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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Let us Salute our DPS Overlords


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That's the only way it can be balanced. Without that, the "balance" for healers is the lack thereof in WZ. Which is becoming the case.


You plainly don't play a healer. If healers can't tank, they won't heal any more because they are less than useless. They are merely soon-dead speedbumps.


I know of 2 sages (and mine) that have respec'ed dps because healing is atrocious. In addition to cancelling. Seven days on sub now.


Healers aren't happy unless they are tanking 3 dps and healing their team at the same time.

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Healers aren't happy unless they are tanking 3 dps and healing their team at the same time.


Another straw man.


You simply won't try to understand, will you. And that's ok. I'm not healing any more.


And, by the way, this screwed up healing in PvE as well. Enjoy your instances.

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You are all on drugs if you think healers are unkillable now. Operative healers are now the best in the game, then mercs and sorcs are somewhere on the bottom..easily killed and easily interrupted (sorcs).


Bioware caved to massive forum qq over sorcs being op, because some ppl spam force lightning..remove that spell from the game period, no one will care. Just make us VIABLE.


just tanked 400k dmg and had 580k dmg as a merc healer... healing is fine.

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A healer isn't supposed to be invincible. That's not how it works.


How in the world would it be remotely balanced if they could outheal 2 dps.



You realize that you have interrupts and cc as a dps class right?

This is why Bioware nerfed healing so much, exactly because of people like you that simply think in terms of dps subtract healing= kill. If a healer couldn't heal through 2 dps hitting a friendly target, there would be 0 point in rolling a healing class. Pre 1.2 you may not have killed a healer 1v1 but you are putting enough pressure on him that he isn't healing other people. That is balance, not this Burst and kill people in a GCD bs. This burst is worst then Wrath of the Lich King. I also have to just golfclap Bioware on buffing Sent/marau Just bravo balance team, bravo...

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Force sweep crits on my focus guardian are down by about 20% from what they were pre patch. Master strike is up (but it's supposed to be - it's talented and buffed in the notes). I am not doing more damage but pcs other than mine are dieing faster; my guardian is dieing a little less than he was before.


I hate healing based games and I'm not sure what the OP is smoking with the "feels more like an arcade shooter than an mmo" bs. Healers still need to be killed first. Which arcade shooter?


CC and interrupts WERE NOT countering healers pre patch. In WZ chat, people two nights ago were celebrating that healers were getting nerfed. If this game goes back to how it was I will not play it.


I'm having a good time with the pvp and am thinking about switching back to my guardian as my main (from my current watchman sentinel fotm) and try firing up my old vigilance leveling spec.

Edited by WaywardOne
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