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1.2 First impressions (Commando)


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Ok, tried a couple warzones today in my brand new 1.2 skills.



Basically I feel like a wet noodle. Yes I got a 5,6k crit off with demo round, but grav round is really bad now. Had it hit for less than 1k on several occasions. and we still have to spam it ;( I used FA whenever it was off CD, but still it just feels like it takes alot longer to bring targets down now. Possibly because they take 5% less damage due to expertisebuff. We however take 5% more so I basically felt alot weaker in comparison.


Also I for some reason seem to run out of ammo alot faster now. Not really sure why that is. Maybe cause i do less damage and thus the fights lasts longer, might be because the critchance got nerfed and I get 10% less ammo back.


The 5 seconds increased CD on conc.charge was also felt surpisingly well, as Im used to spam it whenever its off CD to get a breather from the melees. Now i clicked and clicked but nothing seemed to happened. 15->20sec is a bigger nerf than I thought.


MV.... I like that its faster. But I do less damage, as people have an easier time running out. I also have had occasions I put it down between 3-4 people, used to hitting them all, though I hit noone on both occasions. Thats just beyond frustrating, and this nerf is HUGE.


Overall impression. Less damage, more squishy/less survival, slight ammoissues.



Basically I feel more squishy and die ALOT faster. One marauder can drop me easy now, while before he usually needed someone to assist. Due to the changes in expertise it seems damage is increased alot, damage reduction is increased slightly, but healing is less than it was before for some reason. I also have 400 less hp. Have no idea why that is. Must be some gearchanges.


Most important is heat management. I run out of ammo FAST. Have been trying to uphold my standard PvP healing gameplay, but I used to rotate traumaprobe, which just doesnt seem viable now.


Overall impression, less healing done, more damage taken, ammomanagement a nightmare.



Didnt try it, but given it was in a bad state before the patch, and it is even more gimped now, i dont really see the point.

Edited by Niconogood
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Ok, tried a couple warzones today in my brand new 1.2 skills.



Basically I feel like a wet noodle. Yes I got a 5,6k crit off with demo round, but grav round is really bad now. Had it hit for less than 1k on several occasions. I used FA whenever it was off CD, but still it just feels like it takes alot longer to bring targets down now. Possibly because they take 5% less damage due to expertisebuff. We however take 5% more so I basically felt alot weaker in comparison.


Also I for some reason seem to run out of ammo alot faster now. Not really sure why that is. Maybe cause i do less damage and thus the fights lasts longer, might be because the critchance got nerfed and I get 10% less ammo back.


The 5 seconds increased CD on conc.charge was also felt surpisingly well, as Im used to spam it whenever its off CD to get a breather from the melees. Now i clicked and clicked but nothing seemed to happened. 15->20sec is a bigger nerf than I thought.


MV.... I like that its faster. But I do less damage, as people have an easier time running out. I also have had occasions I put it down between 3-4 people, used to hitting them all, though I hit noone on both occasions. Thats just beyond frustrating, and this nerf is HUGE.


Overall impression. Less damage, more squishy/less survival, slight ammoissues.


I didn't get to try it yet, but this is what I feared. I was already pretty squishy, and died pretty quick. Yet I did do some good damage before. Now it looks like what we thought, even LESS survivability, and weaker damage.

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So from what you have witnessed:

The good - likely to feel more unique as less people will play commandos

The bad - I have become an even better target for melee to squish

The ugly - we get to suffer till some metric used by Bioware helps them to determine that we are underpowered


I still am hopeful that as we play it out the nerfs will not affect our ability to be viable. Though I would take all these nerfs happily if they would just give us an interrupt.

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goes deep enough into CM to pick up Trauma probe, treated wound dressings, kolto bomb and psych aid, which will all keep you alive a lot longer.


not to mention the benefits of being able to heal a ball carrier...


I had the same experiences with straight cookie cutter specs when I first went into pvp. As it stands now, I don't get top healing of damage, but I get large numbers of both, can kill marauders regularly, and frequently don't die for a whole wz.


Haven't been able to try it out since 1.2 yet, but I imagine I will just have to hammer shot a whole lot more.

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50 cmdo full rakata


*Broken* grav - seems the people at bioware failed math bc lowering by 10% seemed to actualy lower my dmg of it by 35-40% consistantly and ontop of that taking another second to actualy hit after cast(not lag, same thing old MV did)


*Broken More*MV - useless now, it mightaswell be a single target ability


*no change*DR - no dmg increase that ive noticed what so ever


FA - decent dmg now when i get grav buff other wise no change ive noticed


all survival methods were shot in the foot and left to bleed out last night


so to sum it up they gave us less dmg less survivability, it alrdy wasnt hard to kill a turret now they made the turrets shoot gummy bears and sparkles


i unsubbed after my tests, good job bioware

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Demo round eats ammo quite quickly. This is why it is not a viable 10% replacement to grav round.


