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Last chance, 1.2 better be polished


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Really? A game at release almost 8 years ago wasn't as polished (LOL) as something released ~5 Months ago?!?



Love people like this, you cannot compare WoW at release to Swtor at release. If you want to make a comparison you make it WoW Dec 20th 2011 vs Swtor (Hell any time up to now).


Makes total sense, because Blizzard did not have 8 years of live game service, coding, research and content patchs, 3 expansions etc since launch right.


Saying comparing WoW now to Swtor is the better way is being totally ignorant of how much work an MMO takes after launch.

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That's not even something I'm going to accept. Server merges will happen, If this game doesn't start bringing in a lot more players. Secondly, they're not going to just have transfers for one demographic of players, that's just stupidity at it's finest. If it's not with this patch it will be shortly after.


Try reading what I said.


They said they are not going to do server merges.


The transfers they are going to do first are for the new asian servers.


Sometime down the line they will offer transfers for everyone else.

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That's not true. WoW gets new players.


But how many players did WoW lost in the this 2 years ? Since Cataclysm came out.....


And for the main topic.... hahahahaha seriously you make me laugh, like probably a lot of people too, i just noticed i lost 10minutes of my life reading all your complaining and whining for nothing..... anyways.... if your going to leave because you didnt like something in the game... you can do it also, BioWare wont be worried because of 1 player (Who probably didnt even bother to report a bug) leaving the game, because the content on it and incoming content, its pretty awesome for others...


Patch 1.2, it will have bugs, and what ? Every other MMO has bugs... (You think blizzard doesnt ???? if you played WoW recently.... the fight of "Ultraxion" in normal mode on Dragon Soul Raid (10man) its hella bugged, its meant to spawn 12 dragons in like 3 mins or less probably, and you get like 20 dragons in 1 minute.... and more bugs in the game also)


So if your really complaining for a game which has only 4 months of being released, a big big content for being fresh..... (i believe its the first MMO i get to play with a bigger content and awesome graphics) you can just quit this game and any other MMO you try to play, because none has a 100% bugless content....

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Try reading what I said.


They said they are not going to do server merges.


The transfers they are going to do first are for the new asian servers.


Sometime down the line they will offer transfers for everyone else.


Yeah, we'll see. Every MMO I've played besides WOW has had server merges and thats that.

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Yeah, we'll see. Every MMO I've played besides WOW has had server merges and thats that.


Are you 5 years old? Gonna hold your breath till they do server merges?


Merging servers is a horrible idea. Which one gets absorbed by the other? What do you do with toons with the same name? Or with legacies of the same name? Which one gets to keep their name? What if one server is a PvE and the other is PvP? What if one is european and one west coast?


The only thing they will do is offer transfers and shut servers down if it comes to that.


No mergers.

Edited by OmegaMayhem
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Are you 5 years old? Gonna hold your breath till they do server merges?


Merging servers is a horrible idea. Which one gets absorbed by the other? What do you do with toons with the same name? Or with legacies of the same name? Which one gets to keep their name? What if one server is a PvE and the other is PvP? What if one is european and one west coast?


The only thing they will do is offer transfers and shut servers down if it comes to that.


No mergers.


If you say so, champ.

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I don't say so... the devs have said so.


You've never played an MMO where the dev's said they were going to do one thing and then did another ?


I feel sorry for you bud, I'm not saying it's going to happen, It's a possibility. Even if they said they're not going to at this point in time.


Why keep servers open when they cost money and no ones playing on them, either shut them down or merge them.

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Honestly, I am basing my continual play on this patch as well. So far from what I have been experiencing with the game, (have 2 50s btw) it has been a let down from what I expected. Let me not take away from the amazing aspects of the game, the voice over the graphics the amazing thought into the story is all very well done. I fear that most forget this is still a game, where you want to get enjoyment out of playing/seeing your hard work play out. Right at this moment it’s all just a constant grind for cash and to me that feels like a job. I personally don't like having a long day, coming to play a game only to do more (Boring) work. The whole family tree aspect is very well thought out; when I think about Star Wars the family part sticks out to me. But again comes right back to that grinding for cash, most players who don't have all day can’t spend all their time logging on every hour or so, to farm missions or craft items. My guild raids twice a week and any downtime we have, its either grinding for more cash to repair or not logging on at all cause there nothing else to this game. Sorry but you can only make so many characters before it gets tiresome.
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Logic?.. Typical?.... Light servers are in the minority at prime time, the are far more servers at standard than light for a given regions prime time. If your counting European Servers being light during US Prime time.. then that's just silly.


