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PVP has been ruined


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You too, eh? That felt a bit harsh to me. Losing is usually plenty punishment for me - taking away the chance at any kind of gear progression on top of that, it felt a little like a slap in the face. And once again, I don't recall the devs giving any reasoning for these changes. Communication is out the window.


Have had this experience several times since the patch, most recently this morning.


I'm not a level 50. I'm only level 39, and sometimes I start off with an under-ranked team of Levels 14-30... you know the sort of thing. Meanwhile, the other team on my Sith-heavy server is a collection of Level 40s-49s etc.


Me and my team valiantly fight away, even when it's obvious we have lost the match we stick at it to the end. We are out-classed, out-matched, and out-gunned, but we don't throw in the towel. We persevere.


Then the finishing window comes up and we have earned: 0 XP, 0 credits, 0 everything.


So, after investing 20 minutes or so of effort in the game, we have earned nothing. Zip. Nada.

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the testers told bioware that this was a problem. some guy earlier linked to bunch of different threads about it in the tester forum.


the problem isn't that the testers didn't tell bioware. the problem is that bioware didn't listen.


Bioware is known for this, in my experience.


Most of the things that we are still complaining about were told to them in numerous threads in the Closed Beta forums. We told them over and over and over, and they went along as if we had said nothing. Then we had to watch as people blamed us, the testers, for the intractable attitudes of the developers. They wanted our input but never responded to us about what we told them, whether that be on the forums or in the changes the implemented in the game.


and now they implement ridiculous changes to a basically decent warzone content -- what they needed to do was reduce the incapacitating CCs and allow some actual battles to go on -- and these forums are filled with it.


And it's not like this hasn't happened time and again. They don't listen, they just go ahead with those rose-colored glasses on that, because they offer a lightsaber and some music, the player base will just be content with anything and make do.


I am like many in this thread. I unsubbed. Because of the PvP and because the crafting system is too costly and nothing has been done to correct that and that the Legacy system is elitest and unobtainable by many of their players.

Edited by Appletaz
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As long as this person wasn't being entirely sarcastic I completely agree with this person right here completely.


You see all you people complaining about how awesome you are but how crappy your team is are the same people who, when in a war zone, would stop focusing on objectives and just start doing whatever the hell it is that gets you the most medals so that regardless of whether or not your team wins you still get your 3 kills towards your ilum daily and a butt ton of medals regardless of whether or not you won. Which ruins the game for people who actually do NEED wins.


Well, now they fixed it. PvP war zones are TEAM GAMES. If you do a crappy job of being a team player and focusing on the objectives then your team gets a crappy reward. I know for myself that I'll only be queueing with my Guild members.


This is a positive change. Now winning war zones is more important than anything. It motivates everyone on the team to function as a team and try to actually win warzones instead of just going in and beating on people for medals regardless of whether or not you win. This is a positive change in my book.


Actually it doesn't achieve any such objective. Particularly for casual PvP players who pick up the odd game to boost their XP in PvE. All it does is discourage participation in PvP, and if that is the objective - to make PvP a guild-centric experience played only by elite, dedicated PvPers - then consider it achieved.

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New at lvl 50, went to three WZs.

I'm melee dps.


Died each time in 3 sec, enemy health does not go down.

Get bounced around everywhere so i cant get close to attack people.


So i end up with 1 medal each game and no valor/commendations to show for it.


Total waste of time.

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Actually it doesn't achieve any such objective. Particularly for casual PvP players who pick up the odd game to boost their XP in PvE. All it does is discourage participation in PvP, and if that is the objective - to make PvP a guild-centric experience played only by elite, dedicated PvPers - then consider it achieved.


Well said, any enjoyment in PvP was taken with this patch. I will not waste 10-20 minutes of my day and get nothing from it because I either start short handed or get steamrolled and decide to say and fight till the end. I was one who never left wz no matter how bad I was getting trounced, I will leave now and that BW is sad. At this point I don't even PvP anymore seeing as Valor counts for nothing now as well.

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