But really, I am very happy that I can still be stun locked and burned down by an imp. Sure am grateful they did not get nerfed. phew.

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I'm more concerned about reports of an ability delay being introduced to grav round now. It's one thing to intentionally rebalance gunnery's central ability, it's another thing all together to introduce a delay bug simultaneously..


How long was this on the PTR?


Explain to me again why I, a paying sub since early access, was not allowed to copy my valor 66 gunnery commando over to test?

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First impressions as a Commando healer having just played warzones for an hour:




I absolutely hate the changes with respect to reduced healing abilities, increased ammo costs, and reduced medals/awards for warzones.



Not going to unsub, but I'm heavily disappointed in how Commando got whacked relative to some of the other classes.


lvl 50 with an honestly earned valor of 67

Edited by Buckit
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Despite demolition round hitting high on lowgeared players, i feel like enemies just have to look at me and i die


With the change to grav buff and expertise change, you take more damage, which is not really good for commandos which already were the squishiest class before 1.2.


Mortar volley does alot less damage, beeing split up in so many hits and beeing almost impossible to crit more then 30% of them, you only crit 2 and the other 4 does pathethic damage.


As mentioned, you run out of ammo alot faster, maybe it is as said, becouse your crit less often?


Commandos need alot more utilities, its WAY to easy for classes like marauders to get to you, god forsake they actually have to run to you for once?

Commandos have no way to get out of that still, you only have 2 options.

Either stand there taking all the hits in your face, or try to stagger to your friends, at which point the marauders use AoE knockdown on everyone.


Something that makes you immune to charge (knockback only gives marauders a free charge+interupt)

And making interupt immunity on reactive shield included from start without having to trait it.

And an escape skill to get out of melee range.

Edited by SeloDaoC
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43 commando healer


I do not mind the changes, not do I se a huge difference as a healer. I can manage my ammo well, keep my tank alive and win the fights still and have fun doing it. I also still get about the same amount of kill PvP and seem to be just as good 1 on 1 in a fair fight.

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My 1.2 first impressions as a Combat Medic:


Warzones are much more fluid now with what seems to be an increase in damage. Mobility and the ability to LOS and escape pressure effectively are even more important.


CM have the worst escape mechanics and the least mobility of the 3 AC's. Before 1.2 we at least had the survivability to compensate. People often complained that we were "unkillable" when we had our shield up, but the truth is that as an essentially stationary class we had to be able to withstand the damage. As a tradeoff, while we were busy being "unkillable" we couldn't effectively heal the rest of our ops group.


Our heals act as self roots, and with coordinated interrupts it was (and is) easy to lock a CM down when he or she doesn't have access to the shield.


Now, however, we have drastically reduced survivability and more restrictive resource management. This means that we have lost the core of our utility; namely our tankiness. We can't heal on the move, and now we can't afford to stand still (not that we should or could have just stood in a single spot before).


I will play more to get used to the changes, but as it stands now I would advise my guild not to take a CM as a healer if there is a choice.

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43 commando healer


I do not mind the changes, not do I se a huge difference as a healer. I can manage my ammo well, keep my tank alive and win the fights still and have fun doing it. I also still get about the same amount of kill PvP and seem to be just as good 1 on 1 in a fair fight.


Sorry dude.. Unless your level 50 and full BM/rakata your opinion doesnt matter.


Hmm.. Unless thats what BW balanced us for. No matter that commandos already were on the bottom of the pecking order on highend level 50 PvP, they were considered OP in the 10-49 bracket, so thats why they got nerfed into oblivion.. It all makes sense now.

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43 commando healer


I do not mind the changes, not do I se a huge difference as a healer. I can manage my ammo well, keep my tank alive and win the fights still and have fun doing it. I also still get about the same amount of kill PvP and seem to be just as good 1 on 1 in a fair fight.


I can imagine in the 1-49 brackets, that things are still pretty much the same, but in the 50 brackets with the introduction of expertise it's a whole different ballgame. The damage boost is about double the healing boost and the damage reduction is about 10-20% less than the damage boost as well.


Even with the massive expertise increase, my healing boost has not effectively changed, while the damage boost has nearly doubled.

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I spent a good amount of time working on test dummies and running HMFPS today to test out the new Gunnery changes. I thought that with the Curtain of Fire proc we would be getting a pretty nice buff. Full Auto is now about 40% of my damage while Grav Round is about 35%. My normal Grav Round hits (full rakata) dropped a few hundred damage. My crits dropped about the same as well. Demo Round I haven't noticed a substantial change in damage. I also noticed the delay in Grav Round's damage and debuff placement, which is annoying but not too terrible in PvE since once the fight is started it makes little difference.


