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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

AP vs. Pyro after 1.2


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Like marauder don't have aoe CC when they are getting kited? I play both watchman sentinel and Pyro PT... and only way pyro can win is if they trinket back to back RS crit to win the attrition war against GOOD sentinel.


Though the 50% camo nerf might balance things a bit...


I'll try AP out for sure after 1.2 but I don't think it'll perform better than Pyro... I mean right now I can solo 1v2 (most class combo) with trinket burst... and I simply don't see AP having that burst to kill someone quick enough to win a 1v2 fight (the longer they live, the most dmg you get)

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Marauders that give PTs problems, annihilation specifically, did get some small nerfs. Camouflage got nerfed to 50% DR (from 100%) for that spec which is HUGE for dueling them.



AP is much, much better than people give it credit for, after the patch it is going to be extremely nasty. I can beat most maras and tanksins as it is right now with good play as AP. After that patch I should still be able to beat them.


This. I love AP. 1v1 I can't think of any class that truly gives me issues. Save my stun till mara's pop 90% shield, let it run out smoke em. use def CD's when they get there 90% armor pen (i think it's 90%). Sin's because of FB is 10m, isn't a problem for me.

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Like marauder don't have aoe CC when they are getting kited? I play both watchman sentinel and Pyro PT... and only way pyro can win is if they trinket back to back RS crit to win the attrition war against GOOD sentinel.


Though the 50% camo nerf might balance things a bit...


I'll try AP out for sure after 1.2 but I don't think it'll perform better than Pyro... I mean right now I can solo 1v2 (most class combo) with trinket burst... and I simply don't see AP having that burst to kill someone quick enough to win a 1v2 fight (the longer they live, the most dmg you get)


This is wrong. There are 2 very good mara's on my server. Generally blow up anyone they face 1v1 on my server. I've dueled both of them a few times. We're even in wins (about 8 duels against both, 4/4 with 1, 5/3 me winning 1 more with the other, figure we're about even). And I'm AP.


I don't know why people think our DPS is so bad. Leave out RS and non free RP's, and your burst goes way up.

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