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What kind of UI customization does healers want?


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Hiya, I'm playing as an operative healer and one of the main things I looked forward to in 1.2 was the UI customization.


However, that hype was met with bitter disappointment. I truly think that Bioware has started something great, but when it came to the operations frames we were sold short. Very short.



What I want to see:

  • Being able to move the anchor of the ops frames. Currently the anchor sits in the top left corner, which is not an ideal place if you want your frames to be more centered, but not in the way.
  • Being able to have the group expand horizontally instead of vertically. Again, if you want your ops frames to be more centered, it is much more convenient to have the operation to expand sideways, rather than descending.
  • To be able to see percentage only. To me, the digits of the ops-members full health is more screen-clutter than what it is actually useful... but I do care a lot about the percentage. Currently I have this option turned off, due to the former issue. [Edit] (Suggestion made by -Reedyn) Being able to see deficit health values rather than current health.



These 3 are on the top of my list, but there's a lot of other stuff I could nitpick about. Opinions?




[Edit] Post made by Belialle with some great suggestions;


  • Debuff/Buff filters and a way to clearly display MY OWN HoTs, cleansable debuffs, or other things of note on my ops frames.
  • Mouseover healing.
  • Predictive healing on people's HP bars so they know they have a heal coming (to prevent them from running out of LoS or out of range before it lands).
  • A better way to stop casting than moving or hitting Esc.
  • Color coding of health bars by class.

Edited by Majspuffen
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Mouseover Healing (with frame blacklists): I really, very much prefer this type of healing to clicking on targets. Sometimes I want to aim at the boss, or at the tank, or my cc guy. Also clicking is slower, and it seems like I even have a delay after I( click and before my target appears, which makes it slower yet.


Stopcasting Macros: as a CM I can't interrupt, which is what I would stopcast macro in WoW, but there are other uses, like maybe dispel


More Grid-Like Ops Frame: classes color coordinated, health missing from top to bottom, incoming heals clearly shown, debuffs which you can dispel very easy to see.

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I would like the ability to see deficit health values, AKA how much health the target is missing instead of just the absolute/maximum or % health. Most of us know how much our heals are hitting and it's significantly easier to make a proper decision with deficit health
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I would like the ability to see deficit health values, AKA how much health the target is missing instead of just the absolute/maximum or % health. Most of us know how much our heals are hitting and it's significantly easier to make a proper decision with deficit health


Didn't think of this myself :) I'd also love to see this.

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  • Debuff/Buff filters and a way to clearly display MY OWN HoTs, cleansable debuffs, or other things of note on my ops frames.
  • Mouseover healing.
  • Predictive healing on people's HP bars so they know they have a heal coming (to prevent them from running out of LoS or out of range before it lands).
  • A better way to stop casting than moving or hitting Esc.
  • Color coding of health bars by class.

Edited by belialle
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Being able to have the group expand horizontally instead of vertically. Again, if you want your ops frames to be more centered, it is much more convenient to have the operation to expand sideways, rather than descending.


Hmm, perhaps I am misunderstanding your request but I have my OPS frame expanding from left to right horizontally? I just had to click on the OPS frame and change the options?

Edited by SirArion
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Hmm, perhaps I am misunderstanding your request but I have my OPS frame expanding from left to right horizontally? I just had to click on the OPS frame and change the options?


I think you misunderstand. You can have each group expand horizontally yes, but not each individual frame. For example, when you start inviting a raid, the first four frames will always descend. Then the fifth member will create a new group, either vertically or horizontally from the other group depending on how you've got your settings.


To illustrate ^^ http://img51.imageshack.us/img51/3777/explanationg.png


If there is a way to make it the way I want, please let me know.


  • Debuff/Buff filters and a way to clearly display MY OWN HoTs, cleansable debuffs, or other things of note on my ops frames.
  • Mouseover healing.
  • Predictive healing on people's HP bars so they know they have a heal coming (to prevent them from running out of LoS or out of range before it lands).
  • A better way to stop casting than moving or hitting Esc.
  • Color coding of health bars by class.


All great suggestions and I recall having all of these things using addons in that other mmorpg. I added your list to my original post, just in case Bioware might take a glimpse in this thread. ^^

Edited by Majspuffen
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I found disapointing that we still have 4 bars for our skills and stims, grenades ect., yep they give us pet bar but this still is not enough, and mostly useless in groups +2 aditional skill bars will be nice. Edited by Urukkhan
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  • Debuff/Buff filters and a way to clearly display MY OWN HoTs, cleansable debuffs, or other things of note on my ops frames.


THIS! Allowing players to filter debuffs by "Dispellable" status. And we need them to be significantly bigger in size.


  • Predictive healing on people's HP bars so they know they have a heal coming (to prevent them from running out of LoS or out of range before it lands).

Yes, and not only on their own healthbar but for us healers on the entire raidframe as well. It was one of the most important features back in WoW when you were a large group of healers in the same group


  • Color coding of health bars by class.


I don't understand why this isn't in ;) Who wants red healthbars anyway?

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It's been mentioned but one of the obvious ones that the game should never have launched without is the ability to only see your own buffs/HoTs on a target, and to only see debuffs you can cleanse. The necessity of this change can't be over-stated.


My second request is to show (perhaps as 50% transparent health) incoming heals on your target to prevent cross-heal over-healing.


