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My character's story and his light and dark side choices


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So I know certain gear is only obtainable by going all light or dark side, but what if I went somewhere in between? I obviously don't get to use that gear and so it makes me wonder, will I just have to make a character and just mindlessly pick light or dark regardless of how I want my character to be just so I can get gear? Or is there certain gear that is dedicated to those in the middle, because to tell you the truth I'd much rather have a character who appears to be and acts human, someone who messes up or gets pissed at someone than a character who acts like a robot and just picks one side over the other for some item with stats on it.
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All the alignment gear is on-par with non-alignment gear. Only difference is looks, and sometimes not even that.


And even so, depending on your class, if you're playing a consistent (think not schizophrenic) character, while you'll naturally come across some decisions that are against the grain, you'll find yourself on a familiar path. My friend who expected to be neutral found himself as a light 3 agent for this reason.

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