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Queue growing and growing and growing...


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For the people responding with "u picked a server with a queue".


When i got in there was no queue on our server it was on normal/heavy (like all the rest of the eu servers)

Its the new people that are coming in during the day (server shows low/normal load during day time)

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Legions of lettow server, started at 1487 two hours ago. Im at about 500 now....i will not pay another penny for this game if this keeps up.


Our guild got placed on this server, we already have ppl above lvl 30 and ofcrouse they dont want to move now and we dont want to split out old swg guild that we spend months getting back togheter again.


Get better server, have a bigger cap. Else you will lose your customers.

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well.. I see one more problem - cuz queue issues, nobody is logging off even if leaving on more time, so even if they get kicked to character screen - they are logged into server, or they are using some" tricks" to move their toon all the time even if they are offline. I spoke with some players and everyone is trying to keep be logged. So other players must wait more time :///

and the problem will grow up, queues will increase cuz more and more players starting to do this, cuz they do not want to repeat such terrible waiting...

this is really crap...

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I have to agree it's insane to have such long queues so fast after launch. I know the easy way to react would be to griefe and troll on BW, but what I'm really hoping for is a quick solution.


Free server transfer is great idea, if indeed there any lightly populated serves left on this side of the oceanic. So build fast BW, and get some servers for those 100 of thousands still not in the game...


We're paying, so we want to be playing...

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The que on our server tomb of freedon nadd its atm 2200 its a wait time of what 4 a 5 hours... Its crazy I want to move my char to a different server with my guild and friends. Am lvl 31 allready dont wanna start all over again..


I think that it is also bioware fault by putting so many guilds on 1 server while they could fix the guild right in place so that the que's are low...

Fix it plz..

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Wait or reroll. Constant crying (not say you are but others) changes nothing.




Please, share with us your technical expertise on the current situation regarding SW's servers.


theres no need to explain anything "technical" wow servers on TBC could hold 3.5k. those are capped at max 3k. Its been 5 years.

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I'm going to go play. You guys have being stubborn and pretending like it's all the big bad game's fault you don't know how to pick a server.




How many more people need to tell you that they didnt get to pick they're server, they were pointed towards it by BW. You obviously have no guild if you think everyone should keep swapping servers when they get full. I have a job, a wife and 2 young kids, so i dont have the time to sit and wait or keep doing the same levels over and over just to play a game i have paid for. Just give up mate, your 1 person defending something that thousands are annoyed at and making yourself look like an absolute tool. And please be my guest and 'Go play' like you said, it saves us from your idiocy on the forums.

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Nice to see they are locking any new threads about queuing to supress any "bad news" appearing on the front page of the forums.

I am amazed there has been no official response regarding the problems people are experiencing on the wait times.

Is Bioware run by ostriches? surely no one keeps their heads in the sand for this long when the **** is hitting the fan.

Remember the problems Age of Conan experienced at launch,that game has only now started to recover from the constant bad mouthing across the net.

This game is going to get tainted real bad if BW arent careful,they have obviously forgot that people vote with their money if they aint getting a good service.

RIFT received far more kudos and patience from their players for the way they tried to answer all the queries regarding launch problems,etc and are still going strong.

Bioware seem to have an "elitist" manner around them as if they are untouchable,mebbe they will get a shock come the 20th of January 2012...........

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Nice to see they are locking any new threads about queuing to supress any "bad news" appearing on the front page of the forums.

I am amazed there has been no official response regarding the problems people are experiencing on the wait times.


There has. Most of you can't be bothered to inform yourselves apparently.

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i'll make an example, Wow. 7 years ago. Servers could handle more than 3-3.6k people. People have been doing numbers and its pretty clear swtor servers are capped at max 2.5k. Its been 7 years and nowadays a server with a capacity of 7-10k people would be the standard.


This is not a definition of a server, this is an explanation of how they have evolved and their capacity.

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Anyone who has not playing on Harbringer(US) or Tomb of Freedon Nadd(EU) .. does not know what a queue is :D ToFN queue is 2200 players at this time, maybe grow bigger as time goes on.(its 5pm CET - GMT+1)


Servers are heavily underpopulated because release date is on 20.12. for US 22.12. for EU. So, if you do not like waiting.. just... wait until the release date.. and than you can complain. But hardly any of you guys will stop playing this game.. admit it.


On the other hand, as a "victim" of the guild pre deployment I will appreciate a responce from BW , other than.. go play elsewhere. Not until there is guild migration. No one wants to move beacause he/she played a lot of time and no one wants to lose the progress he/she made. And (thats especially for me) No one wants to play same story for the 3th time. :)


Well... be patient guys (and girls) Bioware is not a bunch of fools who do not know how to deal with issues like this.


And in the end, I think nothing is going to change prior the release date. BW will not do harsh decision just because we complain on 300 pages on forums. The game is on for 5 days..


Just be patient , be patient... or make your character elsewhere :)


and remember


There is no emotion, there is peace.

There is no ignorance, there is knowledge.

There is no passion, there is serenity.

There is no chaos, there is harmony.

There is no death, there is the Force.


And if you want to change server... you can allways check Onderon Spynet




Have a nice day!


ps: waiting in queue for 3h 45m and only 191 people ahead !

Edited by Fanda
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"where monitoring the servers 24/7 is not a response" <- this was said by Rockjaw on tweeter. Lose yourself


Wrong again. You're on a roll!


Seriously if you aren't going to make the slightest effort to learn what's going on please stop posting. Thanks.


Where is this information?


If you give a man a fish...

Edited by Gohlar
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were are the devs why don't they give us information?!!


yes gohlar answer this with your superior (got an answer to everything) attitude.... Where are they then????



my bets are there in a que like the rest of us and we wont hear from them till monday earliest....

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Its no fix to get ppl to move to light servers cause there is no controll then that they will not fil up that server with ppl fomr another server etc etc..


If they would be serious they would move whole guilds and their allies and enemies to different servers and then lock them.


Depending that ppl themselves will solve this issue is a big joke

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Hi, at peak times The Red Eclipse server seems to be hitting just less than 1000 and its taking me over 1hr to get in. I dread to think what you guys with more than that are going through.


However I do think it will sort its self out over the next week or two, not sure whether they are raising population caps slowly to try and spread the load out or whether they actually are full with no room for extra peeps.


It would make sense if they were temporarily capped to get new players on other servers when they see the queue times, then up the pop cap the day after so people already rolled will get in.



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I love how reerolling isn't even a consideration.


Well if you refuse to work toward a solution I wish you fun sitting in a queue all day that you are voluntarily sitting in.




game servers are full to capacity, your solution is for anybody that has a problem with it to completely start a new character. yeah, no thanks. I just got to level 25 after days of playing all day straight, got my mount, i'm pretty happy with my character so yeah, I don't think i'll be rerolling.


thanks for nothing, gohlar.

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