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Combat Medic PVP Builds after 1.2


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I used to run a hybrid spec and switched to full heals not long before 1.2 dropped. For you hyrbid guys, do you stick with combat support cell or do you go back and forth with the other cell (forget the name from gunnery).
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I haven't tried a build with grav round yet- but I wonder why you take cell capacitor and not efficient conversions? Personally, I use cryo grenade, knockback, and conc. round more than enough to outweigh the 1 extra ammo every two minutes you get with cell capacitor.

That is not exactly my 30-11-0 build, I do have efficient conversions and have no points on cell capacitor.


I used to run a hybrid spec and switched to full heals not long before 1.2 dropped. For you hyrbid guys, do you stick with combat support cell or do you go back and forth with the other cell (forget the name from gunnery).


Definitely go with combat support cell, supercharge cells is very versatile. charged bolts cost nothing with supercharge up, so double grav round, HIB, SC, 5-6 charged bolts(if they let you haha). ammo should be around half or more.


This is because of the fact that they have lots of heals which are instant cast and therefore uninterruptible. They are nowhere near unkillable, but definitely look to be a cut above the rest.

My guildmate and I run in a two man group with his Smuggler as main heals and my CM as dps/support heals in PVP pug's.


If he is focused, I can usually stun the group attacking him and between the 2 of us hes back to max health in less than 3 seconds. They see that their efforts are useless, and we kill them. If on the other hand I'm focused, I have the armor and shielding to withstand some heavy beating which gives him the time needed to keep me up or stealth out of combat if hes low health and come back to throw some clutch heals to save me.


For me all 1.2 did was force us to ratchet up our coordination and teamwork(which is what good pvp is all about right?), I really don't notice the ammo increases that many are complaining about cause I'm not a main healer.

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  • Healing is still viable but effectiveness varies. Now it is more dependent on :
    a .) Taunt + dedicated peels
    b. ) Having 2 healers ( increases lifespan significantly )
    c .) Not overextending to heal the wrong targets. Tough choicess rather then being Rambo with shield
    d. ) Enemy composition. Example If its highly geared group of Marauder + Jugg + Powertech .... the burst is exponentially compounded. That kinda composition will roll most setups & they will not need a healer to do so.

Whoa whoa whoa... So you mean to tell me that having twice as many healers will increase the healing output by twice as much? Mind = Blown.


Seriously, your deductive reasoning skills are unparalleled.

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Whoa whoa whoa... So you mean to tell me that having twice as many healers will increase the healing output by twice as much? Mind = Blown.

Seriously, your deductive reasoning skills are unparalleled.


Well this contributes absolutely nothing to a good discussion, thank you for that.

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b. ) Having 2 healers ( increases lifespan significantly )


Whoa whoa whoa... So you mean to tell me that having twice as many healers will increase the healing output by twice as much? Mind = Blown.


Seriously, your deductive reasoning skills are unparalleled.


No doubt there is a marked difference running as solitary healer in WZ versus good opposition but its far from futile. I was just giving input that effectiveness scales exponentially if two healers are present for many of the warzones. Been involved in many scenarios in which strong single target heals were turning point or significant to the objective /win. Assuming there is no dedicated peels, having 2 healers is still big against most compositions.


Noticing its also getting easier to adjust to the spike damage. Get specific invites for guild / non guild premades so can't be all bad. Quite happy with running something like this atm 33/8/0 - No Kolto Res

Swapping between Endurance or Aim stim depending on opposition.

Edited by Stovokor
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i absolute dont understand why 90% says, trauma probe is useless.


Trauma Probe maybe heals a little bit less, than other skills which costs 2 ammo, but Trauma probe has a guarentee to produce no overheal.


From my point of view, trauma probe is one of the effectiv casts which the trooper have.. but maybe i am wrong :D..^^ who knows.

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I also think that trauma probe is just not viable now. So this is my build for full heal CM and in recruit gear I can do over 500K heal quite often. But as others said, ammo managment is the main issue and you need to burn every CD to stay effective as long as possible. Overall I don't think so we are weak in wz, on the other hand influenting HB is very hard.



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Trauma Probe is just fine... when it costs you nothing to use. Since its output is so strictly limited to how often they are getting hit there should be no need whatsoever to apply an ammo limitation to it as well.


With an ammo cost as high as your MAIN HEALS it is absolutely worthless in any scenario where AMP or MP would also work, since those don't require the target getting hit enough times to kill them 5 times over before healing.

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Before 1.2, I typically applied TP at the start of a warzone or after dying, I'd apply my Trooper buff at the same time usually and pop a stim as needed. When you apply TP at this point in time during a warzone, you'll likely recover the ammo spent before you get back into combat, right?


Now that we commandos die every three seconds (or so it seems to me), you'll have many opportunities to apply TP and get that ammo back before you get into combat. Just a thought.

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I see some people don't take trauma probe? Seriously, it is our best heal/ammo heal (not counting our free heals of course), can be cast preemptively before combat (so one free heal per combat), no over heal, and instant cast. I have seen it tick over 1000 in PVP (with all buffs and 20% bubble), and can still multi proc if several attacks occur at the same time. My point is that ok it is not as good as before, but it is still an obvious valuable investment for 1 point.
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Any tips on improving survivability (outside of what your teammates can do) or do we just have to deal with getting burned down fast and often?


I just tweaked a popular spec and came up with this. Any thoughts?




If you are dying often irrespective of opposition it is definitely combination of factors. For me there is a significant gap between majority of opposite faction and their best players. The average ones don't do enough to stop me from influencing the objective. On the other hand, If i don't have a tank versus 3 of the top PT and 2 of the Juggs it's so so ugly. The Marauders seem to usually get focused themselves :p


IMO three CM talents are important for self preservation spec and ability to stay on the objective

Armor Screen ( 10 % armor )

Treated Wound Dressing ( reduce 2 % incoming )

Trauma Probe

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This is my new build I'm going to try out. It's built around my survival because I tend to get recognized/marked and focused. It gimps my group healing by dropping preventative healing but if I'm not alive, I'm no use anyway.




Talents I aimed to pick up are

Heavy Trooper - new talent added for added 6% healing on myself and extra 2% endurance

Med Zone - was in my old spec. 20% healing on myself when I pop shield

Kolto Residue - in my old spec. 3% added healing for everyone but mainly for myself. I find in the mayhem of a lot of pvp fights I miss my intended target so I use it sparingly to save ammo and save it for when I'm trying to kite.

Treated Wound Dressings - new talent in my spec - reduce damage by 4%

SuperCharge Cells - in my old spec - 5% damage reduction from Kolto Bomb


Add these up for 29% added healing on myself when I pop shield and supercharge cells and 9% damage


I put my last stray point in Soldiers Endurance but that point might be better spend in Cell Capacitor or Weapon Calibrations for either the extra ammo when I get desperate (all time since 1.2) or the extra alacrity (cast times are so slow in this game, anyone can interrupt though)

I will be gearing to stack Crit especially since they crippled our ammo regen. Any other stats I pick up will be incidental but BM mods gave a decent amount of Alacrity and Surge.


Now if only I could find a decent tank to guard and taunt for me ..

Edited by choppefett
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