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Went afk for 10-15 minutes, game automatically close!?


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I went afk for 10-15 minutes, came back to make sure I'm not booted off, then afked for another 15 minutes about to make myself some food. But when I came back this time I found my game closed itself!!


Now I have to wait in a 50 minute queue!


Why did this happen?


Because, if you didn't get kicked out, then you would be taking up the spot of someone who was actually ready to play. Derp.

Edited by scrynen
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I went afk for 10-15 minutes, came back to make sure I'm not booted off, then afked for another 15 minutes about to make myself some food. But when I came back this time I found my game closed itself!!


Now I have to wait in a 50 minute queue!


Why did this happen?


Your character did not move. So the game assumed you went AFK. This kicks you from the game to free up space on the server for someone else to log in. This is a standard of MMOs for quite a while.


Just go to the Cantina, auto run in a corner, and walk away.

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Ok...but what you don't understand is I only afked for like 15 minutes.


and the WHOLE game closed. I didn't just get logged out...


World of Warcraft logs you out after 30 minutes to your character selection screen, then another 30 minutes it logs you out of your account, but it doesn't close your whole game in 15 minutes.

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Bump your mouse with your fork next time you eat or make food. If you take a shower jump out at midtime after body wash to bump the mouse then finish washing your hair and pubes with shampoo. Unless you are constipated craps should be kept under 5 minutes. If you poop longer than 2 minutes anyway it reflects on a bad diet. Just don't leave your mouse unattended for longer than 5 minutes in any situation.
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Ok...but what you don't understand is I only afked for like 15 minutes.


and the WHOLE game closed. I didn't just get logged out...


World of Warcraft logs you out after 30 minutes to your character selection screen, then another 30 minutes it logs you out of your account, but it doesn't close your whole game in 15 minutes.


Sounds more like a game crash, I've been logged back to the character select from timing out afk before, but it didn't kick me off the server.

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