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Celebrate Game Update 1.2: Legacy


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Even if they spit in your face it does not mean you are not valued player. They just think you are not going to quit anyway. Wipe the spit and keep paying.


Because we should subsidize level 50's. Some interesting parallels towards Free-to-Play.

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Even if they spit in your face it does not mean you are not valued player. They just think you are not going to quit anyway. Wipe the spit and keep paying.


not to be rude but why would some continue to support someone that just spit in their face?


That makes no sense?


Its for everyone to decide on their own but frankly the face spit resulted in me hitting cancel subscription yesterday and now 12 hours later they need to go well above and beyond what would have been required at 5pm est or even 9pm est yesterday to get me back.


They spit in face and then ignored us!


Sorry I dont promote or approve of that behavior

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not to be rude but why would some continue to support someone that just spit in their face?


That makes no sense?


Its for everyone to decide on their own but frankly the face spit resulted in me hitting cancel subscription yesterday and now 12 hours later they need to go well above and beyond what would have been required at 5pm est or even 9pm est yesterday to get me back.


They spit in face and then ignored us!


Sorry I dont promote or approve of that behavior


I'd give them a day or two to respond. Businesses can't formulate responses at the drop of a hat.

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May I suggest a new forum section is created that only people of level 50 status can post in and read, this would ensure that the proper players don't have to mingle with the sub 50 peasants.


A section free from QQ and containg only constructive feedback would arise, free from the mindless drivel of the sub 50 filth.


You know it's coming.;)

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I understand that BioWare wants to keep the 50s in game. But to call them "one of our most valued players"? And this whole idea of giving them 30 days for free? If this pet is my reward for playing since the game was released, comparing to the extra 30 days, you can keep it. Who came out with the idea of rewarding people who test the game on the PTS, just with useless titles and those who reached level 50 on normal server with something worth 15 USD (real money)? Where is the logic behind this? With BioWare puting so much emphesis on starting new alts, this silly reward system they just introduced is a joke.


Oh yeah, almost forgot. When the 1.3 will hit the servers, level 50s will get 60 days for free + special dance, like everyone else. And those with 5 characters at level 50 will get Game Master privilages. And a title "Better than noobs and altoholics".

Edited by Vanderhalen
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May I suggest a new forum section is created that only people of level 50 status can post in and read, this would ensure that the proper players don't have to mingle with the sub 50 peasants.


A section free from QQ and containg only constructive feedback would arise, free from the mindless drivel of the sub 50 filth.


You know it's coming.;)


Hah.. you're kidding right? Experience has shown that 50's will have just as much aggression and frustration with decisions. Maybe not this decision, but future ones, yes.

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I'd give them a day or two to respond. Businesses can't formulate responses at the drop of a hat.


heh, after as many years in cust service as I been in


Yeah that doesnt fly with me.


MMORPG is a cust service based operation like a bar, restraunt, hotel


Do you call room service from your room and ask for towels to belivered when the bell boy wakes up tommorrow?


Of course not


Do you say you will wait a day because the food you got was unacceptable but their manager went home for dinner and a tickle?


Of course not


In 2012 (really since 1999 to be honest) you offer a product, you support that product fully.


For a MMORPG thats 24/7/365


need more managers?

hire more managers!

need more mods?

hire more mods!


My personal time clock ran out at 9pm est yesterday


Since then the cost of getting me to resub has gone up and up in accordance to every insult and troll post I had to endure waiting for their reaction!


Patience is not my strong point.

Never has been and im far to old and set in ways to change for a game developer.

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It's sad because this game has a lot of potential. Despite the bugs here and there, it's a fun game to play. Therefore I am torn. I want to play, but at the same time I really don't want to support a company who doesn't seem to appreciate my business...


All you folks who have lvl 50's, I'm not saying they should take the free month away from you, but... If this is truly based on 'valued customers' well, I think the reward should apply to those who've persevered despite the bugs and continual maintenance and remained a constant subscriber anyway.


Anyone can make a lvl 50 in a matter of weeks if they happen to have the time. I really don't see how that makes someone a 'valued customer'.


Unless BW does something to remedy the situation, I'll most likely be canceling my subscription as well. Makes me sad to do it, but I'm not going to give my $15 dollars a month to a company who doesn't value me as a customer.



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heh, after as many years in cust service as I been in


Yeah that doesnt fly with me.


