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why is my launcher allready downloading patch?


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So quick question. When I get home from work, should I get the patch downloading or not?

By the time I get home the servers will already be down for the upgrade.


Am I safe to start tonight or do I need to wait until once the servers are back up?


Reason being so cautious, in NZ I get a measly 60gb per month. I've already blown 20gb on installing 2 days ago. I cannot afford to re-download the entire game again.


ps. If you back up your install folder, can you just replace the files if something ever gets corrupt during download?


No. The patch was a mistake and is broken. This should never have been released.

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So quick question. When I get home from work, should I get the patch downloading or not?

By the time I get home the servers will already be down for the upgrade.


Am I safe to start tonight or do I need to wait until once the servers are back up?


Reason being so cautious, in NZ I get a measly 60gb per month. I've already blown 20gb on installing 2 days ago. I cannot afford to re-download the entire game again.


ps. If you back up your install folder, can you just replace the files if something ever gets corrupt during download?


If you logged in this morning and got the download then you would not have to redownload. Either way, just wait until tomorrow when everything is back up and you will be fine.

Edited by HelinCarnate
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For future reference, this unstable person will start private messaging you if you disagree with them on the forums. Good times. I hope my gaming life reads like a description from a gas station cigar too.




Dude, along time ago, I learned when someone didn't get what you were saying and it would come to name calling, to take it private, that is all I rtried to do. If that makes me a looney, then fine, life was better in the 60's

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Dude, along time ago, I learned when someone didn't get what you were saying and it would come to name calling, to take it private, that is all I rtried to do. If that makes me a looney, then fine, life was better in the 60's


So you learned that its best to call people names in private. Ok. I learned not to resort to name calling. Yes PM'ing random strangers that you don't agree with is creepy, please just go to their profile and add them to your ignore list if what they say upsets you that much.

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again, SIMLPE solution is just let the community know ASAP that they will leave the vehicle and crystal NPC in game for another week..sorry for the mistake...and move on...more then half of the complainers will be appeased..

or just send everyone a new car and shiny Crystal as a way of saying thank you for playing our game, and we look forward to many years with you all..

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again, SIMLPE solution is just let the community know ASAP that they will leave the vehicle and crystal NPC in game for another week..sorry for the mistake...and move on...more then half of the complainers will be appeased..

or just send everyone a new car and shiny Crystal as a way of saying thank you for playing our game, and we look forward to many years with you all..


Totally agreed with this solution but now after al most 6 hours after the incident no freaking post from Bioware. Sure apologize errors can happen but if you "love" your fans/costumers you will do this or communicate in some sort that you guys are looking into this solution.

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Scary if you are using the disks and it doen't work.


I am halfway though the download and it is getting faster and I am now hearing thunder outside. What a decision!! Finish the download or turn off and unplug the computer.

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Personally I am just going to wait until tomorrow not bothered to re download the 11.60GB client again the announcement said you won't have to re download the client again if you wait until tomorrow when 1.2 is actually released here I will paste the announcement in my post.


More information based on questions we're seeing frequently. Again, we sincerely apologize if you were inconvenienced by this issue.


1. If you are currently re-downloading the client, and are in initial "downloading" phase (around 11GB), you can exit the launcher to interrupt this download and play 1.2 tomorrow without having to complete it. If you reach any "installing" phase, you will need to complete the re-download.


2. It is fine to log in and play normally right now - the window in which players could be affected was brief.


3. If you started or completed the download and want to play today, you can re-install from your physical discs (but you will need to patch up to 1.1.5, the most recent live version).


4. If you re-download the client today, you will not have to re-download the full client tomorrow.


So now I am just going to play Jedi academy for now and Kill rosh and turn to the dark side. *Picks up jedi academy case*

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Rainier, you're not helping matters by playing devils advocate. There's a reason CS is redirecting all posts here, that is to let ppl vent and share their experience. I know you have a natural inclination to jump in for the opposing team, but really, does it help matters?


Your apparent casual dismissal for ppl's valid complaint only serves to troll. The paying customers are well within their rights to be angry.


In a way this is a PR "fail", in so much as they should have put more thought into their initial public facing update. I mean, if their intent was to piss off those affected even more, then job well done.


And anyway, what does it matter what you or I or anyone classifies as a PR failure. The only thing that matters is what the paying customer feels.


This was not a PR fail, people are mad about not having the game available for them today. These same people will completely forget their rage and be happily playing the new patch tomorrow. Because what was made wrong to them (no game access) was made right (game access).


I find it to be perfectly appropriate call less than 1% of subscriber base being affected "a small amount". Nothing was trivialized, and BioWare was very responsive throughout this thread as information from development was made available to the forum support team.


I fully read every post I respond to. You however, seem to be consistently responding on behalf of the quoted poster, which I find strangely meta, but to each his/her own.

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yes..except for this patch evidently


Restoring a back up would work perfectly in this case. No point in mentioning this in the advice really though, as those who have a suitable back up are likely an even smaller group than those who are affected, and are all going to have the brains to do so if reinstall is given as an option.


I am amused that people think that any mmo company could put out a client roll back patch out in the time between this incident and the servers going down for 1.2.

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Wow Jak, the apathy you show towards other peoples legitimate complaints is even more evident in your attitude towards those who "cry the loudest". Is that how you go through life? It is indeed those "minutes of your life" that count. I'm willing to guess that your political attitude would be the polar opposite of the attitude you espouse here. Priorities I guess eh?


I hesitate to dignify this with a response, as I see it being deleted soon, but I'll dignify it. There are occasions when CS reps will grant individual credits to those who 'cry the loudest', it looks like you've had horrible experiences with many areas of technology and spend a large chunk of your time complaining about lost minutes of your life - I hope you weigh the time lost spent arguing for those credits and find it just. Me, I'll accept it and move on
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So what about those of us who, for whatever reason cannot or choose not to download the client again, and would like to just keep the patch downloaded so we can just play tomorrow?


What time can we expect the patch to go live? As in, what time can I log in again and play the game?


Also, has Bioware come up with any sort of remedy for the items that are being removed from the game with 1.2?

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this is crap like i cant play the game i cam start it but the window just goes black and i cant exit it or nothing ive had to restart my computer 3times i diidnt even download the patch today that i know of, i wasnt even online this morning i just tried to log on lik 25mins ago Edited by PrinceFaust
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this is crap like i cant play the game i cam start it but the window just goes black and i cant exit it or nothing ive had to restart my computer 3times i diidnt even download the patch today that i know of, i wasnt even online this morning i just tried to log on lik 25mins ago



welcome to the club, i hope someone from BW kisses us after *********** us

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7 hrs later on the 12g download, still not done :(


I'm in the same and for the ones that have a 20 Gb download linited that a chunk of 12 GB out of there bandwith that's not good so bioware.........play the game or down load it!!!

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