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1.2 PvP: Who else is excited about a ~250 hour grind?


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I have to agree with others that posted here already saying that maybe changing your frame of mind would be best for those that are getting "stressed" about the grind. I pvp for fun, I never do any Pve content and never plan to. I will get my gear by simply doing whatever I am doing for fun now anyways. :)


this is my view as well, and it's made me a valor 76 war hero rank... /shrug

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The problem I see is that BW has a history of rapidly depreciating the value of past grinding hours/currencies. This is a big disincentive to play now versus playing later when your productivity is much higher. This is what happened with Valor. This is what is happening with BM gear. And this is what will happen with WH gear next. BW has a business imperative to do this because it is trying to get as many people into endgame PvP as possible, since endgame PvE is insufficient to maintain subscribers. Thus it is constantly reducing the barriers to entry to endgame PvP for new players and constantly trying to restrain the advancement of established players.
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this is my view as well, and it's made me a valor 76 war hero rank... /shrug


Doubt it would be the first time people have played a lot of bad content. I know I have, I'm 72. Changing a system requires speaking out about it (true in all aspects of life, and all systems). Things could be better. I'm sure there's people in North Korea that consider themselves wealthy. I guess I'm one of them. But I'm looking at what seem to be much better prospects (GW2)

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So just a question,

I know very little on the whole point about not needing a VR to obtain gear so question can I now get BM gear not being a BM VR level? Just would like to know before I go ahead and do something with all of my warzone commedations and considering my alt 50 is only VR 55 or something..





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Thats just the number of hours in a WZ. Doesnt include time between queues or whatever else one does in game when PvPing. Total play time will be much higher.

your right, but then again, it took me 2 months to go from L1-50 because i did EVERY quest on every planet, including all planetary datacrons... i didn't rush or skip any content...


after hitting 50, i just pvp'd as normal to get my dailies and weeklies done...


what was the point of people to hurry up and wait for anyways? those people got to 50 in a week after launch and then quit the game... gg


(not aimed at you, just a general statement)


Its something to note that at least before 1.2 you could do things in Illum to decrease the amount of time to get gear, you could do things in between queues. Now you simply sit and wait for queues. Which is why I like to think of it as being a regressive patch in terms of pvp.


why can't you do the same things in ilum now? rebs still go to fight at central on my server

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So just a question,

I know very little on the whole point about not needing a VR to obtain gear so question can I now get BM gear not being a BM VR level? Just would like to know before I go ahead and do something with all of my warzone commedations and considering my alt 50 is only VR 55 or something..






yes 12345

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It may not take as long as the OP had stated but still a fairly long time.


Voidstar now ends when round 2 team exceeds what round 1 team done. So that can potentially quicken the amount of time inside that warzone depending on how it plays out.


And of course our favorite warzone, huttball, can be fast if you 6-0 the other team or are 6-0'ed yourself by the other team.


Not arguing ur point of it taking a long time. Just stating that those 2 things could shave SOME time off of it.

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If you want WH gear before they release the pre-season then yes it will take time(probably not 248 hrs though you math is calculating for MAXIMUM time in each WZ). You have to realize that this grind is a drop in the bucket compared to the time investment it took for full BiS gear in other MMOs like WoW. People raided for 500 hours in a single tier for BiS gear. Not only that but the WH gear will be MUCH easier to acquire when ranked WZs get released in 1.2.1. Think of this as a pre-ranked WZ headstart period for you to acquire gear at a significantly higher time investment.


wait what?


500 hours is probably close to how much time ive spent pveing in an entire expansion (wotlk) in wow. and that is doing relevant hard content including sarth +3, yogg, HM colisuem, and arthas all on 25 man.

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They took out the dailies that could be progressed through in Illum. There is now no reason to go to illum other than to fight other people. Something you can do ANYWHERE in the game on a pvp server. meaning its probably going to happen there about as often, and as randomly, as it does anywhere else in this game.
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It may not take as long as the OP had stated but still a fairly long time.


Voidstar now ends when round 2 team exceeds what round 1 team done. So that can potentially quicken the amount of time inside that warzone depending on how it plays out.


