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why is my launcher allready downloading patch?


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Network error while downloading patch data. Retrying...




What are the odds I will actually get this back this evening?


Supposedly if I abort right now and just wait until tomorrow all will be fine but I have a bad feeling when I try tomorrow its still going to try and download the 11G's

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I have attempted to cancel the download (during the 11g stage) in order to continue playing for tonight, however each time I load the launcher it automatically re-begins the download.


Is this preventable, am I able to still play tonight?

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Oh man, I'd edit the post with some capitalizing and punctuation, before your first sentence becomes aim for some trolling. :D


Sorry, just had to. Hehe


hahaha. that happens, but i'm very secure in my abilities as a writer. i've developed a particular style of writing on the internet, and i'm stickin' to it, because its comfortable, and it feels like "me." i'm a published poet, and grammar is rarely among my chief concerns. i find language to be much more interesting as expression, rather than as something mathematical that can or should be done "right." how dreadfully boring, to think that language shouldn't be ****ed with or perverted as the writer sees fit, particularly in an informal environment such as this. either way, i don't suffer internet trolls. they can get their rocks off however they like online...

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Hammer, I'm over 50 also. Try von Clausewitz "On War". Very interesting, and a better read than Tolstoy :D


Keep smiling, the download speed has picked up to oh .... 500 KB/sec now lol


Oh I'm long since in the game, just running craft missions and watching this board, bored.

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I have attempted to cancel the download (during the 11g stage) in order to continue playing for tonight, however each time I load the launcher it automatically re-begins the download.


Is this preventable, am I able to still play tonight?


You need to download the 11 gig to play tonight. Or you can wait until tomorrow.

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Well...that's some bandwith down the toilet...900 meg patch x2 cause I will have to reinstall it tomorrow, adding the patch from release to current playable version...thank god I have an install CD and not get the 11gig digital download down.


I have read many excuses form from Bioware, but, are we getting something out of this? Considering the loose play time + my probably certain bandwith burst. This is an opportunity for Bioware to show that the current critic over the lack of customer support ain't true. I really hope they jump on it.

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If noone is thinking about this in your SH:


I just want remember you, Bioware, that if you fail again while some other games (like Diablo 3 or GW2) are released you will lose more than 1% of player.


So imho it's better if you try to give to your community a sign about how much do you care about your customers.

I'm keep waiting for an answer that never comes :D



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I didn't read your wall of txt, but I think I see the gist of it.


In response, I say You're Welcome from those of us who refuse to take things lying down and push those to whom we pay to have a service delivered and when not, to be compensated.


And just to note, only a couple of the more hotheaded individuals are calling for people to be fired, which is wrong. But its also wrong to piss down our backs and call it an April shower.


you lot of complainers are rather insufferable, ya know that? the incessant negativity around these parts is absolutely maddening. i wonder how you manage to get through each day without bursting the heaving blood vessels that protrude from your pasty foreheads. you pollute what could be an otherwise productive and interesting community with an unearned and misplaced sense of entitlement. this is my first MMO, and i'm enjoying it until i no longer enjoy it. then i'll move on to something else. i'm just dipping my toes in the world of MMO's, so it doesn't make up a very large slice of my life, and, after discovering what spoiled brats the MMO community is actually comprised of, i am absolutely sure that this will be my last MMO experience whenever i decide to make my exit. the rest of you should perhaps ease off the throttle a little bit...
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Please send me 1000 warzone commendations and I will forgive this error.


But really, I really dont think they could actually track all the people down who had this problem occur. Everyone and there Grandma would be coming out of the wookworks. Yeah I lost precious gametime haha.





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english video 1 download is still going at retardedly low speeds even though more 'servers' are supposed to be available now


aint my connection either, i test downloaded some stuff off steam at 2-3MB/s.. and downloads via my browser go about there too.


but the swtor launcher. o. m. g. 60kb/s when no other download is running.

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english video 1 download is still going at retardedly low speeds even though more 'servers' are supposed to be available now


aint my connection either, i test downloaded some stuff off steam at 2-3MB/s.. and downloads via my browser go about there too.


but the swtor launcher. o. m. g. 60kb/s when no other download is running.

once you get past video 1 it goes alot faster. i was getting horrible speeds for that. im now on the huge main assets 1 part of it and its going at about 1.67 mb/s, not as fast as i should be getting but still acceptable.
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well said


No, I did not. I got my meal and my refund and walked out.


But there also wasn't someone sitting at a table with the right meal that got up and attacked me for wanting to get the problem corrected.


I guess Mcdonald's doesn't have as devoted of fanboys. You're really only perpetuating this with the Chris Crocker "leave BW alone" act imho.

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I have a really good suggestion for BW.


Just tell are the crazy ranters in this thread that their business is no longer wanted, and cancel their accounts for them.


And hell, go ahead and give them the 50 cents they lost for the day.


Also, I like kittens.

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I have a really good suggestion for BW.


Just tell are the crazy ranters in this thread that their business is no longer wanted, and cancel their accounts for them.


And hell, go ahead and give them the 50 cents they lost for the day.


Also, I like kittens.

Yea, that's a great idea for a business. Screw over your customers and then cancel their accounts and say you no longer want their business. And they would have to refund ALL the money for remaining game time on the account otherwise they could be held liable for legal actions taken by the customers who were kicked out because they don't just lay down and take it when they get screwed over.

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