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why is my launcher allready downloading patch?


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No one took that stance. Don't be dramatic. Bioware clearly identified the scope of the issue, took steps to mitigate the mistake, and did a great job keeping people informed as things developed, there really isn't any one thing they could have handled better.


And you aren't losing money by not being able to play unless you are a gold farmer. Learn what realistic expectations are, then strive to have them. Companies/people screw up from time to time. Your inconvenience from the mistake isn't personal, there's no reason to take it that way.


PR debacle....lol




I was never one to demand any recompense, I was asking for BW to recognise that more than a "small amount of players" was affected, and to at least add some blades to the download server. This is a PR FAIL, sorry to shout, but you seem to only half read any of the post that you respond to.


Thanks for your time, and compassion for your fellow gamers.

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It's hilarious that some people are threatening to quit over not being able to play until tomorrow.... I mean, if you love the game so much that you literally can't bare not playing until the patch goes live, there is NO way you can just up and quit. This game is crack to you at this point.


dont for get the people that hate thegame so much, yet they are complaining they cant play it

Edited by nadokaoh
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Keep in mind that you're choosing to be that pissed off about something no one will likely do anything about. And your only options are to suck it up or cancel your sub.


Also keep in mind that companies that have had similiar issues (I think back to the first year of WoW when they patched the launcher and completely ****ed the login servers and credit'd every active account with a day of play time) have taken at a minimum a day, if not longer before stating that they would do anything (I believe that WoW login server issue took 3 days for Blizzard to say anything about compensation).


Just goes to show the faith people have in BW.


Hey BW, this is what members of your community think of you.


If you enjoy being screwed over and walked on then by all means please continue to remain silent and let BW do whatever they want to you. Myself? If someone pisses me off, I tell. I don't sugar coat or play nice. I say how I feel and what my view of the situation is. You apparently don't, and that's fine. And you're line about this is what members of the BW community feel about them? You're right. 100% This incident has shaken the faith that many players had in BW and as a result their competitors who are getting ready to drop some new major titles very soon will be quite pleased with the players they take from here and other games by simply giving a **** about the players. Personally, as soon as my pre-paid time is up my account shall be cancelled. I'd cancel it now but I know BW would never refund me the money I spent on the 72 days of game time I have remaining so I'm stuck on that issue. I was excited and couldn't wait for 1.2 but now I can't wait for Guild Wars 2 and Planetside 2.

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i just keep pressing pause the resume download to get the transfer rate up but it shoots back down to under 100k? please help me.


Am i doing something wrong? at this rate the download will be over 12 hours really? is it 2012 or am i confused


just leave the pause button pushed, my dl has picked back up to 1MB/sec since I did that.

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So hang on I just decided to log in a minute ago and now its re downloading the game again when I already have it installed? If I am reading the announcement right I can just quit the download now and tomorrow instead of downloading the WHOLE game it will only download 1.2 is that right?
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No one took that stance. Don't be dramatic. Bioware clearly identified the scope of the issue, took steps to mitigate the mistake, and did a great job keeping people informed as things developed, there really isn't any one thing they could have handled better.


And you aren't losing money by not being able to play unless you are a gold farmer. Learn what realistic expectations are, then strive to have them. Companies/people screw up from time to time. Your inconvenience from the mistake isn't personal, there's no reason to take it that way.


PR debacle....lol


THIS! Well put.


Also, name me any other company that compensates you for loss of service due to maintenance or other small issues? Heck, RIM servers crash all the time, and I'm not getting any comps for loss of BlackBerry use. (Yes, I still have a BB for work, they're 'considering' a change)

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If you enjoy being screwed over and walked on then by all means please continue to remain silent and let BW do whatever they want to you. Myself? If someone pisses me off, I tell. I don't sugar coat or play nice. I say how I feel and what my view of the situation is. You apparently don't, and that's fine. And you're line about this is what members of the BW community feel about them? You're right. 100% This incident has shaken the faith that many players had in BW and as a result their competitors who are getting ready to drop some new major titles very soon will be quite pleased with the players they take from here and other games by simply giving a **** about the players. Personally, as soon as my pre-paid time is up my account shall be cancelled. I'd cancel it now but I know BW would never refund me the money I spent on the 72 days of game time I have remaining so I'm stuck on that issue. I was excited and couldn't wait for 1.2 but now I can't wait for Guild Wars 2 and Planetside 2.



... wow... do you love playing so much that you seriously can't do something else until tomorrow? I mean... you're quitting because you can't play for ONE day?

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So hang on I just decided to log in a minute ago and now its re downloading the game again when I already have it installed? If I am reading the announcement right I can just quit the download now and tomorrow instead of downloading the WHOLE game it will only download 1.2 is that right?


Come to OUR side




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So my 11GB download just finished and installed. Now it's downloading the same 11GB of crap again. I've had it. This is the last post from me you'll see. Next step is cancelling the account after pressing submit. Good bye SWTOR, it was fun while it lasted. And to BW, you have the worst customer service I've ever seen. Great games, but atrocious customer service. I'll give my money to your competitors for now on. Good job.
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RIM who? Yeah, like they're doing so well...



