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10 Good
  1. Happened to us too. We simply fired the gun where he was supposed to be, and he reappeared.
  2. Lights Out is very easy now with my Assasin Tank and a healing companion (he has rakata though and I have alot of presence). I just go there, kill the needed mobs + the champion and go out - no special tacticts required.
  3. We ran EV HM yesterday with the following group: 4 inquisitors, 2 mercs, 1 agent and 1 warrior No inquisitor drops at all, but plenty of warrior drops, not to mention that Soa dropped TWO warrior chests. Last week - almost the same group - again 4 inquisitors, but no warriors at all....you've guessed it, no inquisitor drops, plenty of warrior drops. Bioware, I dont know what you did with the loot tables, but its borked.
  4. Re-downloaded the full client (its more than the initial 11gb) in about 20mins, and can confirm that the game works fine after that. Really effing annoying though
  5. This: ---- 7A) Endgame tanks find it difficult to hold aggro against endgame DPS, since the endgame DPS gear greatly increases DPS while the endgame tank gear does not greatly increase threat. Consider increasing the threat multiplier in tank stance to 80% or 100% or adding additional threat multiplier to endgame tank gear. ---- is what just pains me alot and I would love to see it fixed asap. I've had cases where I harpoon some dude's *** (normal mob, not a boss) and he keeps running at the DPS even without stopping for a second.
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