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Queue growing and growing and growing...


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Someone said on pre post that other mmo did it better bla bla!


Other MMORPGs had an easier launch, because they didn't have a fraction of the playerbase that SWTOR has apparently already amassed, and we're not even done with early access yet.


WoW launched with 400k players, for example, and still had queues and servers going belly up constantly. Indications are that SWTOR is launching with several millions of players.

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Someone said on pre post that other mmo did it better bla bla! i'm not gonna find these post's but it makes no sense to say other mmo does it better or what ever. This is Star Wars, so why talk about other mmo's ? and why in this post? this is about que, not about how other mmo does it.. How other mmo are! i fail to see how that helps anything by talking about other games..


Like wow people keeps compare every mmo even star wars to it? it's like it's a game you never can stop talking about..! Keep this forum star wars is all i'm saying, i don't care for any of the other's bad mmo, they don't stand any chance vs this great game. Just saying :)


you compare it cos a lot of ppl played it. As a fact of causality a lot more ppl will understand if you give em an example involving a something they had a previous relation before.

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you are all the same people crying about not being in yet a few days ago. HERP DERP!!!



80% of people wont be on at the same time in 2 months and they dont want empty servers. The only options are letting people in slowly or queues. YOU CHOSE QUEUES SO STOP QQING!


No I wasnt crying about getting in, in fact I was cool with waiting, I figured hey BW/EA took 4 years for this game I bet they will look at all MMOs from past and learn what not to do. Day one of pre launch awesome, day to great, day 3 aww man 20 minute wait not so bad can deal, day 4 *** a 3-4 hour wait.......well it was cool while it lasted. Arnt you supposed to learn from past peoples mistakes and not do what they did.....anyone anyone ? Oh ok. Epic Fail

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Well I can understand that there's no big reason to do anything about this before launch day. But I hope Bioware will consider free character transfers a few days after the 20th when most ppl probably have created their accounts!!!


I know about the suggestion to reroll, but that means trying to get your entire guild/friendbase to reroll as well -> Most often not as simple as it sounds....


And another problem with theese killer ques are that they acually get worse and worse because of the players... If you know its gonna take you an average of 2-4 hours to log in, even if you're not sure if you're gonna play a little bit later ppl will stay logged in, just to have the chance!

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I dont see too many ppl ragging. Just people complaining on a thing that was sold to them. Just like when u buy a TV and its got 10 dead pixels. Youll complain. Oh and this game HAD a strange pixel. /lawl


Except nobody has paid for Early Access - and chaos is to be expected at any MMORPG launch. Some people just have a huge sense of entitlement and whine "me, me, me".


We are ALL frustrated by queues. BioWare knows this, and thus it's something they are working on.


It's weird, but you would think MMORPG players had more patience...

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Planets are instanced into groups of ~100 players each to prevent having to spawncamp etc. These instances will likely be removed a few months into launch.


Well that is not true at all. Yesterday 10pm GMT - Tomb of Freedon Nadd(most populated EU server) there was 180 players in all instances of Coruscant. (others planets of the Republic about 80-100

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you compare it cos a lot of ppl played it. As a fact of causality a lot more ppl will understand if you give em an example involving a something they had a previous relation before.


I guess i'm just tierd of people saying how great other mmo's are, and yet all they want to do is play Star Wars.. It just don't make ANY sense for me at all, if the other games they talking about is so great why waste your energi here? and not just go play them..


Oh well, maybe i'm not ment to understand everything :p:confused:

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This falls falls apart when u see 150+ in coruscant.


Well that is not true at all. Yesterday 10pm GMT - Tomb of Freedon Nadd(most populated EU server) there was 180 players in all instances of Coruscant. (others planets of the Republic about 80-100


Well maybe it's higher on Coruscant because there are more people, plus Coruscant is much larger, so it has more room for players.


If you click on the map you can see how many instances there are, and you can even phase over to them manually.

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Except nobody has paid for Early Access - and chaos is to be expected at any MMORPG launch. Some people just have a huge sense of entitlement and whine "me, me, me".


We are ALL frustrated by queues. BioWare knows this, and thus it's something they are working on.


It's weird, but you would think MMORPG players had more patience...


Its not about patience. Its about INFO.




And thats it.

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Well maybe it's higher on Coruscant because there are more people, plus Coruscant is much larger, so it has more room for players.


If you click on the map you can see how many instances there are, and you can even phase over to them manually.


That number is for all instances together

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Well maybe it's higher on Coruscant because there are more people, plus Coruscant is much larger, so it has more room for players.


If you click on the map you can see how many instances there are, and you can even phase over to them manually.


thx for the info mate!

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Its not about patience. Its about INFO.




And thats it.


They've said this time and again in the forum. In the launcher. On twitter. Facebook. In online magazines.


It's not BioWare's fault that people have the attention span of a fruit fly :)

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They've said this time and again in the forum. In the launcher. On twitter. Facebook. In online magazines.


It's not BioWare's fault that people have the attention span of a fruit fly :)


We are monitoring the servers. and pls reroll arent the same as saying theyre doing theyre best


4 hours in queue for freedon, 321

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Its not about patience. Its about INFO.




And thats it.


Agreed the masses will quite if we get a response, and not a BS one . Just come out and say what your doing, hell Ben admit if this is expected and planned and will get better by launch, month, 2 months etc. People left in a dark room will freak out, turn on a light and they calm down.

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2h 15min on TOFN which I expect to turn into 4-5 hours +. It's awesome to run a guild on TOFN.


gj BW with not letting us know anything, at all.


They did let you know something.


What they expect you to behave on forums.


And we are letting them know something. How we expect them to behave on theyre services from now on.

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2h 15min on TOFN which I expect to turn into 4-5 hours +. It's awesome to run a guild on TOFN.


gj BW with not letting us know anything, at all.


4,5h for me. Log in 13:31 (queue 1753) get to play .. now :) expecting client crash in 20 minutes :)

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They've said this time and again in the forum. In the launcher. On twitter. Facebook. In online magazines.


It's not BioWare's fault that people have the attention span of a fruit fly :)


Yeah everywhere but the one place game fans come together to discuss their game... gg BW. I think it's terrible community support when people just spend a minute to make some silly little update on twitter. How hard can it really be to make a proper sticky talking about the server queues, saying how they plan on dealing with and how long we have to brave these horrible queues?


Worst yet, us early access people are the ones who most wanted the game who most kept a tab on it and will most likely make up the backbone of the game in six months time when interest dies down somewhat. If launch day is anything like things are now, I don't think this game will be half as popular as it deserves to be. People will stick around because it's an amazing game and far better than WoW but many people just won't bother if they're going to be waiting 30+ minutes to login each time they want to play.

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"We are aware of long queue times on some select EU English PvP servers. If you are attempting to enter an EU English PvP server and are encountering a 2+ hour queue, we strongly encourage you to select a different EU English PvP server. Many of these servers do not have long queue times, and you’ll be able to get in-game much faster. We expect populations across all of these servers to remain very healthy, so please do not hesitate to select a server that has a shorter queue time to begin enjoying the game faster!

Allison Berryman | Senior Community Coordinator"


give us free transfers, guild transfers and we move to another pvp server (well.. only 2 pvp EU eng servers left with not FULL status). I do not think ppl can agree to start from 0 again when they reached 20-30 lvls in last days of hard playing, and they agree to separate from their guilds...

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