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Queue growing and growing and growing...


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I just wanted to add that for all the complaining no one is stopping to think about the actual situation they are griping about.


EVERY successful MMORPG had this issue at launch. The reason is very simple.


They know exactly how many people there are going to be on considering pre-orders and such as well as typical guestimates for non-pre order sales. HOWEVER, they buy servers based on NORMAL usage. Launches are anything but normal. Almost everyone that owns the game is trying to play it all at once. The servers can't handle it. Which is why they are limited.


The issue is that you can't just throw up new servers because once the flood dies down everything will feel low pop. And low pop MMO's die. So what they did was prep for what will come. Give it a little time and it will all work out. People will end their vacations, not everyone will be playing at once, and BW will add servers as needed (if they are needed), Everyone will have sexy high pop servers to enjoy.


It isn't like they can just put up servers temporarily and then forcefully move everyone to other servers once they are no longer needed. That is a PR nightmare.


In short... give them some time. They want this to be a success. They want us happy. Stop acting like spoiled brats of the instant gratification generation. Relax a little. They have our best interests at heart because our best interests effect their checkbook.


True, but still....4 hour queues is unacceptable.

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So we are all stuck in the queue. people are losing it. saying this is going to be the worst explosion of nerd fury. To some of the things I have read, people are feeling the beginning of World War 3 won't be as cataclysmic as this games official release will be.


The servers are using like a 5th of their instanced capacity. most everyone is 1-20. As we go through the weekend, the servers will begin spreading out. the load will start shifting off the front end, and evening out as people level up. the less people in the starting zones, the more we can fit in without servers crashing from overload.


Lets think, a party of 100 people. 50 are in the front room talking, and the other 50 are waiting to get inside, but can't because of the others. as the people in the main room begin breaking off into the side rooms, more people can get inside.



Seriously, just chill. This will all smooth over in a few weeks. this is not the end of the world. go get a paper sack and breathe into it. smash a hit of your inhaler or knock back some alcohol, people need to chill the f'k out.

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Seriously? Have you been to an MMO launch before?


This launch is one of the smoothest I have ever seen. Largely bug-free (though not totally), largely memory-leak-free (though not totally), very little server lag, and no major crashes yet. Yes, there is a queue, but it's not that bad.


As was mentioned before, the SWG launch was a nightmare. The server wasn't accessible for quite a long time after launch, and the game was buggier than all get-out.


Age of Conan was a frikkin nightmare. WoW was a nightmare. UO was okay, but not as smooth as this. SWG was a nightmare. Don't even get me started on Darkfall or Mortal Online. I missed the EVE launch, but from what I am told it wasn't exactly smooth.


So SW:TOR has a queue. Yes, it is a problem. Yes, it will be resolved.


Why do people keep acting like this is the 20th? This is not the official launch yet so please hold off judgement until that goes down.


This thread is just about how they're handling the pre-orders right now since they're not really offering us early access if it takes 3-4 hours to get into the game.

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I just wanted to add that for all the complaining no one is stopping to think about the actual situation they are griping about.


EVERY successful MMORPG had this issue at launch. The reason is very simple.


They know exactly how many people there are going to be on considering pre-orders and such as well as typical guestimates for non-pre order sales. HOWEVER, they buy servers based on NORMAL usage. Launches are anything but normal. Almost everyone that owns the game is trying to play it all at once. The servers can't handle it. Which is why they are limited.


The issue is that you can't just throw up new servers because once the flood dies down everything will feel low pop. And low pop MMO's die. So what they did was prep for what will come. Give it a little time and it will all work out. People will end their vacations, not everyone will be playing at once, and BW will add servers as needed (if they are needed), Everyone will have sexy high pop servers to enjoy.


It isn't like they can just put up servers temporarily and then forcefully move everyone to other servers once they are no longer needed. That is a PR nightmare.


In short... give them some time. They want this to be a success. They want us happy. Stop acting like spoiled brats of the instant gratification generation. Relax a little. They have our best interests at heart because our best interests effect their checkbook.


