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Queue growing and growing and growing...


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rerolling all the time is defeting the point of playing, trying to build your char up getting no where.

what about when getting disconnected.. either wait in a massive que to get back in or just have to reroll and start again, it's stupid and all the haters saying stop crying about it your probably the ones staying logged in even if not playing so you dont have to wait!

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you are all the same people crying about not being in yet a few days ago. HERP DERP!!!


80% of people wont be on at the same time in 2 months and they dont want empty servers. The only options are letting people in slowly or queues. YOU CHOSE QUEUES SO STOP QQING!


That's true, 80% won't be in the queue in 2 months, how many of them will be gone because they're disgusted with the game?


EA/BW should've known they were looking at a tsunami of new users and prepared accordingly. If in 2 months they find they have over capacity, then at that time they can consolidate with free transfers.


But, to think that people will continue to stare at 2 hour waits is worse than herp derp, it's just STUPID BUSINESS PRACTICE.


P.S. We did not choose the servers, we were placed there by BW's choice of placing our guilds there. And that's a really bad business decision, they won't be able to easily transfer guilds.

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I think it's really nice of them to be so considerate, you come home and wish to relax with the game you have spent money on, but instead they give you some time to do stuff before you can play the game.


I've managed to go shop for groceries, watch an entire movie and put some laundry over while in a single queue.


What other game provides this awesome service?!


Can't wait for launch date, imagine all the stuff you can do while in the queue, i think i might carve out a fully functioning clock out of a single piece of wood or maybe learn a new language when we sit in our 5+ hour queues :)

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"We are aware of long queue times on some select EU English PvP servers. If you are attempting to enter an EU English PvP server and are encountering a 2+ hour queue, we strongly encourage you to select a different EU English PvP server. Many of these servers do not have long queue times, and you’ll be able to get in-game much faster. We expect populations across all of these servers to remain very healthy, so please do not hesitate to select a server that has a shorter queue time to begin enjoying the game faster!

Allison Berryman | Senior Community Coordinator"


give us free transfers, guild transfers and we move to another pvp server (well.. only 2 pvp EU eng servers left with not FULL status). I do not think ppl can agree to start from 0 again when they reached 20-30 lvls in last days of hard playing, and they agree to separate from their guilds...




Two things concern me though:


1. if its like this now what's it going to be on the 20th when the none early game access accounts gain access?


2. We're on thes erver we're on because of the guild import programme. Presumably therefore bioware knew how many people had pre ordered and how many people they were importing to a given server so how come the population to server ratio is so high?...

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Two things concern me though:


1. if its like this now what's it going to be on the 20th when the none early game access accounts gain access


2. We're on thes erver we're on because of the guild import programme. Presumably therefore bioware knew how many people had pre ordered and how many people they were importing to a given server so how come the population to server ratio is so high?...


Even if you hadnt been on any guild program you should be able to select any server u want.


Reroll? whats this? schoolyards?

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2 days since i logged on my main on legions of lettow, at this rate i prob wont return to that server, everyone is lvling. guildmates moving along and me stucked , for people who have to time their gameplay this is insane, extremely dissapointed bioware, to many blah blah blah about how you were going to make a smooth launch and how bad wow launch was and your doing crap also.
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U ain payin, the sub starts at 20th l2read. Also the first month is free so QQ less


He paid for a game that came with EA and 30 days sub, whether you call that ea/sub 'free' or actually part of the price he paid is a matter of opinion. If I offered to sell you something and then removed some of those aspects (or made them impossible to use), would you genuinely be happy that you'd got what you'd paid for?

At this point we are ALL paying customers - there is no one here who hasn't paid-to-play - and so we all have the right to expect a decent service. Yes, our monthly sub hasn't been taken out yet, and so it is even more important that BW try and resolve this before they are taken ... because a number of people won't sub while the queue system is so flawed.


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He paid for a game that came with EA and 30 days sub, whether you call that ea/sub 'free' or actually part of the price he paid is a matter of opinion. If I offered to sell you something and then removed some of those aspects (or made them impossible to use), would you genuinely be happy that you'd got what you'd paid for?