Just because you come up with random facts doesn't make them true.


And you think normal is ok? Normal can be a big differance between 80 - 200 or so players in the fleet.


I mean, there is a ton of people complaining about the low populations, so even if it´s not a problem for everyone it is a problem for a lot of players.


I think addressing the low populations is more important than rolling out a perfect 1.2 patch at the moment. But the patch is important too of course.

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And you think normal is ok? Normal can be a big differance between 80 - 200 or so players in the fleet.


I mean, there is a ton of people complaining about the low populations, so even if it´s not a problem for everyone it is a problem for a lot of players.


I think addressing the low populations is more important than rolling out a perfect 1.2 patch at the moment. But the patch is important too of course.


...Just because people complain about it on the forums alot, doesn't mean it represents majority or even a lot of people.


Want to know the best way of addressing low population servers? Attracting new players, and enticing old ones back... by improving the game. Thus 1.2...

Edited by Morpheous
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Lets all face it, when the game released, end game was unfinished. Littered with bugs, several rendering aspects of the game completely unplayable, the game was a nightmare at 50. Throughout the last several months I've seen my server population (Make of Nihlus) drop like a stone, and several unsubscribes have just lost interest in daily quest grinding, meh-grade pvp, and progression raiding through encounter that bioware clearly didn't have a grip on (Soa, Pylons, even interrogators clone bug, we still have a commando who has never beaten him, etc). Finally 3 months in most of the bugs are solved, through those months much of the community has worked around the poor mechanics and such.


So, this is it bioware. You've put a lot of hyping into this patch, your cards are on the table, and I for one am basing my sub on how well this patch rolls out. Is content buggy? Is everything just a new grind? Do you bring anything new to pvp?


The ranked warzone cancellation is a huge issue which has everyone talking, and I'm sad it's not going to roll out. You guys screwed the pooch on that one, but I'd rather you delay it, then roll it out incomplete. The content that is released should feel vibrant, should feel tight, few minor glitches are acceptable, but SOA 2.0 is not what anyone wants.


Please, over the course of the next few weeks, be honest, and listen to your community. Dedicating resources to something you care about, but your subscribers don't, is going to cost you big.


Some things it seems people want...


- 8 Man Warzones

- In Game Combat logs

- Useful and practical legacy options (Increased xp options, head start with crafting, etc)

- Server Merges

- Cross server warzones for low population times

Just look at it from a pvp players point of view...


- Same 3 warzones for four months

- Huge flop that is Ilum

- Big promises for the future delayed for who knows why ("It's not done" isn't good enough, go into why, be honest and real with your players, goes a long way)

- Frustration mechanics (In a 20 second period on my inq, was pull into a fire pit, was pulled out by teammate, was knockback into huttball arena, was stunne, then rooted to the ground, then stunned again, each of those abilities have a 15-45 second cooldown, while my 2 minute single stun breaker was on CD. In that's 20 seconds + of game play I was able to hit 2 instant casts. How bout you make it so when you hit your 2 minute cooldown it maxes out your resolve bar instead of a single stun break)


And your raiders?


- Every week new soa bug

- limited content

- broken content

- terrible loot optimization (did anyone even look at jedi guardian tank gear? Accuracy and surge? REEEAAAALLY?)



Basically, this patch better be great, or I'm done. I think many are in the same boat.


How old are you 15? Did your teachers give you participation trophy's?

Why play a game that obviously doesn't hold up to your standards?

Why do you intentionally make yourself miserable?

Edited by ZORG
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Jinkies... someone makes a lot of pretty unreasonable statements here.

Compared to other games this game was nowhere near unplayable!

Sure there have been some things that could drive you mad - especially the Pylons and Soa. But the Pylons worked if you knew how (complete South first) and Soa was pure luck... either he cheated or he didn't


Now "only" 3 Warzones for 3 months?

WoW had only 3 for YEARS

LoL had only ONE for years

Tera will have NONE for several months!




The only problem people have with this game is, that they expected this to be incarnation of the MMORPG God... and now they're disappointed because they don't ***** in their ***** right when they log in...


