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Tip for Future Patches from and EXPERIENCED (OLD) MMOer


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Dear Bioware,


I would like to share my first impressions with you from patch 1.2. I did not play the public test server so I am completely fresh with my perspective.


First thing I noticed was that my skill points had to be re-spent. I instantly became nervous as this was a sign that something had changed in my build. To my great dismay I found the Telekinetic Wave no longer works with Presence of Mind. This was devestating. After quitting 2 WZ's in disgust I moved on to my lowbie. I found that the lowbie PvP gear prices had gone up about 40%. This angered me further so I went back to my sage to spend my 1000 WZ and 1000 Merc tokens I had saved. After purchasing 1 BM chest piece I noticed that all the MOD's have expertise tied to them and NONE of the gear had Surge. I am now incensed with rage at this point because I know that I will not be able to MOD my gear the way I choose to without negatively impacting the "Expertise". Expertise is quickly becomming a necessary evil that despise with a passion.


Bioware I so looked forward to this update but now I realize it is simply a huge NERF.


I presume your goal with this patch was to garner increased interest in the game so why am I feeling nothing but rage... When you "balance" the game, you should bring weaker classes up, not stronger classes down. You should never change prices, just incorperate better gear into the economy at higher prices thereby easing changes into the economy without creating all the dissension. You should NEVER release a patch if promised content is not going to be in said patch.


Please learn from this mistake as you will pay for it. A taum taum and 30 free days is not going to get me over the NERFS. I HATE NERFS!!!!

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The OP is wrong though.


Bringing everyone up to a par would make the game become (over time) too easy.


Nerfing is the correct way to balance a game, even if it isn't particularly fair or fun when it happens.


Be happy this isn't the Champions Online dev-team's policy of over-compensate-a-change, then swing back the change. They had a reputation for nerfing slightly overpowered powers into the ground, before returning them to usefulness.

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As an experienced gamer, you should be sharing your expertise with everyone by testing the future patches on the PTS and creating concise but through feedback posts addressing any concerns and/or observations about the game as it exists on the PTS. This way, when a future patch arrives, you will have done your part to make it work, or at the very least come into it with a better understanding of why changes were made.
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Testing patches only validates bugs. You can get entirely caught up in testing but I find that it ruins the game for me. I rage way to easily and the Devs would simply boot me.


I have calmed down a bit as the 10% Force Sweep nerf to my Guardian did not diminish him as much as first thought. My Sage, however, is totally bunked. I've respec'd twice and if I cannot find a way to fix him it may be closet time for DPS Sages. I don't play a healer on Hero Engine games as the timer mechanic drives me nuts but I am hearing alot of angst from the guildies.


I would say the biggest complaint I have and my guildies seem to have is the Expertise GAP diminishing the custom build scenarios. Once you get to BM that's pretty much it. Just pile on the Expertise because without it your going to suck. It makes for a "one size fits all" kiddy game where thought is taken out of the equation.


I do like the new War Zone. It rocks in every way.


I stopped doing Hard Mode flashpoints and Raids some time ago due to rage timers so cannot offer an opinion there but I heard a guildie claim it was broken. Another aspect of Hero Engine games I find totally assinine. Boss beatdowns aren't my idea of questing, Ilike the unpredictable nature of PvP.

Edited by Jakoby
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Testing patches only validates bugs. You can get entirely caught up in testing but I find that it ruins the game for me. I rage way to easily and the Devs would simply boot me.


I have calmed down a bit as the 10% Force Sweep nerf to my Guardian did not diminish him as much as first thought. My Sage, however, is totally bunked. I've respec'd twice and if I cannot find a way to fix him it may be closet time for DPS Sages. I don't play a healer on Hero Engine games as the timer mechanic drives me nuts but I am hearing alot of angst from the guildies.


I would say the biggest complaint I have and my guildies seem to have is the Expertise GAP diminishing the custom build scenarios. Once you get to BM that's pretty much it. Just pile on the Expertise because without it your going to suck. It makes for a "one size fits all" kiddy game where thought is taken out of the equation.


I do like the new War Zone. It rocks in every way.


I stopped doing Hard Mode flashpoints and Raids some time ago due to rage timers so cannot offer an opinion there but I heard a guildie claim it was broken. Another aspect of Hero Engine games I find totally assinine. Boss beatdowns aren't my idea of questing, Ilike the unpredictable nature of PvP.


Ok, so basically you are saying you don't want to help improve the game because you don't want to be spoiled and you lack the self control to properly test, even though you seemt o admit you don't quite understand the testing process of new content with your very first sentence, and so all you will do is complain when changes are made that makes things less fun for you?


Wow, that was some run-on sentence there!

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This is strange.


By the way I see people complain both in-game and in the forums, I have presumed that majority of the players here are seasoned gamers that have a solid notion of balances and are adaptive to changes brought along by experiences from other games (MMO or whatnot).


But seeing stupid nerfing whines like this, makes me think the opposite.

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This is strange.


By the way I see people complain both in-game and in the forums, I have presumed that majority of the players here are seasoned gamers that have a solid notion of balances and are adaptive to changes brought along by experiences from other games (MMO or whatnot).


But seeing stupid nerfing whines like this, makes me think the opposite.


See now I consider this strange. All around me I hear healers in all classes complaining that they can no longer heal hard modes, they can't handle burst damage due to the nerf. The DPS Sage is also bunk due to the change in Presence of Mind. I ask you this, how the hell do you think this is balance? Were Sages so OP they couldn't die in PvP? I personally died all the time and feel my Focus Guardian was a lot more powerful. The DPS Hybrid Sage was an ok AOE damage dealer that was simply fun to play but were better served to spec as healers. Now nether option is fun to play and we call it a needed "balance" change. I don't, I call it a mahor nerf that has enraged healers on all servers to the point of quitting.


I offered simple solutions in my original post but I have some more. What would happen if Bioware released this patch without the Nerfs? Hmmmm, lemme think on it a second. Peeps would have been excited and happy because no one thought healers were that OP except in PvP where it was hard to find someone playing a healer anyway. So now, nerf them and see how many healers you have in PvP... The logic astounds me. I'm not sure any of you play in WZ's but I do. If you are DPS melee you have but seconds to live before you get stunned by a Sorc and burst to the floor by Marauders and Operatives. The healer is not going to save you and to nerf their timer is just silly and ignorant all at the same time.

Edited by Jakoby
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So you are a successful game developer and everyone should listen to you because you are so smart and know what to do for the game?


I hate you type of people.




yeah, sure. GG.


Move along.

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