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Guild Ships are on the way


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Just read this on TOR twitter page:


There will be Guild Banks in 1.2. Unfortunately, they will not be Guild Ships. We are working on that feature, however! :)


That would be great, considering Bioware could implement battles between guild ships!



I'm the first one to suggest guild ships lol. back a whiile ago...

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Just read this on TOR twitter page:


There will be Guild Banks in 1.2. Unfortunately, they will not be Guild Ships. We are working on that feature, however! :)


That would be great, considering Bioware could implement battles between guild ships!


One Guild Ship just passed by my house this morning, seems it was ON ITS WAY !!!


And then INB4 others FTW !!! :)

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Just read this on TOR twitter page:


There will be Guild Banks in 1.2. Unfortunately, they will not be Guild Ships. We are working on that feature, however! :)


That would be great, considering Bioware could implement battles between guild ships!


So is the entropic death of the universe, and I think that'll be first.

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Lets hope its not " in development" like Rated Warzones rofl


I'd be surprised if they are "in development", i.e. past the early concept stage.



Plus to do anything meaningful with Guild ships (other than be a static guild hall) they'd have to redevelop space combat, which apparently isn't on the cards any time soon.

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Once I read the whole Jump To Lightspeed package took 9 months of development. Just saying.


Hope BW is feverishly working on a space expansion pack similiar to that.


They strongly hinted that the first expansion is space based in an interview before launch, but i guess you never know with Bioware.

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They strongly hinted that the first expansion is space based in an interview before launch, but i guess you never know with Bioware.


Space based means they can be talking about adding 1 inch of space to every zone ! :p


The way updates are going...

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They strongly hinted that the first expansion is space based in an interview before launch, but i guess you never know with Bioware.


They've said since there are no plans for space (other than maybe a mission or two) for at least the next 6 months.


But then I doubt any expansion would be before 1 year or so after Live.

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Yes but on the guild summit video, they said that it is still far away.


They have plans for many many things, they just gotta get all the essentials in the game first, like group finder, character transfers, etc.


yes but why dont they? Pls just MAke Character Transfer

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That would be great, considering Bioware could implement battles between guild ships!


^This! Would be amazing, serious epic and win to have battles between guilds using their guild capital ships. Hopefully they'll be something awesome like the IMP star destroyers and REP capital ships. Would be even better if you could deploy fighter squadrons (piloted by PC's)! Bioware, hear me! And keep up the great work!

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They've said since there are no plans for space (other than maybe a mission or two) for at least the next 6 months.


But then I doubt any expansion would be before 1 year or so after Live.


Fairly sure they meant nothing will come out in the next 6 months.


They do have a secret space project in the works, thats due after that 6 months. They wont say what it is, so its anyone's guess..

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Fairly sure they meant nothing will come out in the next 6 months.


They do have a secret space project in the works, thats due after that 6 months. They wont say what it is, so its anyone's guess..


Yes, it took a year for JTLS to appear after feverish development (they announced it almost as soon as they began working on it).


But basically if you're after anything but a couple more mission in the next 6 months you're likely to be disappointed.





As much as I'd like to see proper space combat, I just can't see it happening this year, even if they started proper development months ago with Bioware usual speed you'd be looking at 2013.


Plus after the Ilum RvR and rated WZ issue, I'm pretty sure if they had anything even vaguely definite to show they'd already be showing it, so my bet is they have little but concepts and ideas at this time for space combat (barring a couple of new missions, of course).

Edited by Goretzu
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Wanna see my big thing while I will be playing GW2 and you'll still be waiting for bugs on SoA to be fixed? :):):)


Oh them poor GW2 devs, they got no idea what shítstorm they are inn for, when people find out that GW2 aint the second coming :D

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