The biggest thing that I noticed though is that I am running out of ammo much faster than before even with the same rotation. I have been throwing hammer shots in before full autos to try and regen a little bit more ammo, but when ammo was never an issue before I am running out fast now. I could go the entirety of Karagga without using recharge cells before the patch and now I run out of ammo on single trash mobs.


If anyone has any ideas on why the ammo management is an issue please let me know. I dont think the crit going down by just a little bit really has that big of an affect.

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Sorry dude.. Unless your level 50 and full BM/rakata your opinion doesnt matter.


Hmm.. Unless thats what BW balanced us for. No matter that commandos already were on the bottom of the pecking order on highend level 50 PvP, they were considered OP in the 10-49 bracket, so thats why they got nerfed into oblivion.. It all makes sense now.


This is absolutely correct, because your experience leveling and PvPing doesn't mean anything at all. Level 50 is the only playing field in the entire game. The first 49 levels are just to weed out the people who aren't totally serious about the game.



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This is absolutely correct, because your experience leveling and PvPing doesn't mean anything at all. Level 50 is the only playing field in the entire game. The first 49 levels are just to weed out the people who aren't totally serious about the game.




It's not that the 1-49 bracket doesn't build experience, it's that expertise makes such a huge difference. Plus in the level 1-49 bracket I've noticed that you get a lot of people who PvP while they're leveling just for the experience, whereas in the level 50 bracket you get more people who are primarily PvPing at endgame.

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Bleh, got on for a few minutes to take on the test dummy.



two very quick parses with my leftover exotech stim on generated 1091 and 1065 DPS, adjusting the second for those last few seconds gets me up to 1112 DPS. I seemed to be running out of ammo quicker but that might just be psychology talking and lacking the lag regen you get in ops, also the numbers are somewhat skewed since it takes a few seconds of 0 DPS while you run away to get out of combat.



My super small sample size can be found here. You can use the log view to figure out when the last action was done and then adjust the time scale accordingly, and I'll post our EV/KP runs tomorrow sometime.


The biggest nerf is obviously grav round. Before I was critting grav rounds for 3-3.3k on bosses in Ops, normal hits around 1800, so call it an average of 2400ish, since I had a 50%+ crit rate with grav round (all anecdotal obviously). I'll see how I do tonight on those as we're running Hardmode EV and KP tonight. On the training dummy I was getting an average 1867 with a crit rate of 56.67% with grav round.


The numbers, with a much larger sample size obviously, will bear out if an increase in Curtain of Fire procs and a higher damage for demo round(only a 15 second ability though) will bear be enough to make up the huge loss in damage from grav round, but as it is it definitely sucks, and it definitely seems more than a 10% reduction(though I suppose raid buffs will make up for it, but I'm also wearing three augments so that's 30 AIM I just lost).

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Hi, is full BM/rakata Commando here.


The feeling is that our class is being only nerfed a lot.

I don't see improvements but only nerf.


MV is faster that is nice but remember that now we have to velocity that a BH have had since the launch of the game. Nothing new instead of the damage that is less. Now i have single hit of 500 damage without crit. Terrible.


Grav Round is the bigger nerf. I've some problem doing 2.5k medal with a crit of this shot. Before i usually had a crit from 3k to 3.2k without adrenal. It seems more that 10% nerfing.


Demolition damage increase is useless, you can spam only every 15sec and with dodge/parry/shield it can't be the ability that can turn a 1vs1 in our favor.


Charged barrier nerf is huge too. 50% for this ability means that is useless and means less surv. ability.


Field training is quite the same. 50% nerfing and 3% crit chance less means LESS AMMO, LESS DAMAGE, LESS HEALING. All for 3 skill points.


Full Auto is nice, is doing more damage but remember that is a standard accuacy attack so it's party of dodge/parry/miss ability. The most damage does not seems to translate in more DPS.


That's are my impressions.


I'm wondering to re-roll in a marauder/sentinel (Op ATM) or to quit the game.


Please note: i don't even see another class that was nerfed huge like the ours one. That's is nice because i did not seen posts of people say commandos are OW or something like this. That's why i cant' understand those nerfings.


Thanks for attention.

Edited by brutalor
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It's not that the 1-49 bracket doesn't build experience, it's that expertise makes such a huge difference. Plus in the level 1-49 bracket I've noticed that you get a lot of people who PvP while they're leveling just for the experience, whereas in the level 50 bracket you get more people who are primarily PvPing at endgame.


That doesn't invalidate game play below level 50 or opinions of people playing in brackets below level 50.

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That doesn't invalidate game play below level 50 or opinions of people playing in brackets below level 50.


You're right, but I think most of the people who are commenting about the changes are considering them in the context of level 50 content. In that context the perspective of someone who isn't yet 50 in that class is incomplete.

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I'm more concerned about reports of an ability delay being introduced to grav round now. It's one thing to intentionally rebalance gunnery's central ability, it's another thing all together to introduce a delay bug simultaneously..



Lots of Sniper abilities had this from launch.

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