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Update on Ranked Warzones in Game Update 1.2


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Remembering the fact that, in their own words, they got the greatest pvp-developping team which assured us a such amazing experiment on Ilum, I just can't get angry about this late-delaying option in patch 1.2, when most of the comments on the PTS threads showed the wreckage of it, through two failed event on 4/4 and 4/6.


Game update 1.2 comes with "under the hood underlying changes".

Ranked Warzones will come with "under the hood underlying pvp community" :D


Anyway, it's not a bad thing to delay a broken part of the patchnote, it's a sane way to improve the game. But it's insane to think that repeated failures won't stick to EA/Bioware's reputation.


I completely disagree, Instead of pulling out of the patch they should just make a HUGE disclaimer as to HOW and WHY is not working properly and left it in the patch, they are not just delaying ranked warzones they are delaying 8 man queues and our ability to get war hero gear. A disclaimer would be a far more reasonable action and there wouldnt be so many unsubs as there are now.

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You look at the history of the game to this point and it is riddled with things released half done. UI, Operations, Flashpoints, Class Balance, Player Crafting, Ilum, Open World PVP, Warfronts, the list goes on and on and on.


I am a member of a PvP guild. We do not care about PVE progression. We had the first 50s on our server during the early access, along with the servers first Battlemasters. The vast majority of our premier players have left the game. They will NEVER return. My guild had over 200 members at launch. Today we have less than 40 active players. Do the math.


This title is in serious trouble. When have any of you seen a MMO 3 months after release offering the game for $20 off? Or offering free trials the way that this one is? I tell you what I perceive, it is that new sales and new subscriptions have tanked. Look forward to bulk emails going on in the near future with welcome back offers giving players that are not longer subscribing a chance to experience the great new content.


I think it was best said that 1.2 is the same as polishing the brass rail on the Titanic after the iceberg hit.


The real issue at hand is that in the industry of MMO's PVP players have ALWAYS been the red headed step child. Publishers and developers offer lip service but fail to deliver. The best example of this failure by BW is their choice in making the new operation and flash point the main focus of testing on PTS by transferring only players and guilds that were focused on PVE. My guild submitted over 20 players, all battlemaster, to be transferred to the PTS. If BW had allocated the man hours to transfer PVP players to the PTS then RWFs would have had a chance to be adequately tested. There is NO excuse.


Let me give you an example, say you go to a restaurant and you order a steak and baked potato. Your server tells you that your dinner will be ready in 30 minutes. After an hour your server brings the baked potato to your table and tells you at that time your steak is not ready because they don't have an oven to broil it. They then tell you that you will get your stake some time in the future, maybe tomorrow maybe next week. Do you as a paying customer eat your potato with a smile and sit there and wait indefinitely for your steak ( and don't forget you have already paid for that steak). Or do you get upset, complain to the management, and never return to that business because they failed to deliver the service that they advertised?

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BW totally NGEd themselves, all these developers/CS staff better prepare a new resume. I wonder what happened to all those devs in SWG that didn't listen to the playerbase when it said to them /unsub for the NGE? Oh thats right they are all out of work because the game went belly up when all the playerbase left.


Saying your gonna release ranked WZ in 1.3 is not quite a great pr move, why? Well because the difference between 1.1 and 1.2 was about 2 months. 1.3 will be at least 1-2 months if your on the current schedule. Sure this doesn't seem like much in your timelines but this is gonna cost people waiting for that some real $$$. In fact it would be cheaper for many in the playerbase to buy a copy of terra,d3,gw2 and get their fix now.


I suggest BW completely change how they do patching of content, make it easier for players to test level 50 content. Also have 2 patch servers ffs, have a long version patch server and a small version patch server. That way you can test out your next big patch while creating small incremental patches.


You should also probably try to apologize to the playerbase that left and make it right. Otherwise they will never comeback to any of your products. Offer a free month or something, sure it will look like a pile of crap on your books, but so will not ever having that player play any mmo you ever make. Learn from SOE, otherwise you will end up just like them.

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Bioware can't win can they? If they release it today it's a buggy mess, you all complain. They pull it back you, all complain they pulled it back. Make up your minds.


They could win by not having a buggy mess in the first place and enabling cross server queueing. They chose not to (and yes I mean chose because they have had lots of opportunity to get it right) by way of askewed priorities.

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I completely disagree, Instead of pulling out of the patch they should just make a HUGE disclaimer as to HOW and WHY is not working properly and left it in the patch, they are not just delaying ranked warzones they are delaying 8 man queues and our ability to get war hero gear. A disclaimer would be a far more reasonable action and there wouldnt be so many unsubs as there are now.


Well you can get War Hero gear trading WZ for Rated 3:1 ratio although obviously this is not a desirable alternative.

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Quit MMO's all together then. This isn't something new.


Ya, ive been playing mmos since day one in Ultima Online, thats why this is so funny to me, they have been releasing stuff at a faster rate than any other MMO and people still complain. Is it perfect? NO, but nothing is and people just need to take a long hard look at what they have become, the game is not a fail, i think the human race is becoming a major fail IMHO :p:(

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well, at least we get gw2 shortly. This will just have to hold me over till then. It's sad really. This game could have been great, but it was released way too soon. Original release should have been 1.2. They rushed the original release of the game, it was unpolished, and subs dropped too fast to recover from. Pity really, could have been a great game.