The problem is the servers they have carry very small carrying capacities. They are only able to hand a couple of thousand players each. That is very low, other large MMOs have servers that can carry over 20,000 players. Then, after waiting for 2 hours to finally get into your server, you find yourself in a ghost town. I'll play without seeing another player for an hour, yet the server is full? BW needs to bump up the capacity of it's existing servers, NOT ADD MORE. There are only a couple of guilds on my server and it's barren. I hope this is not how it's going to be. Nobody likes to play on a server with tiny populations.

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Seriously? Have you been to an MMO launch before?


This launch is one of the smoothest I have ever seen. Largely bug-free (though not totally), largely memory-leak-free (though not totally), very little server lag, and no major crashes yet. Yes, there is a queue, but it's not that bad.


As was mentioned before, the SWG launch was a nightmare. The server wasn't accessible for quite a long time after launch, and the game was buggier than all get-out.


Age of Conan was a frikkin nightmare. WoW was a nightmare. UO was okay, but not as smooth as this. SWG was a nightmare. Don't even get me started on Darkfall or Mortal Online. I missed the EVE launch, but from what I am told it wasn't exactly smooth.


So SW:TOR has a queue. Yes, it is a problem. Yes, it will be resolved.


im only talking about the queues here and how long ppl need to wait to play the game.

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Really today is the first time I have experienced a queue on my server which for that I am fortunate, but I can see this being a growing problem on release and I really hope BW does expand to more servers and possibly offer free transfers, but they have to becareful not to open so many servers that it leaves "dead servers" or servers with such a low population that it's hard to get anything done, then you end up with the current state of WoW.
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From what i have seen the majority of queues have been less than 10 minutes or less than 20mins. Very reasonable if you ask me.


No offense but lol you haven't seen much yet then. :p


All in all while I'm pretty damn disappointed in the way this is being handled thus far I hope Bioware can get their act together by the 20th WHEN THE GAME ACTUALLY LAUNCHES

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No offense but lol you haven't seen much yet then. :p


All in all while I'm pretty damn disappointed in the way this is being handled thus far I hope Bioware can get their act together by the 20th WHEN THE GAME ACTUALLY LAUNCHES


Yeah for real what are they going to do when the rest of the people who want the game go out and buy it?

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From what i have seen the majority of queues have been less than 10 minutes or less than 20mins. Very reasonable if you ask me.


good for you, i live in Australia and SWTOR Unofficial Oceanic Servers are like 1 hour and 30mins plus wait. My total wait is just over 4 hours.


Unofficial Oceanic PvP Shard: ‘The Swiftsure’

Unofficial Oceanic PvE Shard: ‘The Harbinger’

Secondary Oceanic PvE Shard: ‘The Jekk'Jekk Tarr’

Edited by joemladic
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Why do people keep acting like this is the 20th? This is not the official launch yet so please hold off judgement until that goes down.


This thread is just about how they're handling the pre-orders right now since they're not really offering us early access if it takes 3-4 hours to get into the game.


youre fooling yourself if you think this isnt going to be way worse on launch day. instead of 4 hour queue times youll see 12 hour queue times

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Its so funny reading these children post about que times being so long and that it shouldnt ever happen.


This game hasnt even launched yet your lucky to get to play before the game releases.

Also its a computer game they bioware are workin on the issue. Do you really think they are goin to let everything as is. YOur stupid and ignorant behavior isnt goin to get the issue fixed.


Relax and wait.


Bioware now could also come out and give an explaination to what they are working on to get the issue fixed. That would be good on bioware end. Instead of just suggesting for people to reroll on a different server. I dont think thats a good way to fix the issue. What they should do is give free toon transfers then so everyone and thier friends dont have to reroll and start over. Also another thing they should of done is CAP the servers.

Edited by Daygobag
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From what i have seen the majority of queues have been less than 10 minutes or less than 20mins. Very reasonable if you ask me.


Yet on my screen I see 30min on most and the longest is 1hr 55min... that is pushing reasonable. :) But it'll get better, it has to.

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