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I don't even have party bomb and I want it back. :D





I really wish they would comment if even just to say, "we've read this thread". A guild member told me that he read something that Bioware was surprised that the removal has made so many people upset, but I can't find where he got this information online. Once I see him next, I'll see if he remembers so I can post a link. In the meantime, here's a reminder of the petition to bring back the party ball.





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This is just plain ridicules:mad: Bioware successfully managed to take away all of the cool fun items you could work towards and essentially replace it with...absolutely nothing. Good job. Looks like just another reason I can use to start browsing other MMO's to play that won't stab me in the back for having a real life outside of gaming.
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ok, no long text now.


but please have all of you a look on this recent screenshot of our imp fleet. we are standing together. it´s event time. but party time? look on the area around...




we can´t we have our bombs in those situations? why? despite of our unuseable items, we use all our aoe when hanging around on the fleet - having fun. but with just lees cool musicgear :(

Edited by Gentleman-Horst
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That's pretty hysterical. You ban our social items, yet here people are having plague orgies on every Fleet on every planet?


And STILL no explanation for removing the items? Super pro!

Edited by Ashlov
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So I tried using google to find this thread to see if there's an upate (before I realized I can now easily subscribe to threads), and I happened upon this thread for France. It's hilarious, because I don't know any french, but I swear I can read two different replies asking if there's an update, lmao. International socialites UNITE!



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One theory I've seen in these posts and heard from talking with other players is the idea that the Party bomb and instigator were being used to grief other players.


One question... how is this Rakghoul plague going around any different? Oh.. I can get a vaccine right? Yeah, at the cost of 2000 credits. That must be why its OK.. because it costs credits to avoid.


Put in an anti-dance vaccine then for those who don't want to dance when the Party items are used. All I've heard from the server I'm on is people asking why its gone and upset its gone. I've yet to see anyone in game say they are glad its gone. Please, bring it back or let us having something for all the time spent increasing our Social level like you are now awarding people for their Legacy.


Here is an idea even... if you are not going to give me anything more for my social gains, why not let me get more from Legacy than a few pointless emotes.

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One theory I've seen in these posts and heard from talking with other players is the idea that the Party bomb and instigator were being used to grief other players.


One question... how is this Rakghoul plague going around any different? Oh.. I can get a vaccine right? Yeah, at the cost of 2000 credits. That must be why its OK.. because it costs credits to avoid.


Put in an anti-dance vaccine then for those who don't want to dance when the Party items are used. All I've heard from the server I'm on is people asking why its gone and upset its gone. I've yet to see anyone in game say they are glad its gone. Please, bring it back or let us having something for all the time spent increasing our Social level like you are now awarding people for their Legacy.


Here is an idea even... if you are not going to give me anything more for my social gains, why not let me get more from Legacy than a few pointless emotes.


Party bomb can't or isn't the only thing that could be annoying. All the people running around casting mortar volley or quake or heals or any of the other aoe stuff is just as annoying. I say bring back party bomb or eliminate the ability to cast that stuff as well.


Oh and by the way, if you don't like the fact that you're dancing, just move your skinny butt one step to the left, right, forward, or back. Boom! Problem solved.

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Party bomb can't or isn't the only thing that could be annoying. All the people running around casting mortar volley or quake or heals or any of the other aoe stuff is just as annoying. I say bring back party bomb or eliminate the ability to cast that stuff as well.


Oh and by the way, if you don't like the fact that you're dancing, just move your skinny butt one step to the left, right, forward, or back. Boom! Problem solved.


You said it well.


Now if BW would just answer the community and let us know WHY they decided to remove it, I could complete my grieving process and move on.

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Party bomb can't or isn't the only thing that could be annoying. All the people running around casting mortar volley or quake or heals or any of the other aoe stuff is just as annoying. I say bring back party bomb or eliminate the ability to cast that stuff as well.


Oh and by the way, if you don't like the fact that you're dancing, just move your skinny butt one step to the left, right, forward, or back. Boom! Problem solved.


It's just a jump to the left, and a step to the right.

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It's just a jump to the left, and a step to the right.


ha ha, that's exactly what came to my mind :p


Side note: some douche parked his gigantic vehicle right at the grouping spot on the fleet. I wanted to report him. He hovered in a way that completely covered almost everyone.

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I've noticed more than one person doing it tonight, and I now think that perhaps they're not doing it maliciously. I regret my last comment. My anger over wasting my time getting to social VII is making me lash out at innocent people who'd I'd otherwise not have any problems with. It's sad how 1.2 has made me an angrier player. I will say, though, that a guildee was able to make me feel a little better by helping me get the rakghoul pet. I just hope that doesn't get taken away either.

So for my own mental well being, I'm telling myself that Bioware is hearing it's subscribers' grief about social items, and will eventually bring them back. They may not have responded to this thread, but they haven't closed it either, so I'm choosing to stay optimistic until proven otherwise... aka 1.3. I won't forget though, and I won't be swayed by by lame door prizes such as sparkle powder or emotes (which by the way, have NOTHING to do with being social. How about a high five, or a hug, or a cartwheel, or more variations of flirt? What does welding or reading a map have to do with social??)

Also, for those of you socialites still playing the game, please note that on the empire side, a new outfit was added. In Dromund Kaas, there is now a social II formal dress outfit for female toons. Before it was just a formal outfit for the dudes.

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In a beta that's a whole different story, as that's kind of a "closed community" wich is expected to be active in th forums.

I usually tend to make ingame tickets for that stuff, as I imagine most "casual gamer" will choose the same way to leave his complaints. (well but to be honest, that's just my opinion wich I can't beckup and may very well be wishfull thinking)

And I trust that either some point gets enough attention this way or it won't. It will just take its time (and I speak of up to a few months)

This is also my imagination how these items disappeared without anyone in the forums noticing that there's a reasonable number not happy with said items.


Why would you ticket feedback? Tickets are for tech support and forums are for feedback


anyway why take fun out of a GAME? Which we supposedly play for fun? or we used to, anyway. I fail to see how dancing could be seen as griefing in any way at all. And no, I don't want to have to be in a party or group to be affected by it.

Edited by Darnu
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