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Queue growing and growing and growing...


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I don't know if it's any consolation that at least the forums haven't crashed....


At any rate, I would much rather play the game than be on the forums.


Also, for someone who talked about getting the $5 refund - as of today I am officially a paying customer. Origin already charged me.

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Que time 2+ hours on Swiftsure indicates that they need "Oceanic" servers. Even the physical hardwares arent in the Oceanic zone, mmo players in the same time zone/play times tend to flock to the same server due to end game contents requiring more than a few players.


Players with guild placements got jacked when got placed on Swiftsure/Harbringer. They really should allow those people to transfer out to somewhere else.


From the forums, EA and BW has been listening to the outcry of the community, and I hope they know this is still Early Access, and once it goes live with those people that has not pre-order, things are just going to be more chaotic. I really hope EA/BW understand the situation here.


Waiting patiently for them to do something about this....

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How long you been waiting Veld? :)


been waiting sense 8pm going on 1230 so 4.5 hours so far if i had to guess i have another 2 hours before ill get in still 886 in line but ill probably get another error 1002 so odds are i wont be able to get in till early tomorrow morning

Edited by Veldemis
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I've played a great many launches before this one.


With the exception of the rarity...I've never encountered queues like this before. Yeah, I played WoW, their major problems were down time...I could have been lucky with server selection. SWG was horrendous. But most of the others, while having their share of problems, never had this kind of waiting.


So for everyone saying "welcome to the launch of an MMO", sorry....this isn't typical.

This shouldn't be expected.

This is ridiculous.

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I am beginning to think that some of this is partially engineered,


In sales we learn, that when a customer has a buying signal and is in LOVE with something we have to take it away, to ensure a sale, because they can see we ALL want to play they have limited the server amounts to make us wait so that way, we will constantly want to try and play it and use every spare, valuable second ONLINE when we can, because we are afraid of how long the wait times could be,


Very smart of them if this is the case, but at the end of the day BIOWARE is a Business and I think EA would be the ones pushing the ball on this aspect, as they earn their money off keeping people interested,


When you buy a car, is the sale completed at the car or at a desk where you cant see the car and see any defects or make a second thought, Right now the image we have in our minds is OMG ITS SO FUN CANT WAIT, and thats what they want, because then we sit and wait and remain for that little hit, because we have been given a large enough taste to keep us interested, and not enough to go, ehh 4 hours ill play tomorrow, because what a disaster it would be if you had just %10 of people saying on release ahh im not in the mood or im already sick of it, they want numbers to be at the highest possible, they get rewarded on that i bet!!


BIOWARE isnt dumb, they would have known the numbers and specs (How many people they have let in for EGA), so that when letting in people for EGA they could have prevented this very easily.


Touche EA,


Again sorry for wall of text QQ

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4+ hours on The Swiftsure and counting. This is unacceptable. I've already put 40+ hours into my toon not to mention my guild is on this server so please don't sit here and tell me to switch servers if I don't like it. Not unless Bio is going to facilitate mass character and guild transfers for free for people...


The Swiftsure is definitely one of the hardest hit servers out there due to the whole Oceanic thinking it would be a smart idea to choose ONE of the most popular West Coast server to roll on.... Really Oceanic.... wish one of you had been thinking clearly before you made that decision and now Bio has to come in and clean up your mess. Next time roll on a deserted server please.


Ignorance is bliss for some. You do realise that Oceanic players dont get their own server? in fact werent even invited at launch. But if you want to raid you need to play on a server with other people in similar time zones? Oceanic nominated Swiftsure as a server for others in similar timezones so we would have the numbers to raid. Rather than ranting at players in the southern hemisphere, better you asking EA to provide Oceanic servers.

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Unacceptable ? lol

Ever play Wotlk for 3 months after release? the queues were 5 hrs long. Learn to turn your comp on and log a couple of hours before you are ready to play. Crowded servers = popular game.......also dont expect it to always be like this it's always at its worst for 1 - 3 months after release.


I assume the wait time diminishes as pi$$ed off customers cancel their subscriptions. Is this really a good thing? :rolleyes:

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the only thing thay can do open up more servers now


While that does help I'm afraid that people are reluctant to reroll their characters even though it means waiting for hours.


About US player playing in EU servers and other way around, During beta I played in US servers without any major lag (I live in Finland). The latency can be too much but it also might not, so you might want to try it out. Having characters on different servers can be a pain though for those active in guilds or just liking to concentrate on a single character at a time so that won't help everyone either... Hard problem for BW to solve for sure.

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There should be a feature where you can queue for your Normal server whilst playing an Alt on another server


this is ridiculous ...... over 5 hours of my day spent in queues that could've been playing because the damn client crashed

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been waiting sense 8pm going on 1230 so 4.5 hours so far if i had to guess i have another 2 hours before ill get in still 886 in line but ill probably get another error 1002 so odds are i wont be able to get in till early tomorrow morning


Well hang in there bud...I'm around the same place in queue, but figure another 2 hours to go yet since I really have only gotten half way through and sitting at 2 and a half hours...Jump in guild vent if your bored...Hope you get in...

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I completely understand stand that this is a HUGE undertaking for BioWare.. that being said.. 40+ minute que times are absurd for Dark Reaper (West Coast PvP).. I'm not really sure how it all works, just a thought though allow people that have already created characters on overcrowded severs to do a transfer before launch.. or sometime after it. Maybe offer a move to less populated PvP severs? just a thought.
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I assume the wait time diminishes as pi$$ed off customers cancel their subscriptions. Is this really a good thing? :rolleyes:


I Guess my expectation is they would do better than a rolout 7 ? years a go

surly they have researched & worked out there average player load .. its not rocket science


my big hope is on launch day they X4 each server cap .. its not hard to do / Crosses fingers

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I assume the wait time diminishes as pi$$ed off customers cancel their subscriptions. Is this really a good thing? :rolleyes:


That might account for some reduction in queue times but most will be new servers opened up and character transfers. We just need to wait a few days/weeks for things to settle down before EA have the numbers to make the necessary changes.


People are acting over the top, everyone is really enjoying the game which is why when confronted with the situation we have here common sense goes out the window and takes on the persona of blind rage.


I'm sure everything will be straightened out, we just need to give it time for BW/EA to collect all the data. They will want to see how many recurring subs there are before adding additional servers. People need to just stop acting like 5 yr old who have had their favorite toy taken off them.

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