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Update on Ranked Warzones in Game Update 1.2


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It's funny they are already talking about game updates for 1.3 in order to keep people subscribing to pay for this crap. If you know it should be in the game it should have been in the game by now.
And what is your exact magical mathematical equation on what should be done by when? According to some people, this game should have had everything they wanted or would like by launch, that my padawan is not feasable. these are people working on this game, not machines. i am sure they are trying their best.
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I agree, that if we were told in advance of the issues concerning the ranked pvp world, the populationg would have probably accepted it and delt with it for a little while longer. But when a person feels like he or she was lead on and lied to, it makes folks feel jaded and disrespected. That goes for all people, not just gamers.
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In the meantime we have provided an alternate purchase route for War Hero gear so you can start building your set while figuring out your teams.



what does that mean? an alternate purchase route dont we have that already?

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Cancelled as of a few minutes ago (only had 6 days left remaining)


This will be remembered as one of the biggest fails, grats and enjoy your conference call with your shareholders for next quarter.


Sleep well tonight, I will now knowing my money is better off elsewhere!


Good for you *rolls her eyes:rolleyes:

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I completely disagree, Instead of pulling out of the patch they should just make a HUGE disclaimer as to HOW and WHY is not working properly and left it in the patch, they are not just delaying ranked warzones they are delaying 8 man queues and our ability to get war hero gear. A disclaimer would be a far more reasonable action and there wouldnt be so many unsubs as there are now.


Can you properly imagine a disclaimer explaining that their team failed to see what a whole part of their playerbase told them on the PTS forum for weeks ? Failed enough to bring up a delaying decision 12 hours before release ?

I just can't without laughing my *** off.


IMO, delaying 8 man queues is much a matter of lack of population on part of the servers than real game-breaking coding output.

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Tbh i dont agree , yes its disappointing that ranked WZs arent being released and i see so many people comparing swtor to other MMOs that have been out over the years, wow being one of the main its compared to. People forget that every mmo (successful or not) wasnt perfect at the start...


Yes TOR could be alot better but its still a baby in the mmo world and has lots of potential if BW can back it up. I think it just needs a little time to iron out the bugs and mistakes made so far, for their first mmo i dont think they have done so badly.


TBH they don't have the timeframe to lie about features and when they will be ready. The next 6 months will see the release of at least 3 new huge name mmo's that millions are interested in. Saying things would be ready and then pulling them at the absolute last second with no prior knowledge will only push more people into searching for that "honest" mmo.

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can anyone post the number of subs warcraft lost in its first 6months? Yet look at how successful upto recently warcraft was. Even now when its so boring wow still has alot of loyal players. TOR i dont think lost nearly what wow lost when it was first launched , so go ahead cancel your subs because you spat your dummys out.
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I don't have a problem with ranked Warzones not being in 1.2.


However, I do have a problem with how this cancellation has been handled. Seriously, announcing that just before the release of the patch???


You know, I'm a patient guy. I can wait for those warzones and I will keep myself occupied with the new ops, new crafting system, maybe level and alt which I still haven't done etc.


But I genuinely believe those who say they will quit now and I understand them. That's what happens if you make empty promises, lure people into new patch with your marketing and build their expectations beyond what you can deliver.


Those of you who defend Bioware on this are wrong. Promising something and then cancelling it in the last possible second is pissing many people off and making them quit / not come back. That is something which affects everyone including those who are patient enough and enjoy the content that is actually being added.


I hope that not giving ETA on rated warzones coming to the game is because you learned that Bioware, not because you have no clue when it will be ready. Altough at this point it is not so much important if it is a week or a month. You already blew it on this one.

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can anyone post the number of subs warcraft lost in its first 6months? Yet look at how successful upto recently warcraft was. Even now when its so boring wow still has alot of loyal players. TOR i dont think lost nearly what wow lost when it was first launched , so go ahead cancel your subs because you spat your dummys out.


wow had how many other MAJOR mmo's out in it's first 6months? swtor has 3 MIN out next 6.....

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Guys, they "need more data" before they can release cross server Qing...


I don't know how much more data they need honestly??? They've already lost 50+% of their playerbase and with this move I'm guessing they've lost a good chunk of those that remained since, like myself (one of the few remaining people who vehemently defended Bioware during the initial exodus of players) the only thing a lot of people were looking forward to in 1.2 was the Qing with more than 4 people and ranked Warzones...


It's Game Over..

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wow had how many other MAJOR mmo's out in it's first 6months? swtor has 3 MIN out next 6.....


and this is BW first mmo so cut them a little slack, their other games from what i understand are successful. Going into a new market for any company can have challenges that are unexpected. Yes i agree telling you just before patch hits that ranked wzs arent coming is lame and if you read my first few posts youll see ive already said that but end of the day people who QQ will QQ regardless. If they had of added ranked WZ when they obviously werent ready , you would all of been here QQing regardless , cancelling your subs anyway just for a different reason.


There is no pleasing that kinda person.

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Guys, they "need more data" before they can release cross server Qing...


I don't know how much more data they need honestly??? They've already lost 50+% of their playerbase and with this move I'm guessing they've lost a good chunk of those that remained since, like myself (one of the few remaining people who vehemently defended Bioware during the initial exodus of players) the only thing a lot of people were looking forward to in 1.2 was the Qing with more than 4 people and ranked Warzones...


It's Game Over..


agree 100% game over

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I don't want something broken, but at the same time, I don't want to be lead on and let down a half day before it was scheduled to be launched.


Neither did they, I'm sure. Sometimes things are discovered during a prod move that force a roll-back. I applaud their courage in refusing to ship buggy code into production.

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Bioware can't win can they? If they release it today it's a buggy mess, you all complain. They pull it back you, all complain they pulled it back. Make up your minds.


It's not that they are pulling it back that is the problem, it's the late announcement that is bs.

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