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Orange appearance gear ( not tool tip colour )


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Hey I'm Looking for a full set of moddable gear that looks orange when worn , the more orange the better . Anyone know of any items? It's hard searching torhead and the like with no idea of item names. It needs to be heavy armor too . any idea welcomed :)


(also no idea where to post this so feel free to move to correct forum)

Edited by draklite
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Aren't they adding an armor dye feature in 1.2?

(Hoping they didn't cancel that)



They were never adding that, but the match to chest option is back :)




The agent level 20 PVP gear is a bright orange trenchcoat, and one of the agent war hero sets is pretty orange as well. Also the republic flight suit. I can't help with heavy armor, sorry.

Edited by KrittaB
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What class are you? By your avatar, I'll assume trooper (or at least heavy armor wearer).


The TD-17A Colossus gear is orange iirc. It's even moddable for the most part. Sadly, it's a royal pain to find (I've only seen the pants on the GTN, and that was only twice I believe). I think it drops off mobs level 47 and up; I know I got my pants from a mob while doing the Belsavis dailies.

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