... I better stop here :jawa_tongue:

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Lets all face it, when the game released, end game was unfinished. Littered with bugs, several rendering aspects of the game completely unplayable, the game was a nightmare at 50. Throughout the last several months I've seen my server population (Make of Nihlus) drop like a stone, and several unsubscribes have just lost interest in daily quest grinding, meh-grade pvp, and progression raiding through encounter that bioware clearly didn't have a grip on (Soa, Pylons, even interrogators clone bug, we still have a commando who has never beaten him, etc). Finally 3 months in most of the bugs are solved, through those months much of the community has worked around the poor mechanics and such.


So, this is it bioware. You've put a lot of hyping into this patch, your cards are on the table, and I for one am basing my sub on how well this patch rolls out. Is content buggy? Is everything just a new grind? Do you bring anything new to pvp?


The ranked warzone cancellation is a huge issue which has everyone talking, and I'm sad it's not going to roll out. You guys screwed the pooch on that one, but I'd rather you delay it, then roll it out incomplete. The content that is released should feel vibrant, should feel tight, few minor glitches are acceptable, but SOA 2.0 is not what anyone wants.


Please, over the course of the next few weeks, be honest, and listen to your community. Dedicating resources to something you care about, but your subscribers don't, is going to cost you big.


Some things it seems people want...


- 8 Man Warzones

- In Game Combat logs

- Useful and practical legacy options (Increased xp options, head start with crafting, etc)

- Server Merges

- Cross server warzones for low population times

Just look at it from a pvp players point of view...


- Same 3 warzones for four months

- Huge flop that is Ilum

- Big promises for the future delayed for who knows why ("It's not done" isn't good enough, go into why, be honest and real with your players, goes a long way)

- Frustration mechanics (In a 20 second period on my inq, was pull into a fire pit, was pulled out by teammate, was knockback into huttball arena, was stunne, then rooted to the ground, then stunned again, each of those abilities have a 15-45 second cooldown, while my 2 minute single stun breaker was on CD. In that's 20 seconds + of game play I was able to hit 2 instant casts. How bout you make it so when you hit your 2 minute cooldown it maxes out your resolve bar instead of a single stun break)


And your raiders?


- Every week new soa bug

- limited content

- broken content

- terrible loot optimization (did anyone even look at jedi guardian tank gear? Accuracy and surge? REEEAAAALLY?)



Basically, this patch better be great, or I'm done. I think many are in the same boat.


boy you haven't been playing attention lately... most the "features" you are saying must be in 1.2 has already been stated as to not be in 1.2... and they firmly stated there is no mergers coming.

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Really? A game at release almost 8 years ago wasn't as polished (LOL) as something released ~5 Months ago?!?



Love people like this, you cannot compare WoW at release to Swtor at release. If you want to make a comparison you make it WoW Dec 20th 2011 vs Swtor (Hell any time up to now).


The point is that no game is perfect at release. We have seen everything from UO till now and not one single game has been perfect at release time. Some are better than others, but overall none of them have been anywhere near perfect and many have been a complete disaster at release. TOR wasn't perfect and many of us beta testers told them it needed another 6 month worth of development, but you cant really blame them for releasing when they did.

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The OP's right...

I feel the people opposing him are people who are still leveling up. I know because I was in the same boat. People were complaining about things that I didn't fully understand. The leveling aspect in this game is awesome! And I defended this game. Then I turned 50. While it's fun, it's a terrible game.

The endgame is so bad, it's ridiculous. The raids/ops are so buggy, it's absurd. I don't know how PvErs aren't just as upset as PvPrs. Like I said, I already know. You're still leveling up, or just turned 50.


This patch will seem very cool at first. But I bet when people start digging past the surface, it'll turn out to be crap painted in rainbow colors.

That's what the OP was trying to say, this patch needs to be polished, not just a polished turd.

Odds are, it'll be just like the rest of the game, a polished turd.

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The OP's right...

I feel the people opposing him are people who are still leveling up. I know because I was in the same boat. People were complaining about things that I didn't fully understand. The leveling aspect in this game is awesome! And I defended this game. Then I turned 50. While it's fun, it's a terrible game.

The endgame is so bad, it's ridiculous. The raids/ops are so buggy, it's absurd. I don't know how PvErs aren't just as upset as PvPrs. Like I said, I already know. You're still leveling up, or just turned 50.


This patch will seem very cool at first. But I bet when people start digging past the surface, it'll turn out to be crap painted in rainbow colors.

That's what the OP was trying to say, this patch needs to be polished, not just a polished turd.

