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1.2 without ranked WZ. Good or Bad?


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Do you honestly believe that was their intention? Do you really think they didn't have it going in a test the whole time and came to a conclusion sometime before the release that it would have to be taken out? Maybe it wasn't as late as you heard about it but when they announced the release of the patch contents, I believe, they really intended every thing that they put on that announcement. It wasn't just some kind of joke to get people to buy subs.


Millions of dollars is not a joke.


I'm wondering how much BW/EA pays fanbois like you to do damage control. Apparently they have a full army out now as is evident in all the posts they make trolling upset players.

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I don't mind waiting for content but the manner in which they handled this was horrible and extremely shady. They announce a patch just days before the release, on a date that is not a normal patch day, then hours before the release they removed content from said patch. Content that was a large part of active content for the patch.


When I said "active content" I mean content that people actually play with over a period of time. Flashpoints, Warzones, Operations, etc. Legacy, meh, woot its a nice gimmick to me that I will fool around with but not really a big game changer. UI customization, excellently done, why was this not in the release? New Warzone, Operation and Flashpoint? Ok, yep, something I can get my hands on and actually do for the next month until Diablo 3. Ranked Warzones? This is something else I can really sink my teeth into and play with for months at a time. Its something I can spend hours doing. Really the loss of this is the loss is a significant amount of content from the patch and the manner in which it was done was extremely poor. In the total I'd say we lost a good 1/4-2/3 of the content from patch 1.2 with this. Still worth playing? Sure, we got a lot of new content to play with. But will it keep people around with Diablo 3 and Guild Wars 2? Meh, probably not.


Furthermore, to tell us we are getting it over a "period of time" is very frustrating. So we have keep subscribing to get the content promised to us back in February for patch 1.2, which we "hope" will be before patch 1.3 some time in the next 3-4 months? It reminds me too much of a money grab and just doesn't smell right. Plenty of people might be willing to shrug this off as "Meh, at least they are working to get it right" but if Bioware does it again I would expect mass exodus to Guild Wars 2 or back to WoW. We will have to wait and see whether they choose to learn from this or not.

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I can’t believe I’m taking this seriously, but it’s really just an extreme example of the hyperbolic reaction to the RWZ delay. Building contractors delay, delay, delay, and projects generally run over budget. (Although, in the contractor case it’s usually because the contractor takes on multiple jobs, and in BioWare’s case it’s because they have limited development resources, and in this case 1.2 is pretty ambitious). Lawsuits can happen for shoddy work, or egregious delay resulting in a loss, but sad to say that with most delays you usually you just need to suck it up and deal (Which kind of sucks if it’s your bathroom or kitchen lol). You could have a delay clause in your contract, but we don’t have anything like that.


More importantly, let’s assume you did bring a lawsuit like in the J&J case, and you could actually win (Unlikely, since deception requires intent and BioWare most likely did not intend for Ranked WZs to not be ready). What are our damages? $15? So after you’ve spent tens of thousands of dollars bringing a lawsuit and even managed to certify a class, you get $15 in damages? Really?


We’re all upset, but that doesn’t mean we need to irrationally rage. YES, it’s disappointing that Ranked RZs are not in 1.2, but you actually want developers who are willing to postpone releasing content until it meets certain quality standards. BioWare would probably rather have 200 posts woth a small segment of angry folks, than the thousands of posts the Ilum FUBAR rightly got.


All it takes is one email, one memo from anyone on the dev team saying, this is most likely not going to be ready or needs more time. As for damages, yes give me my $15 and the other million or so people their $15. $15 million is enough to send a message to the company. It's not like they are coming out with rateds next week. So it's going to take weeks of development. To believe they didn't know it would take several more weeks of development before the announcement yesterday is pretty naive.

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What gets me is the 1.2 patch has been on the test servers for a month or just under and with less than 2 hours before they shut down the servers they annouce that they have found something that makes them not want to release it to the live servers.


Which means the only thing pushing them to announce on the 10th that they were releasing 1.2 as a whole on the 12th was a complete moron in the upper part of the company. That is complete incompetence, there is no way they didnt know about these issues.

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It was the right call. If it sucks it would have caused a lot more damage than pulling it out at the last second; and you all know it. Give your teddy bear a hug reach for a tissue and lets get back to the game.
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Which means the only thing pushing them to announce on the 10th that they were releasing 1.2 as a whole on the 12th was a complete moron in the upper part of the company. That is complete incompetence, there is no way they didnt know about these issues.


There are too many cooks in the kitchen with TOR.

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Realistically we need cross server Warzones and/or transfers before Ranked Warzones.


I think ranked WZ will be fun I am slightly disappointed, but the above will be necessary first.


On many servers it takes 30 minutes or longer to get into a warzone now. More often then not when you do it ends 120 seconds later when there isnt enough ppl. Ranked wz would just make this worse ppl would queue up for one or the other and draw out the wait time even more.


Sure some of the higher population servers could handle it, but most of the servers coudl not. This would jsut open a huge gear gap that is already pretty large when they did mix servers in pvp down the road.

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  • 8 months later...
SCAM or bad decision making.


Both. unfortunately bioware doesn't see intentional fraud as a legitimate complaint whether against it's users or itself. Fraudulently separating someone from their possessions is A-OK with Bioware. it doesn't make them very different from at least 20 percent of the people in the world. There is no avoiding interacting with such organizations or individuals, but be aware. anything they say to get your money can be assumed to be only that, whatever it is they needed to say to get your money and not necessarily any form of truth.

Edited by Roycerson
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Both. unfortunately bioware doesn't see intentional fraud as a legitimate complaint whether against it's users or itself. Fraudulently separating someone from their possessions is A-OK with Bioware. it doesn't make them very different from at least 20 percent of the people in the world. There is no avoiding interacting with such organizations or individuals, but be aware. anything they say to get your money can be assumed to be only that, whatever it is they needed to say to get your money and not necessarily any form of truth.


The necromancy is strong with this one.

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Both. unfortunately bioware doesn't see intentional fraud as a legitimate complaint whether against it's users or itself. Fraudulently separating someone from their possessions is A-OK with Bioware. it doesn't make them very different from at least 20 percent of the people in the world. There is no avoiding interacting with such organizations or individuals, but be aware. anything they say to get your money can be assumed to be only that, whatever it is they needed to say to get your money and not necessarily any form of truth.


can i ask what kind of mental process you went through when posting in this thread?


it is over 8 months old. the issue is no longer relevant.


seriously, why? :confused:

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looking for zyphus thread. I didn't check the date but I thought it pretty strange it was first result. of course, first result was locked and redirected me to here. I came to talk about fraud today. I found what I was looking for in server specific forum.
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Ah, remember the good old days when they massively nerfed three classes into the ground and catapulted marauders to number one status without any sort of ranked pvp data to support making such huge changes to class balance?


Good times, good times.


How'd that work out for you BW?


Oh, lost 75% of your playerbase and went f2p four months later... yikes.

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ah, remember the good old days when they massively nerfed three classes into the ground and catapulted marauders to number one status without any sort of ranked pvp data to support making such huge changes to class balance?


Good times, good times.


How'd that work out for you bw?


Oh, lost 75% of your playerbase and went f2p four months later... Yikes.


lol :D

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