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Queue growing and growing and growing...


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Reroll when a new server pops up. The answer is simple. Someone also said free character transfers.... Why would they do this for a game that hasn't even launched yet? Just reroll your level 20 toon isn't worth diddly in the grand scheme of things. I rerolled when I had a level 25 Bounty Hunter it's really not that hard...
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I'm playing on the EU server The Red Eclipse, well, im supposed to be playing there cause theres a >1h queue; this is just unacceptable, Bioware, seriously, you must fix this, I've just bought the game (50 bucks) and i won't like to spend my free month on a queue.


I heard there's going to be server maintenance Dec 19th so i hope they fix this.

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I'm playing on the EU server The Red Eclipse, well, im supposed to be playing there cause theres a >1h queue; this is just unacceptable, Bioware, seriously, you must fix this, I've just bought the game (50 bucks) and i won't like to spend my free month on a queue.


I heard there's going to be server maintenance Dec 19th so i hope they fix this.


If 1 hour queue is unacceptable, i will change it for mine 3hours+ (Legions of Lettow). Im lvl35 so i dont wana start at some new server and there r no transfers either.

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its a fact the servers a capped. Most reasonable explanation: capped until 20th for game launch


Then they are bigger idiots than I thought. Hours of queueing simply to allow more players in at launch? Just shut the frigging server off to new players if you want to preserve space on it, don't penalise the people already on it! Jeezus, way to shoot yourself in the foot with the eager and keen pre-order players.

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If 1 hour queue is unacceptable, i will change it for mine 3hours+ (Legions of Lettow). Im lvl35 so i dont wana start at some new server and there r no transfers either.


Same server as you mate , same que time too, but when my que ended i got the code 3 error msg, got put back into the que 1300 th been in que since 1200 gmt, good luck

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Then they are bigger idiots than I thought. Hours of queueing simply to allow more players in at launch? Just shut the frigging server off to new players if you want to preserve space on it, don't penalise the people already on it! Jeezus, way to shoot yourself in the foot with the eager and keen pre-order players.

LOL shoot themselves in the foot? They got your money didn't they?

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Reroll when a new server pops up. The answer is simple. Someone also said free character transfers.... Why would they do this for a game that hasn't even launched yet? Just reroll your level 20 toon isn't worth diddly in the grand scheme of things. I rerolled when I had a level 25 Bounty Hunter it's really not that hard...


And then what, when that server develops large queues because BW are putting too many players in it? Roll again on a new server I guess ...

How many times will you be prepared to do this? I suppose in a month when the subscription numbers drop you can go back to your earlier characters as the server population will be lower.

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Guys it needs to be done to balance the servers.


If you arent playing with a guild of friends on a highly populated server and cant deal with server queues the reccomended course of action is to leave the server.


Things will get better in time when everyones not in a frenzy to play and people start to pay.


Queues are necessary, and throttling is necessary in the pre-launch and launch weeks for very obvious reasons.


Welcome to the launch of a MMORPG.

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I know my post here is not gonna make any difference but anyway....


Congratulations everyone developing SWTOR for turning something that could've been awsome into a complete disaster !


My personal experience:

- I preordered the game 2 months ago, collector's edition which is not something CHEAP, specially for a university student. But the game seemed really interesting (and the game itself I still think it is) and I thought I could put aside some money for it... (remember we're gonna pay monthly fees right?)

- Along with my guild, we waited anxiously for the early access period to start, we played betas, etc... and we were assigned to Tomb of Freedon Nadd server when early access started...


Guess what? It's IMPOSSIBLE TO PLAY !!!!

Yesterday I played totally 3 hours when I had decided I was gonna take the day to enjoy the game and use this early access period. Why? Cause you guys can't handle the damn queues! And you seem more interested on adding servers rather than finding a solution for these queues !!! For f*** sake, at least give players a free transfer so the servers get more balanced !!! We can't even move our characters right now, and there's people already on level 30+ that don't want to start over !!! What do you have to loose? You guys haven't started receiving the monthly fees yet, and I'm pretty sure A LOT of people are already wondering if they're gonna buy the game for real or not...


So far I've spent 5€ on this... I planned on spending more but why the hell should I if I can't use the free time i've got to play ?! Not everyone here is a hardcore player that logs on for 12 hours a day ! Some of us like to sit down for 30mins and play a little every day... gues what, we CAN'T ! Cause 30 mins is not even half of the time we have to wait for the queue to finish !!!!


This is frustrating for people who were waiting for months for this game to come out, people who didn't spend money on other mmorpgs cause they were gonna play this one, people who relied on you guys to give us a good product in exchange of our money...