I don't have my Scoundrel leveled up yet, but floating HoT timers that are off the target. If I roll SRMP on two targets, I should see two SRMP symbols on my screen with a name above them, and a time remaining count down beneath them. Perhaps unnecessary for KC/RN, since it is 6s with a 15s cooldown, but you can't afford to let a 2-stack of SRMP drop so these trackers would be a huge QoL change.


Target of target macros. I want to be able to target the tank and either heal him, or shoot his target. I realize that Hammer Shot might be complicated, but leave that up to me to code my macro appropriately to heal or dps with it. I can always create two HS macros if I want.


Make the debuffs independent of the target frame, or at least with an independent scale.


Let me move my procs off my personal health bar. I want my UH stack to appear front and center, not as a tiny icon above my name. I want to see how long I have left on SCC without wasting any time to glance at my name when I should be targeting KB. This goes double for my DPS alts who have actual RNG procs, but is useful for everyone.


Countdown timers either on buff/debuff icons or above/below them.

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1.) I would actually like the opposite of whats mentioned and only be able to see total HP numbers and no percent. Though I imagine with one addition (or subtraction in this case) the ability to remove the other would be put in. That being said I've found it dangerous to assume that logic can be applied when it comes to changing stuff like this. I know how much my heals typically roll off for, and this would allow me to throttle back wasted HP and over-healing by at-a-glance math.


2.) Grateful as I am for target of target now, and focus target, I need a way to Cast Ability X on focus targets or target of target without switching. The current 1 button for setting and changing is cumbersome, and too clunky for me to use it how I would like. At the very least, 1 button for setting, another for changing. This would allow me to use my interrupt more frequently in pve and pvp without losing my tank target. (There is enough restriction on this particular function for me as an Operative healer by having a 10m range on it.) An even better fix (because I'm lazy) would be "implied targeting" - which is a function in a few other games, most notably Everquest 2 and City of Heroes. Targeting the tank and using a damage move would cast that move on the tanks target. Since you've brought a lot of the mouthbreathers over from WoW (not complaining, just saying) - we need things like this to clean up some gameplay.


3.) Removal of the large graphics tied to the primary player health bar and target. Minor gripe, but I don't need a fancy picture of whatever headgear everyone is wearing. I tend to like my UI's simple and sleek.


Those 3 things would go miles with me as a healer.

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1.) I would actually like the opposite of whats mentioned and only be able to see total HP numbers and no percent. Though I imagine with one addition (or subtraction in this case) the ability to remove the other would be put in. That being said I've found it dangerous to assume that logic can be applied when it comes to changing stuff like this. I know how much my heals typically roll off for, and this would allow me to throttle back wasted HP and over-healing by at-a-glance math.


Yeah, a checkbox for each option; full health, percentage and decifit would be neat.

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I have a couple of things that I would like to be able to change on my UI.


1st - I would like to be able to detach and move elements of my Character Bar, specifically my Energy Meter (I play a Scoundrel). On my UI I have my Character Bar in the top left corner but I would love to have my energy bar more centrally located so I can monitor it better. Ideally i would like just that bar just south of center and about 50% opacity.


2nd (this is related to the above) - I would love to be able to have a large Icon for Upper Hand and be able to place it more centrally. Now that I no longer have the Giggle audible cue, I find that I am not as aware of my Upper Hand proc with the Slow-Release Medipack. Having a certain Buff (or Debuff) able to be displayed in a prominent position would be wonderful.


3rd - I would like to have the option of having people's health bar in their raid frames change colour when they have a debuff that can be removed by Triage. I sometimes miss the tiny little icon in the rush of a boss fight in progress and this would be a great quality of life change.

Edited by Cellwinn
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I'd like to be able to set 2 targets at the same time. My normal target that is in the UI right now, and a second healing target. The healing target would just be a floating frame around the portrait of a party member or myself. The problem with hammer shot could be fixxed by giving troopers a second icon for when using it as a heal.
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I'd like to be able to set 2 targets at the same time. My normal target that is in the UI right now, and a second healing target. The healing target would just be a floating frame around the portrait of a party member or myself. The problem with hammer shot could be fixxed by giving troopers a second icon for when using it as a heal.


It's not quite what you want, but you can set a focus target and a modifier key that makes any ability used while holding it target the focus target. I think the defaults are alt-F to set it, F to select it, and alt-ability to use the ability on the target, but I could be wrong.

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It's not quite what you want, but you can set a focus target and a modifier key that makes any ability used while holding it target the focus target. I think the defaults are alt-F to set it, F to select it, and alt-ability to use the ability on the target, but I could be wrong.


You are correct and it works quite well now. It used to lose the focus target a lot. When questing I focus my Companion. At other times I focus the tank, my assign, or myself.



I agree with most of the suggestions here and nothing specific to add.

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You are correct and it works quite well now. It used to lose the focus target a lot. When questing I focus my Companion. At other times I focus the tank, my assign, or myself.



I agree with most of the suggestions here and nothing specific to add.


My understanding was that it reset during cinematics and load screens. I stopped using it since every quest was a cinematic and constantly refocusing my pet was more trouble than just healing him manually.


Not sure if they fixed that.

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As a merc, all I'd honestly really really want is that the raid window of a person with a dispellable (for me) debuff would change color to purple or whatever.


As a healer, my own HoTs or buffs on other people should show up big, with timers, and preferably tint the raid window of the person some color. For example if my HoT is on them it is green tinted, if the HoT has <3 secs left time on it, then tint it cyan.


Otherwise don't really see any problems, rest is gravy.

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