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30 Comms after losing to a premade


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Let me start off by saying 1.2 sucks. If you expect me as a casual to lose constantly to premades who are PO'd about ranked WZ's being pulled... You better give me the same amount of comms or at least 80 - 90% of what a win yields. This is ridiculous and has me ready to unsub which I have never threatened nor intended to do... But I just can't take the no lifer premades anymore. We were supposed to have a casual WZ situation come 1.2 and instead we have raging premades who had their hearts set on rated. You (BW) reward griefer premades for stomping pugs by giving them better gear faster with which to further increase the gear disparity gap. NOT COOL BIOWARE.


Not cool...

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Let me start off by saying 1.2 sucks. If you expect me as a casual to lose constantly to premades who are PO'd about ranked WZ's being pulled... You better give me the same amount of comms or at least 80 - 90% of what a win yields. This is ridiculous and has me ready to unsub which I have never threatened nor intended to do... But I just can't take the no lifer premades anymore. We were supposed to have a casual WZ situation come 1.2 and instead we have raging premades who had their hearts set on rated. You (BW) reward griefer premades for stomping pugs by giving them better gear faster with which to further increase the gear disparity gap. NOT COOL BIOWARE.


Not cool...


Recruit gear for credits helps with the gear disparity for fresh 50's.


So your mad that you dont get rewarded the same for a loss as you do for a win? QQ more pls.


Where is your guild? Do you not have anyone to Q with? This is a team game, dont cry when a team beats you.


also, 4-man groups are not a pre-made. its 8v8 not 4v4.

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Let me start off by saying 1.2 sucks. If you expect me as a casual to lose constantly to premades who are PO'd about ranked WZ's being pulled... You better give me the same amount of comms or at least 80 - 90% of what a win yields. This is ridiculous and has me ready to unsub which I have never threatened nor intended to do... But I just can't take the no lifer premades anymore. We were supposed to have a casual WZ situation come 1.2 and instead we have raging premades who had their hearts set on rated. You (BW) reward griefer premades for stomping pugs by giving them better gear faster with which to further increase the gear disparity gap. NOT COOL BIOWARE.


Not cool...


well said, agree on all points.

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Where is your guild? Do you not have anyone to Q with? This is a team game, dont cry when a team beats you.


Laugh. This is not a "team game." An overwhelmingly vast majority of the content is geared for one or two players.


PS: Metrics across multiple games show that more people queue up solo for "warzones" than in premades.

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Recruit gear for credits helps with the gear disparity for fresh 50's.


So your mad that you dont get rewarded the same for a loss as you do for a win? QQ more pls.


Where is your guild? Do you not have anyone to Q with? This is a team game, dont cry when a team beats you.


also, 4-man groups are not a pre-made. its 8v8 not 4v4.


If you notice, I said 80 - 90% would be acceptable. I've never understood the MMO trend of rewarding the most organized and skilled players who have other friends with little to no real world responsibility by giving them better / the best gear by which to further increase their advantage. All this does is encourage no lifers to find other no lifers and group with eachother in hopes of not only winning more frequently, but being rewarded for doing such. As it is, republic on my server are more casual and tend to lose more than win due to "hardcore" premades on empire side who are "serious" pvp'ers. At least when we're rewarded equally, we can gear up at the same rate and keep the WZ's somewhat competitive. All this system will do is force any casual solo-queuer out of the pvp side and perhaps the game FOR GOOD. Would you like to wait 15 minutes for a WZ because there are no casuals to roflstomp? I didn't think so... So we need to be rewarded and have incentive to play and consistently lose. And before the inception of rated WZ's, premade has always been 4. Everyone knows a well organized and voice comm enabled group of 4 players can most definitely determine the outcome of a WZ given 4 other autonomous players on their team. The only point you have proven is that you're a no lifer premade queuer who has other friends with no responsibility that swells his fragile ego by destroying pugs who could care less.