THIS! Well put.


Also, name me any other company that compensates you for loss of service due to maintenance or other small issues? Heck, RIM servers crash all the time, and I'm not getting any comps for loss of BlackBerry use. (Yes, I still have a BB for work, they're 'considering' a change)

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I was never one to demand any recompense, I was asking for BW to recognise that more than a "small amount of players" was affected, and to at least add some blades to the download server. This is a PR FAIL, sorry to shout, but you seem to only half read any of the post that you respond to.


Thanks for your time, and compassion for your fellow gamers.


How do you know it wasn't a small amount? There's been 700 posts in this thread - most of them by trolls or people saying "I'm good, working for me". Of the 700, I'd overly estimate 100 people complaining about their continued problem....out of 1.7 million subscribers. Seems small to me.

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Ok I'm around 4 hours now on the DL and 5.12 away (I keep hitting the retrying thing) and I really don't care about a day credit or whatever the equivalent dollar value is.



What stinks about this is the sheer timing of this mess. We are at transition and a lot of us need to do some clean up (commendations, wz top off. etc, white crystals, Korrealis, etc) before the 10pm (which is another out of the normally scheduled patch timeframe) cut off.


They really need to send all the DL version folks physical discs if they continue to recommend "Reloading your discs" as a fix for stuff like this.

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I have no pause and it just keeps going.........sometimes speeds up to Mbps then slowly drops again to the 100 kbps. I am just "patiently" waiting. (well, kinda patiently)


tiny pause button to the left of the download bar on the launcher...

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RIM who? Yeah, like they're doing so well...


That's my point, they aren't doing well...and they aren't giving out refunds for downtime...and I'm not crying for refunds on blogs/forums for them, I can live without a phone for an hour or two, same as a game

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And out of all the posts it seems like You and rainier are the only fanboi's screaming *move along, nothing to see here*


If it doesnt affect you or you dont find the issue to be a big deal, then move on. For those affected, ranting may be the only satisfaction they may get. Like you said, there are only so few of us right...


How do you know it wasn't a small amount? There's been 700 posts in this thread - most of them by trolls or people saying "I'm good, working for me". Of the 700, I'd overly estimate 100 people complaining about their continued problem....out of 1.7 million subscribers. Seems small to me.
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What stinks about this is the sheer timing of this mess. We are at transition and a lot of us need to do some clean up (commendations, wz top off. etc, white crystals, Korrealis, etc) before the 10pm (which is another out of the normally scheduled patch timeframe) cut off. .


1.2 has been rumored to be here 'any day now' for the last three weeks, if you haven't done cleanup yet, the 7 hours left before the servers go off-line now isn't going to help much.

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So do we need to download the whole game again or can we wait until tomorrow and then instead of installing the game it will install the 1.2 patch instead is that right?


The only problem I am having is do we need to re download the game or wait until tomorrow and the launcher will install the patch instead of the game.

Edited by lokdron
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So my 11GB download just finished and installed. Now it's downloading the same 11GB of crap again. I've had it. This is the last post from me you'll see. Next step is cancelling the account after pressing submit. Good bye SWTOR, it was fun while it lasted. And to BW, you have the worst customer service I've ever seen. Great games, but atrocious customer service. I'll give my money to your competitors for now on. Good job.


And the peasants rejoice

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Ok I'm around 4 hours now on the DL and 5.12 away (I keep hitting the retrying thing) and I really don't care about a day credit or whatever the equivalent dollar value is.



What stinks about this is the sheer timing of this mess. We are at transition and a lot of us need to do some clean up (commendations, wz top off. etc, white crystals, Korrealis, etc) before the 10pm (which is another out of the normally scheduled patch timeframe) cut off.


They really need to send all the DL version folks physical discs if they continue to recommend "Reloading your discs" as a fix for stuff like this.


True...Those of us who downloaded to be Founders have no discs to use :(

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Seriously bioware get ur stuff together. I took a day off so i could hit 50 before 1.2 and now i gotta re download my client? This is pathetic, I defend bioware and Swtor all they time when ppl ***** about this game and how poorly its managed but now i have to agree because seriously? you cant manage important things like that? it's pathetic.


Wow, way to have some dedication to your job! What were you doing over the last several weekends? It's not like this was out-of-the blue. You have known this patch was coming for months.


And why was it so important to hit 50 before 1.2? Oh wait because you might have to actually work for it now!

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It appears that everyone who is having a problem with this patch is being directed here and their posts are being deleted.


Tier 2 Customer Service rep just hung up on a guild member and the instructions to bypass this botched patch are incorrect.



REINSTALL THE GAME is the only way you can log in until 1.2

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And out of all the posts it seems like You and rainier are the only fanboi's screaming *move along, nothing to see here*


If it doesnt affect you or you dont find the issue to be a big deal, then move on. For those affected, ranting may be the only satisfaction they may get. Like you said, there are only so few of us right...


I offer my posts as reminding everyone to pause and take a look at what's upsetting you...for one day you may not get to play your game. Breathe, relax, enjoy what the rest of the world may offer you today.

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