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Queue growing and growing and growing...


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wow new limit today, place 1462! this is starting to take the mick, this is early game access what about when I'm actually paying a sub and brought the game........ paying to sit in a que for hours then only get to play an hour before having to log out as i have family and work commitments, this isn't on! Edited by Ashley_Hollings
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People have a right to voice their utter disgust with it when they paid good money and someone else is making profit off of it. If you're defending something that doesn't work you're only deceiving yourself. Tell the kid who gets the game he's been looking forward to all year for xmas that he can't sit down and play because someone was bad at math, Or better yet decided to cheap out on the number of servers they appropriated for launch in order to save a few bucks in the short run, I mean how could they possibly know how many people who pre-ordered the game were going to actually go ahead and play it?

Best yet is the pretentious attitude as if this is everyone's first MMO or launch experience. Like long queue times are part of the experience you pay for lol. Ah yes I can't wait to look back with fond memories to how the queue times made me feel special, like I was part of something extravagant :)


Anyone could play if they wanted to.


Just sayin...

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wow new limit today, place 1462! this is starting to take the mick, this is early game access what about when I'm actually paying a sub and brought the game........ paying to sit in a que for hours then only get get to play an hour before having to log out, this isn't on!


U ain payin, the sub starts at 20th l2read. Also the first month is free so QQ less

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I understand frustrations, i understand your anger! but what i don't understand is why you talk about other bad mmo like wow? If you think other mmo does it better go play them then, i don't see why you need talk about other mmo in Star Wars forum, very annoying!


So please just STOP IT!

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This is an insane sitrep, seriously. Our guild was put on Hidden Beks, so naturally, off to that server I toddle...Only to be greeted with an hours wait to play. I can't exactly just move to a lighter server with the guild there so I just have to suffer this.

SURELY, surely surely, bioware must have done a bit of number crunching before this goes to general release? It's barely 3 days and i'm seeing a bank of red "Server full" messages next to most of the servers! There isn't much room left. If I have to suffer a 30 mins to an hour wait eeevery time I log in, as much as I love the game, i'm not paying for something that I can't play when I want to. I very much doubt i'm the only one in that boat either.


Please, for the love of god, Bioware, sort it out soon.

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I understand frustrations, i understand your anger! but what i don't understand is why you talk about other bad mmo like wow? If you think other mmo does it better go play them then, i don't see why you need talk about other mmo in Star Wars forum, very annoying!


So please just STOP IT!


No one said anything about doing better. What now? other MMos are Taboos? thats unreasonable.

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We expect the seller to take responsability as well as you would like us to "remain constructive" even if youre not giving anyinfo to ppl that trusts you. yes present. trust.


I love it that is the response we get for our complaints is to be nice and sit tight? LMAO Hey BW/EA employees any of y'all every been to a black Friday sale for a specific TV or Toy on limited supply and the store knows the crowd might get out of control but does nothing to fix the situation and the .....Well hey guys that's what ya got now so time to step it up and make plan B. y'all dropped the ball trying to make a cool idea of form a guild and it will be placed for us, that's why you should've just let the guilds all work together and place themselves on early launch. Good job guys.

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Yesterday i was logged in got kicked and went to return into the game at midnight and was placed in que 1300.

Today at 1pm i joined a que at 1350. Great i thought so this is the time i could be playing so instead i took my dogs for a walk, went and filled up my car with petrol, went to shops and got bread and milk and a paper. Saw when i got back nowhere near ready so did vacuuming and dusting then made a couple bacon butties. end of that i was still que 300+ and had been waiting over 2 hours. come the 3 hour mark i got an error and had to restart BACK TO 1300+. I looked at the other servers of the 30 English servers 20 where FULL . 6 where Very Heavy . 3 Heavy and 1 Offline. Great so do i have to have 30 toons made on all servers to get a game sometime within the day.

So of the 4 hours i had to play a game i played lets join a Que. I Know im british and we love queing but come on. The game isnt even out yet and come xmas when even more join what will happen then ? Not a single day hasnt gone by where i have to que. If it continues i can see alot of games sitting on shelves collecting dust and then developers will wonder why the servers are empty and the game dies. I joined the 2 servers i wished due to where guilds where i have links with and played have been told to go so if i wanted to move i couldnt.

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I love it that is the response we get for our complaints is to be nice and sit tight? LMAO Hey BW/EA employees any of y'all every been to a black Friday sale for a specific TV or Toy on limited supply and the store knows the crowd might get out of control but does nothing to fix the situation and the .....Well hey guys that's what ya got now so time to step it up and make plan B. y'all dropped the ball trying to make a cool idea of form a guild and it will be placed for us, that's why you should've just let the guilds all work together and place themselves on early launch. Good job guys.


What happens when a companie lose trust? It falls.


What happens when a lot of companies lose trust? the system falls.

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wow new limit today, place 1462! this is starting to take the mick, this is early game access what about when I'm actually paying a sub and brought the game........ paying to sit in a que for hours then only get to play an hour before having to log out as i have family and work commitments, this isn't on!


U ain payin, the sub starts at 20th l2read. Also the first month is free so QQ less


Read the post before replying dude..........

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you are all the same people crying about not being in yet a few days ago. HERP DERP!!!



80% of people wont be on at the same time in 2 months and they dont want empty servers. The only options are letting people in slowly or queues. YOU CHOSE QUEUES SO STOP QQING!

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you are all the same people crying about not being in yet a few days ago. HERP DERP!!!



80% of people wont be on at the same time in 2 months and they dont want empty servers. The only options are letting people in slowly or queues. YOU CHOSE QUEUES SO STOP QQING!


the servers are already empty. Read ppl saying its like a desert.

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all i hear is wahhhh wahhhh wahhhhh....Roll somewhere else. All these idiots who read the forums where the best pvp server is and everyone flocks there. And you don't expect a que? If it bugs you that much goto another server...


we don't all have time to be rolling in every server and actually getting anywhere

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seriously... the game has been live for not even 5 full days yet and you guys are saying i cant take this blah blah RAGEEE, relax for one its *********** video game youll be alright not like they are hiding your child and for to it barely even been out they cant just snap their fingers and instantly have all the server able to hand anyone


get over yourselves the world dont revolve around you.

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No one said anything about doing better. What now? other MMos are Taboos? thats unreasonable.


Someone said on pre post that other mmo did it better bla bla! i'm not gonna find these post's but it makes no sense to say other mmo does it better or what ever. This is Star Wars, so why talk about other mmo's ? and why in this post? this is about que, not about how other mmo does it.. How other mmo are! i fail to see how that helps anything by talking about other games..


Like wow people keeps compare every mmo even star wars to it? it's like it's a game you never can stop talking about..! Keep this forum star wars is all i'm saying, i don't care for any of the other's bad mmo, they don't stand any chance vs this great game. Just saying :)

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seriously... the game has been live for not even 5 full days yet and you guys are saying i cant take this blah blah RAGEEE, relax for one its *********** video game youll be alright not like they are hiding your child and for to it barely even been out they cant just snap their fingers and instantly have all the server able to hand anyone


get over yourselves the world dont revolve around you.


I dont see too many ppl ragging. Just people complaining on a thing that was sold to them. Just like when u buy a TV and its got 10 dead pixels. Youll complain. Oh and this game HAD a strange pixel. /lawl

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