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Solo-queue fanatic vs premades getting nothing for 9 hours of pvp.


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First off, I don't really get into group pvp. It's fun at times, but I like to quest by myself, and have the pvp solo-queue going all the while. So, I know I'm at the disadvantage in pvp, especially vs premades. But that's what I like.


I'm also no slouch either...I'm not the best and I don't try to pretend to be. I think I'm decent. I target healers. I call out incomings. I don't mind defending. and with a Level 50 Marauder with 50% Cent gear and 50% Champ gear, I know I won't have a shot at killing two people at the same time let alone one solid BM geared person...so I just target healers (usually not killing them) and people with low health. And try to screw up enemies that are objective capping.


However, this patch went live this morning, I signed on at 9am, and have been pvping all day. All. Day. And what have I gone up against? Full premades every time. 5, 6, 7, 8 pugs vs full premades. Which I usually don't mind either until now.


As a Marauder, I can't guard someone, nor can I heal...so those Medals are out of the question. As for damage...vs a full premade....I can't get it up high enough. Solo killing someone? Ain't happening. The only medals I can manage to get are Killing blows (rare vs premades) and Defending. But with how quickly they steamroll my team, there's no time to defend.


Needless to say, trying to get medals today has been fruitless. I've tried my hardest. I've tried to do everything I can possibly do, and I can't get enough medals to get any rewards. 0 Valor. 0 Comms. 0 Credits. I have spent 9 hours thinking, "Hey, it's bad now, but maybe in a little while, things will turn around!" Then it kept going, and going and going...I think I won one match today...out of 40?


What I'm saying is that I've pretty much spent the entire day getting so destroyed, and it's been so heartbreaking knowing no matter what I do, every time I join a pvp match, I'm not only going to lose (which like I said, I don't mind, considering the odds are not in my favor) but I'm not going to get JACK SQUAT from the time spent.


I'm so close to quitting. The only thing that is keeping me going is that hopefully someone from Bioware knows how to read, and maybe takes a look at the forums they created, and maybe tells someone that can actually do something about this.


Tell me to QQ. Tell me to get better. Whatever. I've heard it all already. Just someone PLEASE tell us this is going to get better.

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I'm having the same issues on my characters that arent 50 i can't seem to get enough medals to get anything out of the warzones, hence i'm wasting my time. If its like that for you at 50 then is there a point to even trying to pvp anymore?
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Yeah, I don't know what to do....it's a low pop server. Got my toon up with a friend, and he should be home in a little while so I will try to pvp with him, but sadly his gear isn't as good as mine.


Fear he'll get smashed faster than I do.

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In the future we'll be rolling the Ranked Warzone Preseason out in phases, listening carefully to player feedback and making adjustments as we go. The first phase will be full team, eight-player queuing only and from there we'll look at next steps as Preseason progresses.


Sounds to me like it is being scrapped.

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You can't quit ... Bioware just gave you 30 days of free play time, so you can be farmed some more!


Oh, that's a nice gesture / admission of error. I was thinking this morning they had better do something quick to mitigate the big screw ups.


They probably need better project management, and a dedicated community outreach manager or something. You know, to review all developer responses to the community so their frustration with their management doesn't come across and engender more negativity.


Here's to fixes coming quick! :o

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I don't know what to tell you.


I quit today, after playing a lot fewer matches than you did.

I have two level 50's and really loved this game.


Maybe I'll come back in the future if they make major changes to pvp (but by then, I'll be so far behind in gear that even that might not get me back).

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Well written. I would have been a lot angrier and pissy about it ;) It finally turned around for me a bit an hour ago, but it's kinda absurd. I got 0 comms three matches in a row at one point. Even with all the new medals, if you're team is getting steamrolled, it's not too hard to only get 2.
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This is terrible. I did pretty well in WZs before this patch. Last night before the server went down i was competitve even tho i only had my BM weapons and full champ gear.


I evaportate when i get attacked by more than one person... and the difference between me and a full BM is HUGE its almost as much as if i was a fresh 50 ( pre-patch) with no pvp gear fighting full BM geared players.



Its not fun at all. and it will take me aleast a couple weeks to get full BM geared because I've lost 90% of them games i've played today and only get 25-40 comms


The 99ranked and 99 wz comms for dailies and weeklies if a complete joke of a reward


I guess the only ppl BW had testing was groups of full BMs because this is terrible.


I hate QQing but its not even fun right now, i feel like i've been punished for not being lucky with RNG bags ( valor 67 and i only had 9 BM tokens before patch But my guildmate - valor 62 - is full BM geared ), and now it playing a GAME feels like work.



my play time is certainly not going to be what it use to be.

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I left my previous low-pop server for this reason exactly - getting farmed by the same premade over and over isn't fun. Also, when they found out that I was a good marauder, I was immediately the first focus target (Kalin on Kathol Rift, if any of you black vulkars are on this forum =P)
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I just had an epiphany...if you keep running into the same premade, just leave and queue again - it's not like there are any real consequences AND if everyone kept doing it, they'd screw over the other team's chance at medals. Maybe if this happens long enough, they'll look at putting in a smaller pvp game (arena) or implement matching so that premades queue into other premades.
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This is terrible. One of my toon is valor 40 but he has only completed 1 PvP warzone daily so far. Our opponents have a lot of premades so usually you are lucky to win ONE match in 10 games. It is always impossible to win 3 in a day and usually you receive a lot less rewards because it is so damn hard to kill even just one enemy.


So I am not playing any warzone anymore though I played PvE contents more than 8 hours a day, and probably I will never play warzone again unless I hear some enlightening news on how faction imbalances are being taken care of. Why get punished for playing games?

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It is very likely OP wasn't even playing against pre-mades. On low population servers like mine, where there are only 8-16 level 50s on each side, you will just keep playing each other nonstop. Pretty much all the level 50s who PvPs are in my guild, so it must look like a pre-made for the other side.


Solution? Server Merges PLZ GGKKTHX!

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