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Update on Ranked Warzones in Game Update 1.2


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HAHAHAHA. You wanna know why I am laughing? Because you people think that your opinion matters that much. Sure the game is lacking in a lot of aspects, but we are still in the first year. I have played major titles since release from WoW vanilla to Rift and Aion. They ALL SUCK at first. Get that through your heads. If you want a game that has been refined as much as warcraft then go play it. The beauty of games like is that you get to be here when there is nothing and experience every addition first hand, allowing us to see the game evolve. I quit warcraft for this game and have not been disappointed. Yes it is frustrating that cross server pvp is nonexistent and that the server population is decreasing quickly. But that is all based on the servers. And when merges or transfers become a reality more freedom will be granted to find populated groups and whatnot. I miss arenas and the newly introduced rated "battlegrounds" with the rest of you. But we will get there. If any of you think for ONE second that you can do a better job than Bioware then by all means, be my guest. But you can't. This is one of the most prominent game production companies in the world. They know what they are doing and they are doing it right. Sit down, grind another alt for some b/s legacy bonuses and wait for new content to arrive.
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I don't really know what to say, I am playing on a DEAD server right now (cho mai) where ALL my RL friends have quit the game around 2 month ago. But me being gullible and dedicated to this game STAYED because of all the promises given. Finally I hear about all the rated and fancy stuff that are gonna be released and in my head I was thinking "omg u guys quit now all the cool stuff gonna come out and am gonna lol in ur face". Therefore I took a leave from my job and told my family I was going on a work trip for a week to try and have some time to do some serious rated wz with friends but now am told that it is not gonna be released... I don't really know how to explain myself, sadness flows through me. I think the worst feeling that a video game can bring me has been archived by BW, giving me HIGH hopes before slamming me down. I have spent countless hours on this game but now even though I don't wanna unsubscribe maybe it's the only thing left for me to do to protect myself from being HURT from this video game. Ye sorry guys about being emo and etc but it's just how I feel...


Are you for real,? O_o

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Thank you, Digitalclover.

I'm glad that there is someone else who respects the process involve with making a game great. Most people (granted that it is just human nature) just want something to complain about to.

So again, thank you for a rational view Digitalclover, and thank you for making a good game great Bioware.



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BW you know the negative response this is going to create, you know that this is one of the MOST ANTICIPATED PARTS of 1.2 and yet you wait till now to release this information?! This is going to make all of the great stuff you are doing in 1.2 be a negative thing now because you didn't follow through on your word. Tomorrow the majority of players that dont read forums are going to be like *** where is my Ranked WZ this is garbage and ragequit. As this was the main thing I was overjoyed about in 1.2 I am thoroughly disappointed to read this, no matter what you release we are going to complain that is simple but the longer you take to provide what you have already said that you would the less people that will be here to complain about it.
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I really wanted to take a break from real life stresses and enjoy some gaming...


wow. i love gaming. but i just flat out tell them to leave me alone, cuz im gonna play star wars, and nothing in this universe is gonna stop be from trying to destroy a pixelated version of awesome.

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think its a gereat idea that they hold it back untill it workd the way they want it ..... just glad we have 1.2 comming


Yea they have a tendency to hold back until its ready, tell that to all the people who can't do defend the shipment daily, or soa on normal without seeing something that somehow made it this far into the game

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How about enjoying the community and not subbing and unsubbing everytime something doesn't pan out exactly the way you want it to? There is so much more to do in this game besides pvp. If PVP is your biggest attraction then go play a game that's actually built around it. FFS Edited by Leenbh
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Perhaps Bio should consider changing the team of programmers, who still can not solve the old bugs, but also creates new? :rolleyes:


By the way it would be funny to hear that this patch all the priorities have been given to useless Legacy...so we couldn't count on ranked wz from the beginning :D

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How about enjoying the community and not subbing and unsubbing everytime something doesn't pan out exactly the way you want it to? There is so much more to do in this game besides pvp. If PVP is your biggest attraction then go play a game that's actually built around. FFS


agreed. voted for. toasted. and right on

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The fact you think that statistics and physics are remotely similar is sad. Let me guess, you think economics and sociology are hard science like chemistry?


BTW should I assume that I'm right about pointless election projections since you couldn't bother to refute me?


By your logic no one should waste time with elections since the polls decided the winner-that way Americans wouldn't have their TV shows interrupted with an election that was a foregone conclusion months earlier. Are you cynical enough to say that?


Straw-man. I related the absurdity of your point of view to arguing against physics, and suggested if you speak sarcastically enough you could convince people.


You mention scientific polls with a very small margin of error, then juxtaposition them to political polls. Don't confuse my logic with yours.

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Stop whining about it on the forums and stick your money where your mouth is.


Hire a lawyer and sue them. You'd probably get a pretty decent response too, since it's obvious they did this last minute as a money grab. Telling someone that a new feature is being introduced, and when people pay to be able to use it, immediately cancelling on said feature. Also, if you use credit card, cancel sub and charge back.

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How about enjoying the community and not subbing and unsubbing everytime something doesn't pan out exactly the way you want it to? There is so much more to do in this game besides pvp. If PVP is your biggest attraction then go play a game that's actually built around it. FFS


u can do flashpoints, ops, pvp or level, not that much to do if u think about it.

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How about enjoying the community and not subbing and unsubbing everytime something doesn't pan out exactly the way you want it to? There is so much more to do in this game besides pvp. If PVP is your biggest attraction then go play a game that's actually built around it. FFS


There is so much more to do then pvp true, but once you clear ops riding around the fleet in circles get kinda boring

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