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Celebrate Game Update 1.2: Legacy


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The best part is a player could have gotten a 50 in the first free month, unsubbed, resubbed before 1.2, unsubbed again, and STILL be considered more valued than someone who paid since Dec and just hadn't ground a toon to 50 yet.


Players that have yet to pay a sub fee are more valued than those that pay-GG Bioware.

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that's the thing, i am not a new player. i have been here for months, i just don't have a 50 yet. i have always played slowly. i run around killing the side monsters and explore the map. once i get to a higher level, i like to go back to the areas i had trouble with and kill all the bastards that were killing me, it makes me feel better. i took me over 6 months to get a character to max level in city of heroes.


i understand what you are saying about the suits and wording and all that. but, even without the wording, they are rewarding one group simply for getting to level cap. it is wierd to begin with. i wouldn't have been so up in arms if they had simply said they wanted to compensate the 50's for whtever reason, but i still find it wierd that they wouldn't just say thank you to everybody with a free 30 days.


See what I mean yet? I said "new players" on purpose to illustrate a point. I obviously meant people below 50, but bad wording happens. They are just people, like you and me.


As far as the actual thing goes, I don't get it either. The only reasonable reason is to soothe the 50 crowd. However, as pointed out earlier, it's still on shaky grounds.


If they decide to remove it, which would result in ME losing 30 days because of YOU, I would /shrug and continue playing. Even though that action would tell me that they value whining more than whatever I could come up with just to play the devils advocate. I've done it before and you can twist anything around.


Why do I say this? Because, to me, I don't get the insult at all. Because I don't care about whether they value me or not. I value them for providing entertainment into my boring life. They provide me with something I need to stay sane in my mundane life, and I'm grateful, especially since, for me, 15$ is a meaningless amount. I spend more of cigs and coffee a week, things which are killing me.

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Therefore, shouldn't I be a more valuable player than the level 50's I'm subsidizing? In short, poor choice of words which is still the heart of the matter for me.


I think you are, but since you will pay regardless they can leverage that.

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I have the worst luck, got the CE, wasted around 3 months of sub (2 from gamecard though which can't be suspended unfortunately) earlier due to having 2 unexpected eye surgeries


When I can finally play and get to a decent level to earn some money they take away the Korrealis Comander from the VIP vendor and replaced it with that terrible Tirsa prime which costs way more, then now the free month of sub goes to lvl 50s.

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See what I mean yet? I said "new players" on purpose to illustrate a point. I obviously meant people below 50, but bad wording happens. They are just people, like you and me.


As far as the actual thing goes, I don't get it either. The only reasonable reason is to soothe the 50 crowd. However, as pointed out earlier, it's still on shaky grounds.


If they decide to remove it, which would result in ME losing 30 days because of YOU, I would /shrug and continue playing. Even though that action would tell me that they value whining more than whatever I could come up with just to play the devils advocate. I've done it before and you can twist anything around.


Why do I say this? Because, to me, I don't get the insult at all. Because I don't care about whether they value me or not. I value them for providing entertainment into my boring life. They provide me with something I need to stay sane in my mundane life, and I'm grateful, especially since, for me, 15$ is a meaningless amount. I spend more of cigs and coffee a week, things which are killing me.


If you're so apathetic to all this, why are you here?

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The best game they can make is an uninspired WoW clone with glowsticks? If that's the case then maybe it should die.


That's your opinion. I bet you like something that I think is completely worthless and uninspiring as well. Neither of us are correct, the subjective can never be absolute because the human mind isn't an absolute.

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Let me clarify, I think that because you are not a min/max type player and like to roll alts you will stick around and subsidize the level 50 players because they are more likely to leave.


It's going to be pretty quite in your little lonely world pretty soon.


Never thought another company would make another NGE type failure. Must be something about Star Wars.

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You know I am not so much angry and insulted by it as I am kinda amazed at the sheer stupidity of it.It really does make it alot easier to cancel though there are PLENTY of mmo's out there that do treat all there paying subs the same way across the board and there are alot more mmo's coming out this year that I am sure won't be stupid enough to split there paying customer bases into 2 sections and reward one with someone and not the other.

I really love certain aspects of this game and hope it somehow manages to pull through this and improve. Unfortunately there are plenty of legitimate reasons to be unhappy with the game currently and this is a poor time for them to insult a large segment of their customers. I wouldn't quit solely for that reason but this and other foolish choices they have been making lately really make me wonder if they will ever address some of the serious problems that are driving people away.


Another poster said that he thought they were doing their best but it just wasn't enough. Maybe he was right, maybe this is as good as it gets? I hope not. I would like to play a Jedi long term if they can get it together.

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I have not yet made up my mind, but I am considering unsubscribing because of this. I have played since early access. I am lvl 49.


I understand people who play more than I do are disappointed in the end game content, but I have paid the same price for an incomplete game. I have been playing MMOs a long time, and understand it is a business of putting out an incomplete product and finishing it on the fly through patches.


Knowing this, I was in no rush to get to 50. I spent time enjoying the content that was complete. I still expected more for my money. What I got was not worth the price I paid. I kept paying as an investment into the idea that the game would improve with time. This is a slap in the face. You basically just told me that my money was worth less than a person's who has more spare time than me.


The ironic thing is, I am posting this waiting for a patch to download. I can remember two other times I skipped playing because I chose to get some sleep rather than wait for a patch to download so I could play for an hour or two. Had I been able to play because I purchased a complete product that did not need to constantly be patched, I would have been level 50.