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can you queue up with 8 people now? Legitimate question, I am downloading patch as we speak and read the "no ranked warzones" dev post, but did they at least make it so full 8 man groups can play together?


Was wondering that myself. I thought 8-person queues were only going in with ranked warzones.

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can you queue up with 8 people now? Legitimate question, I am downloading patch as we speak and read the "no ranked warzones" dev post, but did they at least make it so full 8 man groups can play together?


That would be nice... We can finally farm pugs to get BM/WH for our alts.

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If you notice, I said 80 - 90% would be acceptable. I've never understood the MMO trend of rewarding the most organized and skilled players who have other friends with little to no real world responsibility by giving them better / the best gear by which to further increase their advantage. All this does is encourage no lifers to find other no lifers and group with eachother in hopes of not only winning more frequently, but being rewarded for doing such. As it is, republic on my server are more casual and tend to lose more than win due to "hardcore" premades on empire side who are "serious" pvp'ers. At least when we're rewarded equally, we can gear up at the same rate and keep the WZ's somewhat competitive. All this system will do is force any casual solo-queuer out of the pvp side and perhaps the game FOR GOOD. Would you like to wait 15 minutes for a WZ because there are no casuals to roflstomp? I didn't think so... So we need to be rewarded and have incentive to play and consistently lose. And before the inception of rated WZ's, premade has always been 4. Everyone knows a well organized and voice comm enabled group of 4 players can most definitely determine the outcome of a WZ given 4 other autonomous players on their team. The only point you have proven is that you're a no lifer premade queuer who has other friends with no responsibility that swells his fragile ego by destroying pugs who could care less.




80-90% for losing still makes no sense. You lost, sorry but you dont deserve the same rewards as those who won. I dont know where you were raised but this isn't communist Russia.


I love the no-life excuse bad pvpers use. You suck at the game so you say anyone that beats you has no life? Never gets old. If you are so "casual" why are you crying on the forums? Just enjoy your casual play-time, losing means nothing to you.


BTW, most pre-mades aren't even on voice-comms

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I agree. "Skags" my merc healer now gets 2 shot by raging no lifer nerds in kick *** gear. So i guess anything less then a lvl 49 with ramped up gear is going *** *****..so i guess thats biowares way of making it fair? absolutely stupid.. split the wz to level based .


Level 10-19

level 20-29

level 30-39

level 40-49


then your QQ 50 pvpers in level 50 warzones..


without changes the current setup is absolutely worthless to us low level players..


i guess it's time to move on to another game since the only thing that was fun for me is no longer fun..

Edited by Cognortin
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I just played a match (the new warzone, which I like). I got top healing (just over 220k) and two mvp votes, but we lost pretty badly (I'm Republic, non-premade).


My rewards?


0 valor, 0 comms, 0xp (level 50 though), 0 credits.

forgot to look at whether I got legacy xp.


looks like I am done with pvp in this game.

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can you queue up with 8 people now? Legitimate question, I am downloading patch as we speak and read the "no ranked warzones" dev post, but did they at least make it so full 8 man groups can play together?


No, 8 man premades were pulled along with the ranked warzones so Bioware can dangle it in front of us in a few weeks when Diablo 3 comes out and fail to keep us from switching all our time to Diablo 3.

Edited by Ronxz
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Recruit gear for credits helps with the gear disparity for fresh 50's.


So your mad that you dont get rewarded the same for a loss as you do for a win? QQ more pls.


Where is your guild? Do you not have anyone to Q with? This is a team game, dont cry when a team beats you.


also, 4-man groups are not a pre-made. its 8v8 not 4v4.


Well that guys was posting is state of mind...the one I C QQ its u.


Have a nice day!

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I agree. "Skags" my merc healer now gets 2 shot by raging no lifer nerds in kick *** gear. So i guess anything less then a lvl 49 with ramped up gear is going *** *****..so i guess thats biowares way of making it fair? absolutely stupid.. split the wz to level based .


