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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Which companion for the long run?


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I am a level 26 gunnery spec, and I have been having a slight dilemma. On one hand, having the illustrious Sgt. Dorne as my companion means I am more survivable, but Sgt. Jorgan's dps seems to be more useful. Thus far I haven't come across a boss where I though to myself "Man, a healer would be so much more useful here". When things go bad and I have to start healing myself, Jorgan does enough damage to finish off a boss at 25% health. Basically, I see people with Sgt. Dorne all the time, but I have never really considered it to be required. What companion do you fine people use once you get to higher levels?
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I'm around your level (29) and have been using Dorne since I got her. Tried going back to Aric, and it's faster to kill things with him, but there's a lot less downtime when using Dorne (and if you keep your gear updated, your DPS will be more than enough to kill things in 2-4 Grav Rounds).


Plus, I find Dorne a much more interesting character.

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Jorgan is way better than Dorne in my experience. I used to run around w/ Dorne out of preference as a companion. But i'm much more successful in battle w/ Jorgan at my side, so I just run around w/ him now. The healing from Dorne just doesn't justify the dps i'm missing out on. Edited by ArcIon
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At 27, even as Medic spec, I kill things so quickly Ive never had to actually do much healing. Even without a real snare kiting NPCs is so easy when I need to, which is rarely. Im using Aric. We just kind of blow everything up before it can do any damage, even silver elites. Golds I dont have to do any healing on either really, just smart use of Cryo/knockback.


I have noticed my DPS going down, and there is a bit of a difficulty up around level 30, so Ive been considering going Gunnery with Dorne for leveling soon(or maybe a hybrid). Which is pretty easy to do, since I/Dorne/Aric all share the same gear so its not like its a pain to experiment.


Though Ive been able to solo EVERY H2+ thus far as Medic(end up turtling and letting Aric do most of the DPS, which is slow, so his gear is important), Im not sure how well Gunnery or Assault does that.

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Im 50 and have been for a while. Dorne is just better to have, if you keep her gear on par with yours u should be able to nonstop quest. i do h2's on my commando with 2 fingers on my keyboard thanks to Dorne
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I am sold on Dorne. If I was a combat medic, I would reconsider. I keep her equipment up to date.


I did take Yunn on a couple fights, he is really a pretty good tank.


What I wish is that we could take multiple companions on flashpoints and heroics. That would really benefit us anti-social types.

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Level 50 commando here, and Yuun flat out melts people so I enjoy using him a lot. Dorne was my constant companion till I got Yuun. And I will still use Dorne if things get really tough. There have been tough fights where I don't have to do anything but keep Yuun up and he just destroys everything. Especially in the random pvp encounter. I had a sorc jump me on my speeder, and get me to half health before I could do anything. Yuun jumped out, killed his companion, then started hosing him down while I healed myself back up. Story ends with the sorc dead and me continuing on.


Up till now I have been giving both of them my hand me down pvp gear as well just in case I run into people while helping guildies. But I don't think you can really go wrong with either of them.

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Lvl 43 commando, gave Dorne the full set of lvl 40 PVP-gear (and one for myself ofc :p), now she's good enough to heal me, a friend and his companion when we quest :). Sure, things might die a little slower but I can concentrate completely on killing and leave the boring healing to her.
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Elara Dorne is the best companion from when you get her until you're L50. I've tried them all, geared them all, and it just isn't close. The tanks are horrible, the DPS is mediocre. You can go all day long with Elara healing you, though.


/and I love when she tells me to "stand still!"

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