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Thank you Bioware for 1.2 -Caeliux


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I want to thank you for trying to provide us with a fun, and entertaining game. Your release was Dec 20th and after 4 months you have outdone yourself as a mmo thus far.


You promised open world PvP, and even though some of the features was messed up at Illum, we as players still can PvP in a large group and kill each other for PvP enjoyment at Illum and on PvP servers almost everywhere.


Is it rewarding? To some PvP is the only reward we want, rest that want bling and titles well are important too, but those kinda players want instant gratification as you well know.


Endgame before 1.2 was really fun, geting to 50 and doing some of the hardmodes and Nightmare modes was a blast. The story in it is amazing, and I can't wait to continue the lore of the game.


Far as PvP is concerned before 1.2, it was a utter joy. Being able to play in 3 warzones in a launch of a game is amazing. You promised more was coming, and today April 12 you released 1.2


Four months later you have added another Warzone, and is still working on ranked matches which we know you are trying your best to release. I know deep down in my heart it will be here soon, and the e-peen match PvP will begin.


Also all the class updates, buffs, guild stuff, and new content is absolutely amazing. The game looks more crisp and clean, and is a utter joy to look at.


My favorite by far is the UI custom, you truly outdid yourself on it. I played with mine for about a hour, and have made a cool looking UI for PvP. I really feel better with a custom UI, and I healed even better than before.


Again thanks Biware for allowing me to sub with your great mmo, and I can't wait for the future of this game.


You biggest fan, Caeliux.

Edited by Caeliux
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