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Queue growing and growing and growing...


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It's just so damn frustrating because i created my char on red eclipse on the first day of EGA when the server showed a LIGHT load, and now there's 700+ queue's to get into it.


If my char was lower level i'd re-roll him on another server right away.


I just can't understand people that roll a char on heavy or full load servers, you are only hurting yourself and others with it.


edit: typo

Edited by NoirNL
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My guild is located on Tomb of Freedom Nadd.. .


Last night it took me 4.5 hours to get in only to find out our server has been taken over by the Spanish.. I can understand this happening as there arent enough Spanish servers so they just take over another server.. General Chat wasn't all that bad though..


Guess you just gotta plan around the queue. I have to go to work in an hour, I just have my GF queue me up around 20:00 GMT+1 (I get home at 22:00).. If I'm still in queue, I'll just spend my time some other way till it's done..


Work around it people! The game is amazing and it's worth it imo..

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Just adding my voice to this as well - Red Eclipse (EU) 45+ min Q's and 1pm GMT. Tonight will be murder. Unacceptable, EGA or no EGA, it really is unacceptable. Add more realms and reduce Q's. When things settle in new year merge low pop realms.
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Why should i be punished for not being in a guild. I'm currently at a high level and have worked hard and done my waiting to be so. I'm not gonna be fobbed into another servers to start from LVL1 again just so you and your virtual mates can chat.




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I would say 90 % of the people in this thread have never been in a MMO release before. because everyone else who has are just dealing with it. I would rather wait in a que for a good mmo server them jump right in to one that will lose its pop in the first month. also for everyone saying open new servers and cap pop on all the servers just google warhammer online .
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I woke up this morning at 7 est to try and beat the que, i was still 278 when i logged in. Ive been waiting for about 40 minutes. I thought you could fit 100,000 people on a server with no lat issues. Im hoping they are just limiting servers for early access and it will open up when launch actually hits.
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30 min estimated wait time to Frostclaw when I started queueing, looking more like 50-55 before I get in. Been like this three days straight now...

Not gonna reroll on another server away from my guildies and friends, so a disconnect (not that I have had one yet, knock on wood) means no more swtor today. Just surprised that BW does nothing to ease up on the queues, this is definately not goodwill for them.

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I don't think making MORE servers will solve the problem, I think its a matter of Server Size. Think about it, do you really think someone is going to abandon there char?, they will just do what everyone else does, wait until the server population dies down, which it wont without proper solutions, such as increasing server size.
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I don't mind leaving my guild, and moving all my toons to another server if it means i get chance to login without a 30min to hour wait.

The guild i joined was a pick up guild anyway, i never got around to joining one on the website before launch/Early game access.


I recognise however in other MMO's server transfers are a revenue stream for the company, so maybe that is the issue.

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So it's 7am CTS and there's still a queue to get into Swiftsure. Like most others I was placed there due to our guild being placed there and not some random pick(Who would pick a realm that sounds like a cleaning product?). 200+ people with a 15 minute wait.


Maybe the realms that you are bringing online should have been included in the guild placement so that some servers like ours didn't become clustered. Maybe it's already time for free character migrations due to over population?

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I don't mind leaving my guild, and moving all my toons to another server if it means i get chance to login without a 30min to hour wait.

The guild i joined was a pick up guild anyway, i never got around to joining one on the website before launch/Early game access.


I recognise however in other MMO's server transfers are a revenue stream for the company, so maybe that is the issue.


Yeah I wouldn't expect to make it free permanantly. Rift did it but with an MMO this size it wouldn't be a clever idea.


Just temporary until **** calms down.

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I don't mind leaving my guild, and moving all my toons to another server if it means i get chance to login without a 30min to hour wait.

The guild i joined was a pick up guild anyway, i never got around to joining one on the website before launch/Early game access.


I recognise however in other MMO's server transfers are a revenue stream for the company, so maybe that is the issue.




Same here, if i had known the server i created my char on would get hour long queues i would have never created him there.

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Well to be honest the server I'm on has a nice long queue. I'd move but I'm coming to star wars as part of a guild from another popular game (who's name I'll refrain from mentioning). At the moment I figure the queue is worthwhile to run around with my guildmates, but if it grows over an hour I may well set up an alt on a quiet server, which will set me back in my guild.


What I'm trying to say is, how about giving priority to those who are guilded, I'd love you for it ;)

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que on swiftsure reached 1700 last night, 4 hours. this morning is still 200 que and other servers show light population. bioware assigned my guild to this server and we have 100 members. it almost seems that bioware assigned every guild to swiftsure and harbinger since they are the only ones with full pop in the morning and every other server has light or meduim population. they thing ppl wont choose these 2 servers because of the population but they will go where their friends are. there are also the unofficial oceanic servers so theres another entire continent queing for them as well.


bioware plz open servers for the oceanic region and offer to move the oceanic players if they desire a server

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