At this point we are ALL paying customers - there is no one here who hasn't paid-to-play - and so we all have the right to expect a decent service. Yes, our monthly sub hasn't been taken out yet, and so it is even more important that BW try and resolve this before they are taken ... because a number of people won't sub while the queue system is so flawed.



This is like some travel prize. you end up in a cold, lost place.

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Still waiting.


@Connect: Place 1434, estimated time ~1h 30


Now 2h 30 later, place 97.


Give us free days for this trouble.

And let client crashed players connect within a time window of about 5 minutes after the crash immediately (without queue).


I think this problem isn't player generated due to holidays. So we'll have to live with this problem for the next months/years until the population will shrink.

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Even if you hadnt been on any guild program you should be able to select any server u want.


Reroll? whats this? schoolyards?


I joined the game with my guild mates i expect to be able to play with them, suggesting that its childish to complain because we cant log onto the servers we was placed on is simply you trying to make a bad thing seem ok, its not ok .

Yes its a new game

Yes there will be a que

yes it will get better as time goes on

But this isnt a free to play game its subs , BW will be making a shed load of cash, people expect more .

Not sure you noticed there a quite a few posts on this topic and a very high % of them are saying the same thing , so yeah its bad.

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I joined the game with my guild mates i expect to be able to play with them, suggesting that its childish to complain because we cant log onto the servers we was placed on is simply you trying to make a bad thing seem ok, its not ok .

Yes its a new game

Yes there will be a que

yes it will get better as time goes on

But this isnt a free to play game its subs , BW will be making a shed load of cash, people expect more .

Not sure you noticed there a quite a few posts on this topic and a very high % of them are saying the same thing , so yeah its bad.


i didnt mean it that way. in fact it was the contrary.


if i want to roll on server X i should be able to.


If i want to roll on server A i should be able to.


if server X is crowded i should still be able to join without waiting 6 hours. Thats not my problem. I shouldnt reroll to server A. They MUST fix it. I cant fix it. Its not a diference having 1000 people reroll on server A.

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you are all the same people crying about not being in yet a few days ago. HERP DERP!!!


Nope, 'fraid not. I was in on day 1 of EA and so had no qq about being let in. But because I was in on day 1, with pre-made guild, and had time to develop my character with less players around I am now qq'ing now because my assigned server has been inundated with other players to the point that there are hour long queues to play. That server should not have allowed other players to join at the point that queues started forming during peak hours.


If I was a late starter to EA I'd not be complaining as much because I'd not have invested so much time in a server that is now overloaded. Instead it is pre-made builds and early pre-order players who are suffering.



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Please give us free migration ASAP, or make a spanish server to move the rude and disrespectful spanish people from Tomb of Freedon Nadd.


3hrs queue + when you get there they are talking spanish and harassing people on an ENGLISH server.


Something really should be done there... we have payed and will be paying more to play, and what do we get? Spanish disrespectful people who think they own the server from some reason and totally disregard the rules. After the longest wait ever...

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Please give us free migration ASAP, or make a spanish server to move the rude and disrespectful spanish people from Tomb of Freedon Nadd.


3hrs queue + when you get there they are talking spanish and harassing people on an ENGLISH server.


Something really should be done there...


youre as rude as disrespectful. you dont own the server. BW does.


just for the info. ALL those communities asked for a server with theyre terms. as to know. ES ITA or RUS.


BW said NO.

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Waiting in a very long Que is 1 thing . But getting dis connected & relogin back in instantly & having to reque ( position 1437 Legions LeTow )


I was on the server for 30 mins after waiting 2 hours on for the client to crash on entering a pvp game . I reloged back into the game in less than 60 seconds & have to reque again .


I can accept the long que's but getting disconnects ingame should NOT make me have to reque again!! :mad:

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part of the problem is people who are using macros on expensive game pads to keep themselves logged in all day and night while they aren't actually playing, I hope Bioware starts cracking down on people who do this it shouldn't be that hard to see accounts that have been logged in for days and for large periods only jump every so many seconds.
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