Odds are, it'll be just like the rest of the game, a polished turd.


Well, your feeling is wrong. Because I have been at level cap with my main since January.


I've done all the flashpoints and hardmode flashpoints, and yeah the Hardmodes can be buggy, big deal it happens in MMOs especially new ones.


I'm also a PvPer, I spend almost all my time PvPing on my mains, or my alts and I still have a blast. I spent years PvPing in WoW, I'll take SWTORs PvP over that any day.


It seems like your post is directed at newer players hoping to shape their opinions before they even reach 50. :)

Edited by Morpheous
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The OP's right...

I feel the people opposing him are people who are still leveling up. I know because I was in the same boat. People were complaining about things that I didn't fully understand. The leveling aspect in this game is awesome! And I defended this game. Then I turned 50. While it's fun, it's a terrible game.

The endgame is so bad, it's ridiculous. The raids/ops are so buggy, it's absurd. I don't know how PvErs aren't just as upset as PvPrs. Like I said, I already know. You're still leveling up, or just turned 50.


This patch will seem very cool at first. But I bet when people start digging past the surface, it'll turn out to be crap painted in rainbow colors.

That's what the OP was trying to say, this patch needs to be polished, not just a polished turd.

Odds are, it'll be just like the rest of the game, a polished turd.



I hit lv 50 29th Dec 2011. And I can say the OP is wrong about half of the things he claims. The end game was not that bad. Rift end game was allot worse for an example.


I also hit level cap in WoW among the first too and the end game in that was buggier then it was in this game. For an example: I remember several times in Molten Core when we could not loot the bosses because of some bug or Onyxias tail swipe doing 100 million in damage. In fact if you compare the end game to any new MMORPG SWTOR had very few bugs.

Edited by Sunrock
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The OP's right...

I feel the people opposing him are people who are still leveling up.


Lol wot? Two level 50's here. More on the way. I would have read more of your post, but you lost all credibility with the line that I quoted.

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Lets all face it, when the game released, end game was unfinished. Littered with bugs, several rendering aspects of the game completely unplayable, the game was a nightmare at 50. Throughout the last several months I've seen my server population (Make of Nihlus) drop like a stone, and several unsubscribes have just lost interest in daily quest grinding, meh-grade pvp, and progression raiding through encounter that bioware clearly didn't have a grip on (Soa, Pylons, even interrogators clone bug, we still have a commando who has never beaten him, etc). Finally 3 months in most of the bugs are solved, through those months much of the community has worked around the poor mechanics and such.


So, this is it bioware. You've put a lot of hyping into this patch, your cards are on the table, and I for one am basing my sub on how well this patch rolls out. Is content buggy? Is everything just a new grind? Do you bring anything new to pvp?


The ranked warzone cancellation is a huge issue which has everyone talking, and I'm sad it's not going to roll out. You guys screwed the pooch on that one, but I'd rather you delay it, then roll it out incomplete. The content that is released should feel vibrant, should feel tight, few minor glitches are acceptable, but SOA 2.0 is not what anyone wants.


Please, over the course of the next few weeks, be honest, and listen to your community. Dedicating resources to something you care about, but your subscribers don't, is going to cost you big.


Some things it seems people want...


- 8 Man Warzones

- In Game Combat logs

- Useful and practical legacy options (Increased xp options, head start with crafting, etc)

- Server Merges

- Cross server warzones for low population times

Just look at it from a pvp players point of view...


- Same 3 warzones for four months

- Huge flop that is Ilum

- Big promises for the future delayed for who knows why ("It's not done" isn't good enough, go into why, be honest and real with your players, goes a long way)

- Frustration mechanics (In a 20 second period on my inq, was pull into a fire pit, was pulled out by teammate, was knockback into huttball arena, was stunne, then rooted to the ground, then stunned again, each of those abilities have a 15-45 second cooldown, while my 2 minute single stun breaker was on CD. In that's 20 seconds + of game play I was able to hit 2 instant casts. How bout you make it so when you hit your 2 minute cooldown it maxes out your resolve bar instead of a single stun break)


And your raiders?


- Every week new soa bug

- limited content

- broken content

- terrible loot optimization (did anyone even look at jedi guardian tank gear? Accuracy and surge? REEEAAAALLY?)



Basically, this patch better be great, or I'm done. I think many are in the same boat.


It seems you lack some knowledge about how resolve works. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=61363


Check this out

Edited by Samborino
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