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Update on Ranked Warzones in Game Update 1.2


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This, This, This!


He came in, knocked off your tin foil hats and stomped on em.


Lack of PTS testing is also another one of BioWare's mistakes. Day 1 of PTS, people demanded for the option to have premade Lv50s so that the content could be tested more easily. They knew the timeframe they had to test things, they were in charge of prioritization. Was it an oversight that they completely ignored RWZs until they had no time left? Still incompetent IMO.

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everyone I know was gonna come back for rated just to go ranked 1 and then say bye.


now that wont happen.


with like 15 ppl on fleet at peak hours atm.


now I know why there is no /pray emote in this game

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What do you expect? More than have the people on here are kids who were waiting to get on at the moment of live so they could scramble into ranked in order to be first to the top.


The internet has made monkeys of us all.

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Well i'm glad didn't resubscribe. 6 days to go before my sub runs out. Was waiting for this to come out before making up my mind whether to resub or not. Guess this answers that. Probably will come check this game out again in 6months down the road, and hopefully a lot of the stuff will be fixed by then. Anyway laters all, have fun to all those staying.
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Go back to general forum, filter threads by number of replies, and notice that this thread is roughly #9 on the list. Not too shabby for only a few hours.


I'm not unsubbing over this because I actually do enjoy this game quite a lot, but you're crazy if you think this is a minor issue.

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LMFAO again.


50% of the community pvp.


If they just released pvp content and didn't release any pve for 1.2 you would be mad as hell.


Try thinking outside of the box for just a second, if you have a business head laying around put it on.


If plenty of pvp'ers quit then you will feel it also.




lol, just no


you are confusing "people who pvp" with "people who get all rage fueled about something like this"


i pvp, i really couldnt get less excited about this happening if i tried. as i said, its annoying, but im not 12 , so my reaction is "really ? oh well, hope it comes soon", not "UNSUBBED GAY FAIL GAME LOL"

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everyone I know was gonna come back for rated just to go ranked 1 and then say bye.


now that wont happen.


with like 15 ppl on fleet at peak hours atm.


now I know why there is no /pray emote in this game


exactly mate, we had 57 guildies on fleet today before patch and we all said our goodbyes till gw2 today....if you LIE blatantly you pay the price.....another fail lying mmo

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> You are not addressing your issues, you are filing your complaints in a winge-orientated manor. There is a difference. One is constructive one isn't.


> And yes I will have fun playing 7 Years of this game, as it is far more likely to exceed most MMO out there.


> I do not swing my light-saber around in the corner, I might accidentally burn the wall doing that, you crazy?


> You did not answer my question, my question was "Why are you STILL here", not "Why have you been here". If you are upset with the game in ways you have lost hope for it, why do you still linger on the forums? I respect you for trying something new and fresh, it did not work out for you sadly but why continue to jabber about your disappointing experience when you could be playing your beloved panda-infested WoW right now?


>Just a thought.


Why when you split up with a partner do you still keep tabs on what they are doing, especially if they hurt you?


That's right, to make sure they are suffering lots.


People will post and keep posting until they can't as there sub ran out, to make sure BW feels the full backlash and pain, they felt for being screwed over. Which is what most of us feel.

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lol, just no


you are confusing "people who pvp" with "people who get all rage fueled about something like this"


i pvp, i really couldnt get less excited about this happening if i tried. as i said, its annoying, but im not 12 , so my reaction is "really ? oh well, hope it comes soon", not "UNSUBBED GAY FAIL GAME LOL"


Makes no difference to me, as in 6 days the subs gone, however, if you are staying it will for you.


I dont lose anything, you do.


If you can't see it, then you need to look up the word BUSINESS in the dictionary.


Because thats what BW is first and foremost, something a lot of you forget.

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> You are not addressing your issues, you are filing your complaints in a winge-orientated manor. There is a difference. One is constructive one isn't.


> And yes I will have fun playing 7 Years of this game, as it is far more likely to exceed most MMO out there.


> I do not swing my light-saber around in the corner, I might accidentally burn the wall doing that, you crazy?


> You did not answer my question, my question was "Why are you STILL here", not "Why have you been here". If you are upset with the game in ways you have lost hope for it, why do you still linger on the forums? I respect you for trying something new and fresh, it did not work out for you sadly but why continue to jabber about your disappointing experience when you could be playing your beloved panda-infested WoW right now?


>Just a thought.


I will continue to voice my dissent until my sub expires within the week. Not only is it my right to do so, it is vitally important that BioWare understands the gravity of the situation. Their game developers need to hear this feedback, because they obviously are not listening to the right people in their offices or on the forums if they are making deadly mistake after mistake.