This might be an online game but it's still a PRODUCT like any other and when we buy something from a store that is not working as it should, things are SOLVED.


I payed 5€ for early access, that was your price.

I'm not getting it. And I don't see any reason why I should wait "until things settle" like many people say so.


Do something or i'm pretty sure you'll loose A LOT of clients.

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im hoping that the queues are a result of BW putting a limit (lower than what they will ultimately be) on the total players online on a given server.


so today during EGA the limit per server might be 10,000 but after day 1 release, its 12,000 and after 5 days its 20,000 per server.


that would solve the issue

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I know my post here is not gonna make any difference but anyway....


Congratulations everyone developing SWTOR for turning something that could've been awsome into a complete disaster !


My personal experience:

- I preordered the game 2 months ago, collector's edition which is not something CHEAP, specially for a university student. But the game seemed really interesting (and the game itself I still think it is) and I thought I could put aside some money for it... (remember we're gonna pay monthly fees right?)

- Along with my guild, we waited anxiously for the early access period to start, we played betas, etc... and we were assigned to Tomb of Freedon Nadd server when early access started...


Guess what? It's IMPOSSIBLE TO PLAY !!!!

Yesterday I played totally 3 hours when I had decided I was gonna take the day to enjoy the game and use this early access period. Why? Cause you guys can't handle the damn queues! And you seem more interested on adding servers rather than finding a solution for these queues !!! For f*** sake, at least give players a free transfer so the servers get more balanced !!! We can't even move our characters right now, and there's people already on level 30+ that don't want to start over !!! What do you have to loose? You guys haven't started receiving the monthly fees yet, and I'm pretty sure A LOT of people are already wondering if they're gonna buy the game for real or not...


So far I've spent 5€ on this... I planned on spending more but why the hell should I if I can't use the free time i've got to play ?! Not everyone here is a hardcore player that logs on for 12 hours a day ! Some of us like to sit down for 30mins and play a little every day... gues what, we CAN'T ! Cause 30 mins is not even half of the time we have to wait for the queue to finish !!!!


This is frustrating for people who were waiting for months for this game to come out, people who didn't spend money on other mmorpgs cause they were gonna play this one, people who relied on you guys to give us a good product in exchange of our money...


This might be an online game but it's still a PRODUCT like any other and when we buy something from a store that is not working as it should, things are SOLVED.


I payed 5€ for early access, that was your price.

I'm not getting it. And I don't see any reason why I should wait "until things settle" like many people say so.


Do something or i'm pretty sure you'll loose A LOT of clients.



Patience young Jedi Counselor. I sense a lot of anger in you. Perhaps re-roll the Dark Side on a low pop server. This will solve your problem.

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I know my post here is not gonna make any difference but anyway....


Congratulations everyone developing SWTOR for turning something that could've been awsome into a complete disaster !


My personal experience:

- I preordered the game 2 months ago, collector's edition which is not something CHEAP, specially for a university student. But the game seemed really interesting (and the game itself I still think it is) and I thought I could put aside some money for it... (remember we're gonna pay monthly fees right?)

- Along with my guild, we waited anxiously for the early access period to start, we played betas, etc... and we were assigned to Tomb of Freedon Nadd server when early access started...


Guess what? It's IMPOSSIBLE TO PLAY !!!!

Yesterday I played totally 3 hours when I had decided I was gonna take the day to enjoy the game and use this early access period. Why? Cause you guys can't handle the damn queues! And you seem more interested on adding servers rather than finding a solution for these queues !!! For f*** sake, at least give players a free transfer so the servers get more balanced !!! We can't even move our characters right now, and there's people already on level 30+ that don't want to start over !!! What do you have to loose? You guys haven't started receiving the monthly fees yet, and I'm pretty sure A LOT of people are already wondering if they're gonna buy the game for real or not...


So far I've spent 5€ on this... I planned on spending more but why the hell should I if I can't use the free time i've got to play ?! Not everyone here is a hardcore player that logs on for 12 hours a day ! Some of us like to sit down for 30mins and play a little every day... gues what, we CAN'T ! Cause 30 mins is not even half of the time we have to wait for the queue to finish !!!!


This is frustrating for people who were waiting for months for this game to come out, people who didn't spend money on other mmorpgs cause they were gonna play this one, people who relied on you guys to give us a good product in exchange of our money...


This might be an online game but it's still a PRODUCT like any other and when we buy something from a store that is not working as it should, things are SOLVED.


I payed 5€ for early access, that was your price.

I'm not getting it. And I don't see any reason why I should wait "until things settle" like many people say so.


Do something or i'm pretty sure you'll loose A LOT of clients.


Well said. I do not think that getting what you´ve paid for is asking for too much.

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