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Game Update 1.2 will be going live on Thursday, April 12th!


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They should allow us to preload the patch during maintenance. Some of us have average internet connections and 1G will take 3 hours to download.


Tell me about it. Heh. I live in the middle of tech-nowhere but that's my fault. I chose to live out here in the beauty and peace so it's worth it to me.

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Twas the day before 1.2, and all through the forums,

The usual bickering stirrs, with the occasional tantrum.

Meaningless arguments flying to and fro, without any care,

It's the interwebs, stupid! Only haters be here.


8 days to impress me, one poster taunted,

SWG was soooooo much better! Another commented.

TOR at 33% off? Ye gads it's a fail,

In six months' time, it'll just be a tale.


Now don't get me wrong, there's some anticipation,

For the legacy system, FP, and new operation.

There's even discussion, good and quite civil,

In "who TOR was meant for," a marked contrast from drivel.


I type this in jest, from from my olde cubicle,

When lo there's a tap to my shoulder, and a very icy stare.

I look up and there's my boss dressed in red,

"You're fired!" now I'm left to cry in my bed.

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If it wasn't, they would have delayed it.


Just like how they delayed it when they aimed for the March deadline.


I don't see how anyone can say that this patch ain't ready when BioWare are known for only releasing stuff when it is done. They already pushed back the release from March to make sure the patch is absolutely flawless and now it is. BioWare doesn't release stuff that isn't perfect.

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I don't see how anyone can say that this patch ain't ready when BioWare are known for only releasing stuff when it is done. They already pushed back the release from March to make sure the patch is absolutely flawless and now it is. BioWare doesn't release stuff that isn't perfect.


NO software or MMO on this scale is ever "perfect". That's statistically impossible. That being said, TOR still has bugs and weirdness here and there. And if it was perfect, it wouldn't be anything but perfectly tweaked. We all know the engine and graphics are a little bloated/clunky in some areas, though overall TOR is fine.


But, Bioware is known for releasing highly-polished single-player games. This is their first MMO. They had a very smooth launch compared to general MMO history, so that was a huge plus. But this is still an MMO, and still a first for Bioware in a market they had no prior experience.

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Sorry if this was asked in the previous 11 pages but do we know at what time the release will be? Will it be the typical 3 am-8 am (EST) release window? I gotta leave for work at 6 am and I was hoping to get in a little "TOR-Time" before I leave. :D
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Sorry if this was asked in the previous 11 pages but do we know at what time the release will be? Will it be the typical 3 am-8 am (EST) release window? I gotta leave for work at 6 am and I was hoping to get in a little "TOR-Time" before I leave. :D




Disregard....just saw the sticky.

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But they will be ready in 2 days? How much debugging/polish in those 2 days that they haven't done already up to today?


I'm not trying to troll. I'm genuinely curious.



Following up on this question:


How ready was 1.2?

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