This latest decision OBVIOUSLY led to subscriptions lost. On top of that, many are EXPERIENCED MMOers who can help fasttrack the evolution of this game. I guess you are okay with BioWare/EA decision making process at the moment, but what about after the next poor one that bleeds even more subs? Sure there will be people playing, but not many long-term ones who are experienced. This is the kind of community you want to see in the future?

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Since you are SO knowledgeable in regards to bioware WHY then did they string along the ENTIRE pvp community with ranked and then pull it in the last 12hrs? Our MAIN gripe is this short timing on announcements, once again HONESTY WINS. waiting to the absolute last second to cancel a MAJOR change is pure moneygrubbing douchebaggery!


Haha if you read I have said precisely this multiple times as long as they kept us updated instead of springing it on us it wouldn't be so bad was merely agreeing with the points he made. Of course it is yet another bad spot in the blackbook of TORs customer service.

Edited by Granted
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Go back to general forum, filter threads by number of replies, and notice that this thread is roughly #9 on the list. Not too shabby for only a few hours.


I'm not unsubbing over this because I actually do enjoy this game quite a lot, but you're crazy if you think this is a minor issue.


Good, even though I said everything I did, this game does probably need further funding to advance. Since they spent it all on voice acting. Hopefully it'll be ship-shape within a few years and I'll have a reason to return.


Thank you for at least acknowledging the severity of their decision.

Edited by Tyraelium
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If they need to polish it more hope it's guna be awsome ranked games will be good once implemented. PvP is where alot of peoples game is at so haveing a good pvp selection of wz's and ranked system that works well straight off the bat will be best for us I think.


So if waiting a few more weeks is what it takes for the polished system I can wait, as I've said in other posts the game is still young other MMO's ppl talk about have had years to develop just relax enjoy what we have and explore new things we have got.


Thexremstar-Scoundrel-Sawbones-Infinite Empire

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For all the conspiracy theorists out there, if Bioware did know about this a while ago and not say anything then it was naughty.


The whole "bait and switch" comments are a little harsh but if you subbed and spent real money on something and it was delivered I'd be howling too.


Bioware have said nothing was done underhand, that it really was a last, last minute decision.


Ok, I'll bite, prove it Bioware, offer all those people that have recently re-subscribed, you know who they are, you'll have a detailed report, a refund. Simply put that's what most upstanding honourable business' would do.


If ranked WZ were the reason people re-subbed then give them their money back.



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Remembering the fact that, in their own words, they got the greatest pvp-developping team which assured us a such amazing experiment on Ilum, I just can't get angry about this late-delaying option in patch 1.2, when most of the comments on the PTS threads showed the wreckage of it, through two failed event on 4/4 and 4/6.


Game update 1.2 comes with "under the hood underlying changes".

Ranked Warzones will come with "under the hood underlying pvp community" :D


Anyway, it's not a bad thing to delay a broken part of the patchnote, it's a sane way to improve the game. But it's insane to think that repeated failures won't stick to EA/Bioware's reputation.

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I think i speak for alot of 50s in my guild that we was looking forward to ranked warzones.


I think its a shame it isnt being released in 1.2 but i guess id prefer it not to be released then released with loads of bugs. I do however think it a tad unfair that it got announced so late.... Your not telling me that they only found out they had issues with it a few hours before patch....

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I'll just post one thing. Whanted to add my voice to the rest of this. I fell like I have been cheated. They promised so many things and all like get is lies. I recon they should refund us some money.


I'm defenetlay deleting game in a few moments. Never had been so asulted in my life.


Sry for my english :p


Hope the game will die and leave you with title of worst company EVER!

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But it's insane to think that repeated failures won't stick to EA/Bioware's reputation.


Agreed about their rep.


I'm quite new to Bioware games but with all the fuss about them last year I gave recently Played thru Mass Effect 1, Mass Effect 2, then SWTOR, then Mass Effect 3.


This isnt to hate but I have seen a downward trend in Quality.

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I'll just post one thing. Whanted to add my voice to the rest of this. I fell like I have been cheated. They promised so many things and all like get is lies. I recon they should refund us some money.


I'm defenetlay deleting game in a few moments. Never had been so asulted in my life.


Sry for my english :p


Hope the game will die and leave you with title of worst company EVER!



thats a over reaction tbh and if thats your honest thoughts then maybe tor is better with less players if the player base left is a decent one

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Bioware your quickly becoming the new SOE. Lie about everything and push dates back and say soon soon soon. I hope you address this rage on the front-page with an apology post followed by the resignation and replacement of your team leaders and hire competent people who understand and have worked on MMO's in the past.
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