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Resubbers vs Bioware (A contract law look at the reaction to the Ranked WZ delay)


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Sigh. This isn't hard.


When you buy a thing, you should buy it based upon what it is, and not what sales and PR folks pinky-swear it totally will be in the future.


If Ranked PvP is important to you, buy a game with ranked PvP. I can buy a potato and then complain that it doesn't taste like steak, but that says more about me than it does about the chef.


As far as legal rights go - read the ToS. Until you do, you have no idea what the legal situation is in any way, shape, or form. If reading the ToS is too much work for you, I doubt you'll have more follow-through on filing a class-action lawsuit.

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You bought a game. You pay a monthly fee in order to keep accessing that game. You don't pay to play for updates and additional content. Free content is something MMO developers do to keep you interested and busy, while they're secretly working on a $30-$60 expansion.


Every online game, even online only games have this little message saying, "Game experience may change during online play." To my knowledge, this protects them from many "legal issues" and they also make you digitally sign a legal agreement before you can play the game. Though I have read a few cases where these agreements have been challenged and voided by the judge.


Regardless, trying to sue BioWare because of an update is pretty low and your chances of winning would be almost nonexistent.

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