MMORPG is a cust service based operation like a bar, restraunt, hotel


Do you call room service from your room and ask for towels to belivered when the bell boy wakes up tommorrow?


Of course not


Do you say you will wait a day because the food you got was unacceptable but their manager went home for dinner and a tickle?


Of course not


In 2012 (really since 1999 to be honest) you offer a product, you support that product fully.


For a MMORPG thats 24/7/365


need more managers?

hire more managers!

need more mods?

hire more mods!


My personal time clock ran out at 9pm est yesterday


Since then the cost of getting me to resub has gone up and up in accordance to every insult and troll post I had to endure waiting for their reaction!


Patience is not my strong point.

Never has been and im far to old and set in ways to change for a game developer.



This isn't something as simple as your purchase didn't happen, or your time code didn't get applied to your account. This is a policy level decision that requires more than one person to know what is going on and requires consensus between not just a few people but whole departments.


On top of that, a bar might have.. what? 300 customers, not potentially 1.2 million.

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This isn't something as simple as your purchase didn't happen, or your time code didn't get applied to your account. This is a policy level decision that requires more than one person to know what is going on and requires consensus between not just a few people but whole departments.


On top of that, a bar might have.. what? 300 customers, not potentially 1.2 million.


Or they could come on and say "We heard you! We're in committee about it! Hold your horses!" But...no. The silence is deafening.

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Or they could come on and say "We heard you! We're in committee about it! Hold your horses!" But...no. The silence is deafening.


Because that generates (typically) a subsection of people that keep poking them for an answer immediately. Bioware will respond if they want to, when they have something. This announcement is fairly fresh still when talking about business flexibility.

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I'm just jesting, and I will most likely keep subbing. My sig is just a bit of nonsense (at the moment) aswell. But that doesn't mean I think the current situation isn't a weird one.


If I was on the other side of the fence with a lvl 50, I'd still think it was crazy.

Edited by Skipinder
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Because that generates (typically) a subsection of people that keep poking them for an answer immediately. Bioware will respond if they want to, when they have something. This announcement is fairly fresh still when talking about business flexibility.


Perhaps, but in my experience, a business is generally not supposed to open its mouth and insert its foot all the way up to its knee. That's exceptional, and it's going to need an exceptional amount of damage control now.


I'm giddy with anticipation for their response. It ought to be good.

Edited by Bluerodian
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I see the debate continues. I'm just waiting to see how Bioware responds to all this. If they are smart, they won't do anything but try to fix the broken parts of the game.


If they are smart.:D


However, they may try to do something to win back all the rage quits from the sub 50 players, in which case I can only imagine the outrage that will generate with all the post 50 players. I can't wait to hear all the counter-wailing. Somebody pass me the popcorn, please.


Seriously, though. This is a player PR fubar of epic (fail) proportions, for all players as far as I can tell.

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Perhaps, but in my experience, a business is generally not supposed to open its mouth and insert its foot all the way up to its knee. That's exceptional, and it's going to need an exceptional amount of damage control now.


I'm giddy with anticipation for their response. It ought to be good.


I wonder if they'll just say nothing and move along. I'd not be surprised. My "window of patience" will be open till about the 18th, then at that point I'd be able to assume no changes.


I still feel bad for the moderators. Crap like this doesn't make it any easier for them.

Edited by Freyar
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not to be rude but why would some continue to support someone that just spit in their face?


That makes no sense?


Its for everyone to decide on their own but frankly the face spit resulted in me hitting cancel subscription yesterday and now 12 hours later they need to go well above and beyond what would have been required at 5pm est or even 9pm est yesterday to get me back.


They spit in face and then ignored us!


Sorry I dont promote or approve of that behavior


I don't know ... but BW must have a reason to think they can get away with it and that we won't mind. I uninstalled TOR already, was very smooth and quick, so thanks for that at least BW.

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Whilst I'm abit piffed that I missed out on the 30 free days of game play, I still enojy the game, and will keep playing untill I stop enjoying it. BW have made a mistake with some things in this update and it's their first MMO, can't we just give them critical comments on how we, as not only players but as customers, think they could improve the game more instead of posting rage posts in the forums saying you've unsubbed because of 1.2... Who actually cares if you unsub? Do you really think you have that much of an impact on your fellow players that you feel the need to announce your cancellation of your cubscription? In your eyes, probably, but in reality, no-one actually gives a fugde...
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