hardcore players on this game on the same day. A lot of people feel hard done and in some cases butt hurt due to the latest bare bones patch. I don't blame them. It is, after all a bare bones patch. Half the crap advertised on their little videos is non personally Fug unlocking races, whats the point? And *** am I going to do with a mailbox in my ship, really? But I digress, my beef is this. Why should I not quit if the game developers can not initialize a simple Count Check on a War Zone before starting a match, and why should I not quit a match if there is merely 6 people vs 8 or at times 9 people on the other side. I am not talking about just the beginning of the match, 30 sec to 2 min into it. That is a lot of time to be steam rolled. This is not the players fault, I know it sucks. Its stupid, and ruins the game somewhat, but F that. My time is precious, and I should not be punished due to poor systems or coding. Random selection my shiney blue twilek behind.
  24. I might be on page 300 something at the moment, as I have just opened this particular thread to read it and have not even caught on to the page count. Having said that, this particular persons post has caught my attention. I appologise, but, the whole legacy thing, the whole MAJORITY of the patch that is supposed to come through should have... come through at launch. Not a personal dig, but this is how it is. Yet, when reading further down. I agree. To only one thing. For a lot of people this patch will either be a break or make. I say break first mainly due to the lack of engagement from the Dev and BW community leaders thus far, basically the guys in charge. Which to me means one of several things, but mainly that yes, they have realized that they have made mistakes. Big glaring ones, and now to engage in the community is far to risky. Why? Here are two basic reasons. Promises, hope and expectations. Promises that they will get things out on time and on schedule which will fix whatever glaring f up that they have made. This in turn raises hope, if communicated to community that is, now you have expectations and say something happens and things go BOOM, or are delayed, those three things I've mentioned can turn people into very nasty lil things. Not to mention that the company may be held accountable. Which raises a number of other issues. But honestly, I have a feeling that this patch will be held back untill a certain other game gets released in order to keep the players back as its a leveraging tool. After all make or break.
  25. Hi, I am an Aussie, I play across 3 separate time zones due to my work and being on the 2nd shift and I play on the US server Van Zallow or Zellow, I always misspell that thing. Anyway, long story short. Empire side is dead no matter what time zone I play at. I am used to logging on and getting ques easily with good players, getting a hard mode done now and then with pugs. But now, I dont know what has happened, but as if everyone either re-rolled or are awaiting 1.2 to pop out and see how things pan out. All I can say its a dust bowl now. For those who say maybe peeps don't like to pvp on my server, or pve, well I do both, my friends list has roughly 30 to 40 people on it that I regularly pvp or pve with. Now, I am lucky to have 1 person online, and these guys were pretty hardcore players. I am.. rather disapointed at the moment as the game has a lot of good content, well decent content. I would like to experience it but I am held back by the lack of people. If I can make a parallel, this is like playing a low pop EverQuest 2 server with better graphics, but the difference being you would still get more action on EQ2. /sigh
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