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Queue growing and growing and growing...


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To be honest, this type of queues are a common occurence at the launch of a new popular MMO. I experienced the same in many popular MMOs in the past.


Now what really frustrates me is the fact that when you get disconnected or the game crashes, you have to stand in the queue all over again. This is not common occurence in past MMO launches, as usually when your game crashes or you get disconnected you can log back on without standing in the queue.


I have been playing since the 13th on the server Tomb of Freedom Nadd, and I am used to standing in queues of 2-3 hours at the start of my gaming day. No complaints about this.


But my game just crashed and now I find myself in queue position 2.1k when trying to log back in. This should definitely not be the case.


As in mostly all the recent popular MMOs there should be a system to skip the queue when reloggin after a crash or a disconnection.


Thanks in advance!

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Or alternatively you just shut the server to new players and let 'full' actually mean full.


Which means I won't be able to play with my friend who didn't preorder, because odds are, my server is full by the time he has access. Same issue with people who already are in guilds, with members who have not preordered. Doubt this would be a popular solution :p

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I spent 7 hours waiting in queue to get to the Tomb of Freedon Nadd and still didn't get in even for a minute. Just when my turn was coming I got disconnected because of some stupid error (my internet was working just fine btw). So yeah, thanks for the EGA with limited server capacity and 2000+ queues, Bioware, nice job.
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Why do there even have to be queues? Bioware uses instanced areas when there are too many people. Can't they just increase the number of available instances and assigned hardware dynamically to remove the need for queues?


Exactly. It stinks of poor MMO design. Its to be expected that the game itself is polished and good, while the massive multiplayer bit leave a lot to be desired. First I assumed the massive number of servers where due to lack of instancing to stop overloading the game content. When I first saw the instances (this never happende to me in Beta, queues did) I said the exact same thing as Glzmo. Why have such a low cap on each server when instancing is implemented.


Been waiting for 25 minutes for nearly an hour now, guess its another evening not playing.

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At least give a more accurate estimate on the queue times, BW. I'm approaching 3h on a queue that was estimated to be 1:30 and I have gotten from 1400 to 400.


Was in queue last night and when I finally got in I was too tired to play more than 30 mins. I can see the same thing happening tonight as well. Sigh...

Edited by Traz
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I only play early in the morning and during the day but not in the evenings or at night because the queues are a fright and I am not willing to waste my time waiting and waiting and waiting and then waiting again. And when I have to go afk a bit because after all we are all human beings and can't really stay on the chair for hours on end, I come back and I find my character kicked from the server which means waiting ... AGAIN. O_O


Don't they realise they are losing players fast? They should really do something about it and SOON. I took a look at the servers this evening and most of them are full. And the server my guild was assigned to is one with the biggest queue. Why did they have to put EVERYBODY on that Frostclaw? At least it feels like everybody was assigned there lol. o_O


Come on people, is there NO WAY to change this and DO something about it? After all this waiting and all the enthusiasm with which we have been waiting for the game, why disappoint us right at the end and before the big moment?

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They limit the servers until 20th cos they don't want ppl all jumping on one server. so by capping the amount of ppl allowed on each server it means they will be spread equally. so technically if the server queues are still crap after the 20th then complain. We are still after all in early game access still and Im pretty sure the queues will drop. Its annoying as hell but just hold on. Lol that's my guess anyways :) Edited by sovietstrike
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Id say that BioWare should check their estimate watches because Im waiting for 2,5h and still 500 players ahead of me in queue, but the estimate was 1h and 40min, so my suggestion would be to fix at least estimate watches if nothing else can be done to lower these queues :)
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Have any of you entitled people ever played an MMO at launch before?


Its a really really popular IP and software house, its going to be massive for months, queues are going to be rediculously high.


Just the way it is.


Well said Sir :)

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Have any of you entitled people ever played an MMO at launch before?


Its a really really popular IP and software house, its going to be massive for months, queues are going to be rediculously high.


Just the way it is.


Yes people should just accept 4-5 hour queues to play a game.. you must be an easy person to please.

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Have any of you entitled people ever played an MMO at launch before?


Its a really really popular IP and software house, its going to be massive for months, queues are going to be rediculously high.


Just the way it is.


been on Lineage 2, Lord of the Rings Online and Vindictus launches, never had to wait 3h+ to get into even most crowded server :)

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What I don't get is why people actually accept this... lol


all those saying "thats the way it is, get used to it" ... I don't get you guys.


Even if "thats the way it is", aren't we supposed to pressure so they change it?! It's WRONG, it's not right from any point of view ! So if it's wrong... Why accept it?!


gzuz I hate people who'd rather sit and wait than actually try to DO something.

The LEAST we can do, is use the boards to show our disapointment...

And for now, that means flooding this thread !.... grrr

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