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Who has the time to spend getting lvl 50s!


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i just wanted to post that whoever has more than 1 lvl 50 toon on any server/side needs to take some time to be social in the real world lol or find something else to do with there time! Some people have full time jobs and school and dont have the time to play 24 hrs a day! im getting real sick and tired from hearing people who have like 5+ lvl 50 toons! Its ridiculous! No offence to anyone who has them but seriously take some time off and do something else!
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i just wanted to post that whoever has more made more than one stupid post like this needs to take some time to be social in the real world lol or find something else to do with there time! Some people have full time jobs and school and dont have the time to post things for no real reason! im getting real sick and tired from hearing people who post things like this! Its ridiculous! No offence to anyone who has done these posts but seriously take some time off and do something else!
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I have two level 50's, a part-time job, and full-time classes. Literally. I go from 8am to 8pm three days a week. Rather have my old high school schedule back. . . .


My boyfriend is working on his fourth and has a semi-full time job (about 30 hours a week). He couldn't decide which class he liked so. . . he's played them all Empire side. |: So as you can imagine all of MY time playing has been running him through his entire leveling experience on two out of four characters.


However he is rewarding me by leveling with my Smuggler and teaching me how to tank. . . but I digress.


Moral of the story: we're just beasts when it comes to leveling.

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i just wanted to post that whoever has more made more than one stupid post like this needs to take some time to be social in the real world lol or find something else to do with there time! Some people have full time jobs and school and dont have the time to post things for no real reason! im getting real sick and tired from hearing people who post things like this! Its ridiculous! No offence to anyone who has done these posts but seriously take some time off and do something else!



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OP, think for a moment: How much time do you spend watching TV? The average family, with two people each with a full time job and 2.5 kids all with school, usually manages to get a more than a couple hours of TV in before bed.



Some people merely use that time playing a game instead.



I don't understand the stigma of spending time playing a game when what most people do is just as unproductive and less interactive.

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Hello Everyone,


While we do understand that people can certainly become frustrated with the community at times, threads such as this are typically non-constructive and do not help matters. As such, we'll be closing the thread at this time.


We ask that folks be more patient with each other and with the forum, and better assist with creating a good community through productive discussion. Thanks for your understanding.

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