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MOX Raid / Solo Meters

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MOX Raid / Solo Meters


Hey Everyone,


Patch 1.2 is now live and MOX raid meters are working. For those who don't know, MOX raid meters is a tool used to provide live damage/healing meters for both solo and group/raid play. If you're interested in trying out this tool, please go to my web site for more info and a link to download it.




Thanks again to everyone for their support and testing on the PTS. I look forward to supporting this application and the community as best as I can. Please do keep in mind that this tool is still considered a work in progress, but if you do encounter any problems, feel free to contact me via the email address on my web site.


** Additional Note: Anyone who created a raid key prior to v0.9.5.0 (4/11/12) will need to create a new one to use raid syncing. **

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Would just like to confirm that is not in violation of the terms and agreements with Bioware. Other guild members would like to know and I don't know where to point them with definitive proof other than: "The moderators have not shut down this thread yet." So if you can point me to the right place to show them, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks!
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Would just like to confirm that is not in violation of the terms and agreements with Bioware. Other guild members would like to know and I don't know where to point them with definitive proof other than: "The moderators have not shut down this thread yet." So if you can point me to the right place to show them, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks!


When they added combat logs, Bioware said they expected people to rely on 3rd party applications to parse that data.

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I'm having an issue where it says I cannot connect to the update server, and subsequently can't start parser at this time.


Has anyone run into a similar issue?


I have run as admin.. but unless I know the ports the developer has used to connect to I cannot forward those.. I'm at a loss. We're trying to use this as a guild tonight for our first HM Denova attempts but this is proving futile. The whole guild can use it except me.. and I have no firewalls or anything.



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I have run as admin.. but unless I know the ports the developer has used to connect to I cannot forward those.. I'm at a loss. We're trying to use this as a guild tonight for our first HM Denova attempts but this is proving futile. The whole guild can use it except me.. and I have no firewalls or anything.


Not sure, but if its a port issue it uses ports 1024 to 5000



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This is awesome. Being a combat log parser evangelist myself, I can't but admire your work. Awesome and very efficient!


May I suggest a few enhancements that would IMHO eventually make this tool indespensable to everyone?


- Since my main is a tank, I'm mostly interested in the incoming damage i.e. block/parry/evade.. sorry deflect =), miss, absorb and damage type stats. A few clever ideas can be found here http://www.lotrointerface.com/downloads/info502-CombatAnalysis.html

- Shocker, the log indicates Force spent (non-force users probably also have their resource exposed)! This allow for best-in-class efficiency metering i.e. damage vs. power spent charts.

- If I'm not mistaken, the log indicates both inflicted and unmitigated damage (as in [Project {..}] [ApplyEffect {..}: Damage {..}](2023* kinetic {..}) <3339>)? This would allow to build a marvelous mob mitigation analysis.

- Adding and maintaining a dictionary of class skill would make damage outputs much more transparent. I.e. little did I know, Telekinetic throw's damage and heal ticks are displayed as 'Crushed'.

- Please make the parser handle the logs offline. Right now it seems the only way is to send the files to the server, but offline would be better.

- The last bit is totally up to you, but if you make the source code available, people like myself could help you debug and improve the software. Plus this would alleviate the task of proving to everyone that your software has no backdoors ;)


Again, GREAT GREAT JOB! Thank you so much for this.


P.S. Oh yeah, did I mention that it worked for 5 hours in the ops yesterday without a glitch? I managed to crash the parser only after I toon-hopped for like 10 times =)

Edited by Feoktist
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We're having issues with the Archives deciding to


a) Either cut off after a certain number of fights

b) Numbers are REALLY weird--like a sorc doing 100 dps on a fight.


I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong? We started a new Raid Key for the raid tonight. One person left raid in the middle & came back... Not really sure.

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May I suggest a few enhancements that would IMHO eventually make this tool indespensable to everyone? ...


Thanks for the feedback, a lot of the ideas you mentioned are already on my mind. The last few days I've been pretty heavily focused on performance improvements to be able to handle an influx of new users now that 1.2 is live. For the near future, this is probably going to continue to be my focus. Keeping the tool up and running for everyone is my #1 priority, but I will probably sneak in some small fixes here and there. One point you mentioned specifically:


- Please make the parser handle the logs offline. Right now it seems the only way is to send the files to the server, but offline would be better.


So, the log files are parsed locally on your machine. When you run the tool in solo mode, you are not hitting my server for anything. Anytime you press "Start" instead of "Sync to Raid" it will parse and display the stats of your current (or most recent) log file. For now, there isn't a way to point to a specific file, but you could manipulate it for this effect. Simply create an empty directory (within the CombatLogs folder is fine), copy the file you want to parse into that empty folder, then point the tool at that new folder and hit Start. Since its the only file in that directory, it will parse that one. That work around may be useful to you for now, hope that helps. Thanks again for using my tool.

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We're having issues with the Archives deciding to


a) Either cut off after a certain number of fights

b) Numbers are REALLY weird--like a sorc doing 100 dps on a fight.


Compiling and archiving fights is unfortunately rather difficult. It is probably the most complicated aspect of this tool. Admittedly, it isn't working 100% correctly at the moment. There are definitely some known issues I'm aware of:


- Dying and/or vanishing mid-fight is still causing some problems.

- Archiving is not working when the raid/group completely wipes.

- Conflicting data is getting attributed to the wrong fights occasionally. (if a single raid member engages an enemy alone for example)


As I mentioned in my previous post, performance is #1 for now, but fixing archiving is a major task still on my list. Hopefully, I'll be able to improve it wth more time and testing. Thanks for the feedback.

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Used this tool last night and it is awesome and helped a lot with toth and zorn. Would love to have DPS shown in some sort of way for the whole raid along with total damage done. Also would be great if there is some work around to getting the pop ups to appear in a full screened game. Other than that, loved it. Great work!
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Dying definetly makes everything go sideways. I was in the same raid as Inzi and if anyone died during a fight it basically reset the meter for that person and on a few occasions just completely reset the meter all together.
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So when i raid with guild tonight will i be able to see everyones dmg done? or does it just show mine?


Also ty man for your hard work. Having a parser is one of the things that really pushed me away from this game as i really enjoy min/maxing and fine tuning my dmg. Really appreciate the speed at which u got this out there. :) Cant wait to try this out once servers come back up.

Edited by DamenX
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So when i raid with guild tonight will i be able to see everyones dmg done? or does it just show mine?


Also ty man for your hard work. Having a parser is one of the things that really pushed me away from this game as i really enjoy min/maxing and fine tuning my dmg. Really appreciate the speed at which u got this out there. :) Cant wait to try this out once servers come back up.


I can probably answer this, when you go to his main page it shows you how to setup a Raid sync setup for a leader and raid member.


Right now my guild is using this for raids, fp's and heroic runs for now.


right now, all of you have to be synced in the app inorder for everyone's combat log to be synced, thus showing everyone's damage. Currently, if they are not using the app, their damage will not populate the app.


It looks right now the combat log just shows your damage vs theirs, thus needing the sync to bridge the data not being recorded.

Edited by mastertwitchy
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