Level 10-19

level 20-29

level 30-39

level 40-49


then your QQ 50 pvpers in level 50 warzones..


without changes the current setup is absolutely worthless to us low level players..


i guess it's time to move on to another game since the only thing that was fun for me is no longer fun..


Do you know how long those q's would be? Get real.


10-49 bracket is fine. Low levels vs 40's are still competitive. My alt is lvl 25 and he has been getting top dmg since I started pvping with him at lvl 15.

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Well that guys was posting is state of mind...the one I C QQ its u.


Have a nice day!


"Well that guy was posting his state of mind" is what I think you were trying to say.


Obviosuly not, he is crying because he didnt get enough comms for losing. I respond telling them to suck it up, winning should give you more rewards...how is that QQ?

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No, 8 man premades were pulled along with the ranked warzones so Bioware can dangle it in front of us in a few weeks when Diablo 3 comes out and fail to keep us from switching all our time to Diablo 3.


lol diablo 3, not me. I'm leaving to check out Tera come next Thursday. If it sucks then I will finish off my 6 month sub here. But until diablo 3 has PVP I'm not interested

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Yesterday I won 9 out of 11 games solo queueing, and one of the losses was against the top premade that is constantly accused of hacking and that game was a 4-4 Voidstar (we lost the coin flip). Honestly, most premades just aren't that strong. If you're up against a truly strong premades, then its members, even when broken up, is likelly to give you an extremely hard time even while the members are solo. For all the normal premades, about the only significant handicap you have is that you may have no healers and they have may have at least one.
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So your mad that you dont get rewarded the same for a loss as you do for a win? QQ more pls.


It's amazing how few people understand how bad of an idea it's to reward winning in pvp due to gear with even better gear. You must be one of them.


Where is your guild? Do you not have anyone to Q with? This is a team game, dont cry when a team beats you.


Pretty hard to find one that doesn't break apart because of people quitting left and right. Today my third guild broke up because half of the clan quitted after the ranked wz scandal. I usually join one guild and stay there till I leave the game but in SWTOR the amount of english language PVP guilds that stay alive for long enough for that seems to be rather low.

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Someone please enlighten me because i dont go in for all this MMO Terminology but Premade?


groups that group up to join warzones together.


they usually have an advantage due to superior communication, better coordination, and to be frank, a higher density of great-geared players.

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We know that a lot of players are interested in talking about rewards in warzones after Game Update 1.2. That conversation is already in progress, so you may want to post your thoughts here:




There is also a discussion about the absence of ranked warzones in Game Update 1.2 here:




And finally, you may also be interested in reading what Lead Game Designer Daniel Erickson had to say in his announcement about ranked warzones:


Hey everybody,


It is with great reluctance that I have to announce Ranked Warzones are not going live with Game Update 1.2: Legacy. We had a fantastic run of testing on the Public Test Server and I can’t begin to thank the community enough for their tireless advocacy for this feature and the time people took to file bugs and voice their concerns.


After careful consideration, it is clear that to make Ranked Warzones the feature we all want it to be is going to take a bit more time. I apologize for any disappointment this may cause and ask for your patience as we work to make sure the Ranked Warzone Preseason launch is polished and fun. With Legacy, the new Warzone, Operation, and Flashpoint, as well as many other amazing features of Game Update 1.2 ready to go, we're very excited for tomorrow's additions.


In the future we'll be rolling the Ranked Warzone Preseason out in phases, listening carefully to player feedback and making adjustments as we go. The first phase will be full team, eight-player queuing only and from there we'll look at next steps as Preseason progresses. In the meantime we have provided an alternate purchase route for War Hero gear so you can start building your set while figuring out your teams.


Daniel Erickson

Lead Game Designer


You may also want to read Principal Lead PvP & Endgame Designer Gabe Amatangelo's blog, in which he explains the changes to the warzone rewards.


We hope this sheds some light on the matter.


We will be closing this thread now. Thank you for your feedback!


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