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Rage Juggos 1.2 and Brutality


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Personally i'm still not. I still only use vicious slash maybe once or twice a warzone.. and thats only when i have a surplus of rage and shockwaves are charge/obliterate have already been used and just waiting for smash to finish cooldown.


However, I have noticed that payback doesn't crit anymore..so even with endure pain+max hp % inc medpacks followed by unleash.. the heal effect from unleash is now very weak compared to before.. so i may consider investing into the vicious slash talents and utilizing it more often.. still not sure though, i'm hardwired to hate that move by now.

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It's a lose-lose situation. In order to get to tier 3 (if you don't put points into Overpower - which you shouldn't, because it's CRAP) you need either Endless Rage or Brutality. Endless rage is fine if you're using Shii-Cho form, but thanks to the forsaken Alacrity bonus there isn't much point using Shii-cho now either. I'm rolling Soresu form with Rage now, so i just chose Brutality so i could continue going up the skill tree. Whichever is the least bad to you is the one you'll have to choose. Rage has been nerfed something shocking....i don't know what the hell they were thinking.
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