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See what I mean yet? I said "new players" on purpose to illustrate a point. I obviously meant people below 50, but bad wording happens. They are just people, like you and me.


As far as the actual thing goes, I don't get it either. The only reasonable reason is to soothe the 50 crowd. However, as pointed out earlier, it's still on shaky grounds.


If they decide to remove it, which would result in ME losing 30 days because of YOU, I would /shrug and continue playing. Even though that action would tell me that they value whining more than whatever I could come up with just to play the devils advocate. I've done it before and you can twist anything around.


Why do I say this? Because, to me, I don't get the insult at all. Because I don't care about whether they value me or not. I value them for providing entertainment into my boring life. They provide me with something I need to stay sane in my mundane life, and I'm grateful, especially since, for me, 15$ is a meaningless amount. I spend more of cigs and coffee a week, things which are killing me.


I pretty much agree with this. I enjoy the entertainment. I love the game, or I wouldn't have spent so much time playing it.


And after seeing what they've done, and hearing the developers themselves on the Guild Summit broadcast, I know that the developers love the game too, and are having a ball (with the understandable drawbacks that come with it being your job) working on the game.


And I think it has tremendous potential in the years to come.


But those years aren't going to get here if the people on this management team who approved this fiasco don't stop making these bone-headed decisions.


They're going to need a healthy number of subscribers to make this thing happen in the long-term. And they better start thinking about those subscribers who have been loyal from the beginning but just don't play the game in their obtusely-chosen and specifically cherry-picked way.


They might take a few hits across the jaw, but there is a line to how much people will accept.

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I can respect that. I have this print signed and framed above my desk.




For me, it's rarely about being right or wrong. It's about WHY some oe is right or wrong ultimately. I'm wrong many times, If I don't get it why I'm wrong, fundamentally get it, I will never be right, hence I will continue to make the wrong decision because I never corrected my reasoning for it.

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It's going to be pretty quite in your little lonely world pretty soon.


Never thought another company would make another NGE type failure. Must be something about Star Wars.


Don't get me wrong, I'm upset about this, but this is not a NGE level of fail. That would take bioware saying "hey guys, you know you like playing sith, and we know lots of people in your demographic (unfathomably) like My Little Ponies, so we're changing all the Sith classes into ... Bronies!"


This is not the NGE. Not even close.

Edited by Finis
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It's going to be pretty quite in your little lonely world pretty soon.


Never thought another company would make another NGE type failure. Must be something about Star Wars.


I am saying the exact opposite of that. Infact I think BW will see less people leaving because of the way they are giving out the free month.

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I am saying the exact opposite of that. Infact I think BW will see less people leaving because of the way they are giving out the free month.


I do too. Stroking egos AND giving stuff for free. It's genius really.

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I am saying the exact opposite of that. Infact I think BW will see less people leaving because of the way they are giving out the free month.


That's funny actually. While we're making assumptions I assume that next month when the level 50 people are twiddling their thumbs, they'll cancel before they're billed.

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I am saying the exact opposite of that. Infact I think BW will see less people leaving because of the way they are giving out the free month.



Either way they are still gonna lose subs due to this stupid choice and if I was running a mmo sub model buisness I would MUCH rather keep those casual ppl who play sparingly and stay subbed for months/years rather than the max lvl ppl who are driven only by lvling and end game pvp both of which aren't usually a factor for your casual player base.

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Either way they are still gonna lose subs due to this stupid choice and if I was running a mmo sub model buisness I would MUCH rather keep those casual ppl who play sparingly and stay subbed for months/years rather than the max lvl ppl who are driven only by lvling and end game pvp both of which aren't usually a factor for your casual player base.


Why not keep both by doing what they are now?

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posting my 2 cents, I live in NZ and i do really like this game and my partner n i both play it. Neither of us have lvl 50s and im not too happy when i found out that people with lvl 50s get a free month simply because they have a lvl 50. As i said im from nz and we didnt even get the game till early march and i brought it on launch date here, i work full time and have a life outside of SWTOR and i still pay my 15 USD subscribtion per month but WTH is the difference between my money and the people who has lvl 50s? (no offence intended congrats on ur free 30 days) but why shouldnt every1 else get free 30 days ..


anyway my 2 cents

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You read it wrong again. They're rewarding the support and loyalty of those that got to 50. That's who the promotion is for. They're not trying to reward all loyal customers. Not being included in this promotion is not a slight on your 'loyalty'.


It strikes me as ironic that some are insisting that they were 'loyal' customers... and then are leaving over a perceived 'insult'. That doesn't seem particularly loyal. That just seems like being 'a customer'.


And if those players got to 50 and left, how loyal were they? If they didn't come back until 1.2, how supportive and valuable were they to Bioware and its revenue stream?

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And if those players got to 50 and left, how loyal were they? If they didn't come back until 1.2, how supportive and valuable were they to Bioware and its revenue stream?


What? Revenue? I thought TOR ran on the Force.

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I feel pretty insulted by all of this, from start to finish. I suppose this was done as a means of reparation to the PVP users inconvenienced by earlier updates, but I've been at this game just as long as anyone, aiding in beta and playing when I can. Blowing money on it, even despite my minimal free time.


Read that as; Paying for it even though I don't really get to play it much, if at all often enough.


And I'm not loyal? Or loyal enough? Or, in any case, not as worthy as the next ******e because I do have a bit of a life?


Good going, Bioware. Or, whoever actually, specifically, was behind these shenanigans.


By the way, if it was a matter of cost, deciding to only offer an admittedly large niche the gift, why give it at *********** all? Seriously.

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