And of course our favorite warzone, huttball, can be fast if you 6-0 the other team or are 6-0'ed yourself by the other team.


Not arguing ur point of it taking a long time. Just stating that those 2 things could shave SOME time off of it.


Unless you are always in a uber premade, you will just as likely be on the receiving end of those epic losses as the winning side.


I would argue that my original numbers are less than the actual playtime required. If you were to consider all the factors (which im not going to waste my time doing, since everyone plays different). These numbers are just estimations of WZ play time requirements.

Edited by Bubalobrown
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Uh so now that rated warzones are out, how can we get Warhero gear? I guess that's one way to kill a grind.


rated warzones aren't in yet (got pulled at the last second)...


you can trade 3 wz comms for 1 ranked wz comm and use those to buy WH gear though...

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Unless you are always in a uber premade, you will just as likely be on the receiving end of those epic losses as the winning side.


All the same really. Since you will still get rewards even if on the losing team. Just make sure to get ur 8 medals per game.

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All the same really. Since you will still get rewards even if on the losing team. Just make sure to get ur 8 medals per game.


Then you sir, are not the average player of this game. Of course you will probably get it faster, but Id still bet its gonna be 200+ hours of WZs (not including waits and other play time considerations).

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Well I think that is good for some an absolutely mind throbbing for some this is because and myself including is we have grinded to get so high in VR for future gear for it now to have no VR requirements hey it is good for some of my toons but certainly not my first 2 50's..




Edited by TinyyxFaDe
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i would prefer a grind if thats what u call it and as for it taking that long ouch your brains must hurt for thinking about somthing u havent even seen in action yet

either way for the complainers its either its to easy or its to hard the games is meant to be enjoyed have fun take a breath relaxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Edited by TheLordMagnus
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lol some pvpers say, "omg but pvp is suposed to be fun!, we dont need a carrot!" while others say "but but we need the carrots :(", the later will be terrible disapoited with guild wars 2, just saying.


Content driven PvP (GW2) will always be better than grindy, repetitive pvp.


Carrots are less necessary IMO, when you have actual methods to promote competition. GW2s "Warzones" will be entirely about competition, and learning your class. The world PvP will be about getting carrots. Oh and about complete warfare over multiple zones with multiple objectives to dominate other servers through coordination, strategy and skill. Sound like Illum's bridge farm? Thats because its not.

Edited by Bubalobrown
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Content driven PvP (GW2) will always be better than grindy, repetitive pvp.


Carrots are less necessary IMO, when you have actual methods to promote competition. GW2s "Warzones" will be entirely about competition, and learning your class. The world PvP will be about carrots.


micro econ sys where i spend reall monie to buy the crap i want no thanks

ill stick to my 15 dollars a month and get every thing in game free like everyone else

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micro econ sys where i spend reall monie to buy the crap i want no thanks

ill stick to my 15 dollars a month and get every thing in game free like everyone else


You can get anything free in GW2 too.


But since you are not really informed about stuff, i dont think you would fit into GW2 anyway, please stay in SWTOR, thank you!

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micro econ sys where i spend reall monie to buy the crap i want no thanks

ill stick to my 15 dollars a month and get every thing in game free like everyone else


From a guild wars developer "“… it’s never OK for players who spend money to have an unfair advantage over players who spend time.” I wont post the link, because i have no idea what the forum mods would think about posting a link to what will be a serious competitor, but your misgivings on micro-transactions are misplaced. GW2 is going about making money for their game in a completely different way. Using a number of methods.

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Content driven PvP (GW2) will always be better than grindy, repetitive pvp.


Carrots are less necessary IMO, when you have actual methods to promote competition. GW2s "Warzones" will be entirely about competition, and learning your class. The world PvP will be about getting carrots. Oh and about complete warfare over multiple zones with multiple objectives to dominate other servers through coordination, strategy and skill. Sound like Illum's bridge farm? Thats because its not.


sounds like pvp for the sake of pvp, u know u cant even see the name of enemy players on WvsWvsW right? its like u are fightting against random npcs.

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