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Seriously BioWare? Noticing something that is broken with rated warzones so you are having to postpone it's release so that people are not treated unfairly


You horrible people!


Have you no respect for your players


Let people rage and unsub, people will be pissed off but they will be even more ragey if they were to experience the brokenness of the system.

Edited by Syanidal
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let me give you an example, say you go to a restaurant and you order a steak and baked potato. Your server tells you that your dinner will be ready in 30 minutes. After an hour your server brings the baked potato to your table and tells you at that time your steak is not ready because they don't have an oven to broil it. They then tell you that you will get your stake some time in the future, maybe tomorrow maybe next week. Do you as a paying customer eat your potato with a smile and sit there and wait indefinitely for your steak ( and don't forget you have already paid for that steak). Or do you get upset, complain to the management, and never return to that business because they failed to deliver the service that they advertised?


this, excellent, bravo :-)

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I'll just post one thing. Whanted to add my voice to the rest of this. I fell like I have been cheated. They promised so many things and all like get is lies. I recon they should refund us some money.


I'm defenetlay deleting game in a few moments. Never had been so asulted in my life.


Sry for my english :p


Hope the game will die and leave you with title of worst company EVER!


they already won that, you can look it up they ARE the worst company ever so dont be surpised lol

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I will continue to voice my dissent until my sub expires within the week. Not only is it my right to do so, it is vitally important that BioWare understands the gravity of the situation. Their game developers need to hear this feedback, because they obviously are not listening to the right people in their offices or on the forums if they are making deadly mistake after mistake.


This latest decision OBVIOUSLY led to subscriptions lost. On top of that, many are EXPERIENCED MMOers who can help fasttrack the evolution of this game. I guess you are okay with BioWare/EA decision making process at the moment, but what about after the next poor one that bleeds even more subs? Sure there will be people playing, but not many long-term ones who are experienced. This is the kind of community you want to see in the future?


I like how you just described the monkeys currently throwing poop in this thread as some sort of MMOing task force hell bent on securing the future of SWTOR.


Your post is so full of hyperbole and conjecture, I'm not sure which one to start with first. If you're asking if the SWTOR I want to play in the future is the one without people who unsub because they lack patience or any kind of realistic objectivity, then yes.

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I'll just post one thing. Whanted to add my voice to the rest of this. I fell like I have been cheated. They promised so many things and all like get is lies. I recon they should refund us some money.


I'm defenetlay deleting game in a few moments. Never had been so asulted in my life.


Sry for my english :p


Hope the game will die and leave you with title of worst company EVER!


Lol First world problems.


I love the fact people are ignoring that there's a new warzone to play, as well as same faction matches on all maps now. oh well, people will only look at the negative.

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Ya, ive been playing mmos since day one in Ultima Online, thats why this is so funny to me, they have been releasing stuff at a faster rate than any other MMO and people still complain. Is it perfect? NO, but nothing is and people just need to take a long hard look at what they have become, the game is not a fail, i think the human race is becoming a major fail IMHO :p:(


even now you still don't get it, everyone is happy if they let us know in a TIMELY manner stuff won't be ready, advertise and advertise certain features to draw back customers then say 12hrs b4 release it ain't happening is plain wrong and misleading to say the least

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Wont quit the game over it. They will put out the content when its ready. For the people crying, would you rather them put it out and be 100% broken? silly question, of course you do!~ Cause then you could rage quit over that!~ AMIRITE?!
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Ya, ive been playing mmos since day one in Ultima Online, thats why this is so funny to me, they have been releasing stuff at a faster rate than any other MMO and people still complain. Is it perfect? NO, but nothing is and people just need to take a long hard look at what they have become, the game is not a fail, i think the human race is becoming a major fail IMHO :p:(



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Overreacting or not, hes right.


Tbh i dont agree , yes its disappointing that ranked WZs arent being released and i see so many people comparing swtor to other MMOs that have been out over the years, wow being one of the main its compared to. People forget that every mmo (successful or not) wasnt perfect at the start...


Yes TOR could be alot better but its still a baby in the mmo world and has lots of potential if BW can back it up. I think it just needs a little time to iron out the bugs and mistakes made so far, for their first mmo i dont think they have done so badly.

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Seriously BioWare? Noticing something that is broken with rated warzones so you are having to postpone it's release so that people are not treated unfairly


You horrible people!


Have you no respect for your players


Let people rage and unsub, people will be pissed off but they will be even more ragey if they were to experience the brokenness of the system.


You are Pandering to their failure me thinks.


Of course people would be ragey if its released as a buggy mess, of course people will rage if its pulled at the 11th hour with no explanation.


They could have just got it right first time round?


Stop making excuses for their failures with your fanboyistic vanguard and let people vent :) kay? :p

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Those who are unsubbing and going omg GW2 will be so much better, imo you're using all this as an excuse to cancel your subscriptions. I really wanted rated Warzones but I love playing this game, if you truly wanted to play you wouldn't unsub



That is all

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